The hylozoism and the omnipotence of ideas

  • 2017

FOREWORD: matter, forces and energies.

In Baghavad Gita we find that God has four main characteristics or aspects. The Universal Form is the object of study of the pantheistic philosophy that identifies God with the Universe, the monad is the object of study of monistic philosophy that identifies God with the Soul, the Supersoul located within the hearts of all entities living, is the objective of mysticism, the spiritual Triad is the object of study of religions and esotericism.

In the Bible there is talk of omnisapience, omnipresence and omnipotence, the latter quality under the name Shaddai, pure ideas, layer twelve of DNA. Kant introduced us into the relationship of the immanent and the transcendent, that interaction is found between the soul and the mind when producing the manifested universe. The Master of the East, Buddha, gave us the concept of transcendent Deity, in Western teaching the concept of immanent God that Christ has formulated and conserved persists.

Desire is part of the nature of intentional systems and people are intentional systems, and there is no one who can desire something without also wishing to be able to satisfy it. The ability to satisfy all desires is an ideal that all men of all times necessarily share. Omnipotence is what could be called a meta-ideal.

In this article we will explain the hylozoist theory and its relation to the omnipotence of ideas, through a dialogue of knowledge between the Tibetan, Sigmund Freud and Russell Ackoff.

DIÁLOGO: idols, ideals and ideas

Djwal Khul: There is in our manifested universe the expression of an energy or life, responsible cause of the various forms and the vast hierarchy of sentient beings that make up the totality of what exists. This is the so-called hylozoist theory. That great life is the basis of monism, and all enlightened men are monists. "God is one" is the expression of Truth.

Sigmund Freud: Step by step the conscience of man has been changing from animism to idealism. Humanity has known throughout the ages three great conceptions of the universe: the animist, religious and scientific conception.

Djwal Khul: Between the lower-level psychic stage and spiritual perception there are three levels of conscious perception: The stages of psychism, mysticism and the occult. These manifestations of divine knowledge are linked to the development of energy centers and depend on it.

Sigmund Freud: Given these worldviews, it will also be easy for us to follow the evolution of the "omnipotence of ideas" through these phases.

Djwal Khul: The divine Siquis eventually manifests the three outstanding psychological characteristics of divinity: Light, Energy and Magnetism

Sigmund Freud: In the animist phase, man is attributed to himself, omnipotence; in the religious, he gives it to the gods, reserving the power to influence them, making them act according to their desires, in the scientific conception man has resigned himself to death.

Djwal Khul: In mysticism the revelation of light and power takes place, it is typical of the stage of adolescence. The sense of power makes man, at least temporarily selfish, dominant, self-confident and arrogant. The egomania is predominantly a problem of personality integration.

Sigmund Freud: Narcissism shows as an essential characteristic, the high value that the primitive and the neurotic attribute to psychic acts.

Djwal Khul: The psychological factors have to be faced, by the omniscience of the soul acting through the mind, but not by its omnipotence. The sense of power is only acquired by the effort to perform a definite magical work.

Rusell Ackoff: Omnipotence is ideal and is reflected in the fact that virtually all religions attribute it to the deity.

Sigmund Freud: The omnipotence of ideas is the principle that governs magic. The motives that drive the exercise of magic are nothing other than desires.

Rusell Ackoff: Omnipotence is an ideal, which if it could be achieved, would ensure the fulfillment of all desires, and consequently, of all other ideals.

Djwal Khul: Whoever discovers his soul is dedicated to magical work, to the salvation of other souls, through his willpower, desire formulated clearly.

Sigmund Freud: The expression omnipotence of ideas I owe to a very intelligent patient who suffered from obsessive representations and who, once cured, gave evidence of clear intelligence and good sense. He forged this expression to express all those unique and disturbing phenomena that seemed to haunt him, and with it all those who suffered from the same disease.

Djwal Khul : The world of occultism is the world of energy, of forces, of its origin, of its point of impact, and of points for its assimilation and transfer, or elimination.

Rusell: In the industrial revolution the two central concepts were work and machine. The work became conceived as the application of energy to matter to change its properties.

Djwal: The history of the world is based on the emergence of ideas, their acceptance, their transformation into ideals, and their timely replacement by new ones, rather than falling into idolatry.

Rusell: I try to convince the reader to share, the vision, the mission and the method with which we can create the new era: (the era of ideas).

Djwal: God in the machine is one of the mirages of third-ray people: active intelligence.

Rusell: The Age of Systems is a synthesis of the Machine age and its antithesis (that of ideas), which is still being formulated.

Freud: In our confidence in the power of human intelligence, which already has the laws of reality, we still find traces of the old faith in omnipotence.

Djwal: Intelligence favors the transition from intellect to intuition. We come to the understanding when we consider the relationship between our inner spiritual focus and our external service, by the constant effort to serve.

Rusell: Intelligence is the ability to increase efficiency; Wisdom is the ability to increase effectiveness, what differentiates the understanding of knowledge is reflected in the difference between growth and development. Growth does not require an increase in value; development yes.

Djwal: There is a difference between spiritual growth and internal development, between introversion and subjectivity. Introspection is characteristic of the thinking personality that always looks towards its internal mental and sentimental life, subjectively living means that the focus of consciousness is within and from there looks at the personality and soul. The spiritual is characteristic of the mystic, the esoteric is characteristic of the occultist.

Rusell: In social systems we find two categories: the way in which the environment affects the individual and the way in which an individual affects the environment.

Djwal: Introverts and extroverts. They mark the ebb and flow of individual experience and are the analogy of the small life with the great cycles of the soul.

Rusell: Those who are more sensitive to their environment, are oriented to the objective, who are more sensitive to the self, are oriented to the subjective.

Djwal: Self-consciousness is the result of the mental principle in people and when the principles of position, relationship and limitation in systems are studied, the intimate connection that exists between all groups within a group is evident.

Rusell: Leaders focus their attention on the type of systems called "organizations." Cybernetics focused their attention on the type of systems called "organisms"; but often they treat organizations as if they were organisms.

Djwal: Leadership in the groups that control the work of the new era will emerge from the discipline of the individual, and leaders will be drawn from those who perceive internal affairs.

Rusell: The product of an ideal design should be the system that seeks to achieve that ideal. This system must have the ability to pursue its ideals with increasing effectiveness in constant conditions or in changing conditions; It must have the ability to learn and adapt.

Djwal: Esoteric training focuses on true learning: the recognition of values ​​veiled by the world of meanings.

Freud: Art is the only domain in which the "omnipotence" of ideas has remained to this day.

Rusell: The ideal of omnipotence should always be able to generate images of a more desirable state than the one in which it is currently. The function of art is to provide these types of images and inspire us to pursue them.

EPILOGUE: systems, design and model

In the evaluation and recognition of the mind it must be remembered that the universe is neither magical nor mechanical; It is a creation of the mind and a mechanism of the law. But although in practical applications the laws of nature operate in what appear to be a dual realm of the physical and the spiritual, in reality they are one, operating under the law of attraction. Djwal Khul exposes his seven-ray treatise in terms of history. This is the cosmic mind, the sevenfold mind diversified in spacetime, each phase of which is administered by each of the Seven Rays.

Freud's metaphors were impregnated with the imagery of reform. The hydraulic model of the instincts that put pressure on freedom, the economic model of symptom formation, in which the neurosis is a transaction made between the opposite demands of conflicting impulses, was intended to expose and undo fate in the which our own history has placed us.

Ackoff capsules were conceived in an era of industrial post-revolution, in which the administration took the human place of cybernetics. Ackoff presents the difference between growth and development and clarifies the idea of ​​progress. In the post-industrial revolution, man seeks to develop and use instruments that perform mental work instead of physical: artifacts that observe (generate symbols), communicate (transmit symbols) and think (process symbols logically). Together, these technologies make control mechanization possible, that is, automation .

Ackoff tries to convince us to share the vision, the mission and the method with which we could create a new era: The age of ideas, as an antithesis of the age of the machine, the systems age being its synthesis.


Alice Bailey Treatise on cosmic fire . Lucis Trust Buenos Aires. nineteen ninety five

Rusell Ackoff. The Ackoff paradigm . Limusa Mexico. 2002

Sigmund Freud. Totem and taboo.








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