Archangel Michael. Channeling of Henrique Rosa.

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 May the great Trina and Creator Light be with you! 2 The main focus of the Angelic Hierarchies are the energies. 3 Our line of evolution is parallel and complementary to yours. 4 We are not exclusive beings of any group, or institution or creed, much less of any person. This is fantasy! 5 What we want is for everyone to conquer liberation and spiritual enlightenment. 6 Another fantasy is related to the fact that many of us were called "God's messengers." 7 We are aware that we need many other brothers and partners to evolve, since no one evolves alone. 8 When you have more awareness of the group units related to your evolution and your souls and spirits you will see that all this is very simple.

Channeled Teachings of the Masters of Light.

In Portuguese the Original.

May the great Trina and Creator Light be with you!

The postures of the old humanity create many distorted ideas in our respect. Based on this, many have given free rein to their imagination and created a series of rules for contact with us, they have even made us in the image and likeness of their fantasies and beliefs.

Obviously, we are not the product of the imagination of men, or of any artist or of any religion . We are spirits and souls as you are, we have intelligence, awareness, feelings, and we also have a path to thresh in which we have to perfect ourselves. Our experience and our experience may be different from yours, but our spiritual goals are the same. We are serving the same Light in the search for a union, a fusion with the Great Creative Light Trina and Una, like you.

Our line of evolution is a little different from yours, we have no physical bodies and that is why we are not imprisoned for the densest matter ; we have astral bodies, mentally different from yours, but our souls and our spirits are similar to yours.

The main focus of the Angelic Hierarchies are the energies.

Everything in the universe is energy in the most diverse frequencies and wave fulfillments, in the most diverse states of consciousness.

The new humanity has a more coherent vision in our respect and has reacted against the fantasies and images that have been disclosed about us.

In the past, many had contact with us and some managed to describe or portray in their works their authentic visions and talked about us and our work. Others used in their works some symbols as a way to preserve certain mysteries related to our line of evolution and that still could not be revealed in those times.

Today, in various parts of the world, many have maintained conscious contact with us, and among these are those who are doing very important work for the benefit of humanity, unmasking fantasies, dogmas, pre-concepts, and collapsing the barriers that were created by old and ultrapassed minds regarding our action in humanity.

Our line of evolution is parallel and complementary to yours.

We are your companions and we follow the same spiritual goals, we are serving the Light, the Great Universal Divine Love, and we seek to assist all souls, who are of the human line, of the ang line Only, from energy, or from other evolutionary lines.

All angelic beings are your spiritual companions and friends, they follow a parallel evolutionary path that reaches the same horizons that your souls and spirits also walk to reach.

We have our methods of development and ascent as you have, they are different lines. However, both your experience is useful to us, and our experience is useful to you. And the result of them, wisdom, we can donate it reciprocally.

The Aquarian Era comes to bring a strong approach between the path of men and the path of angels, a more intimate experience with a constant exchange. We can help in the field of energy balance of the bodies, which promotes healing on several levels, as we can also help them in the field of education and in the field of arts, in addition from many other fields where human action and angelic action can be joint and permuted.

You need to distinguish our energies, our vibrations, our techniques, and learn to discern between the energy of a Master, a Guide, a Mentor, a Messenger, a Angel This is very important, because we are very close to you and we have been very part of all your actions of a superior, humanitarian and spiritual nature.

We are not exclusive beings of any group, or institution or creed, much less of any person. This is fantasy!

As with all Beings of Light, we are at the service of the Light of God-Father and God-Mother Creators, aiding humanity for love and in the name of the greater Love.

Just as a Master attends to many disciples, an Angel attends to many souls and only makes contacts on the mental and conscious levels . Although many are still unaware of our presence, we are close to help them in their walk and in their services for the Light, so that they have a better and deeper performance.

The Aquarian Era is bringing an expansion of consciousness that has favored many human beings to feel our presence, our energies, our vibratory tonic. Our forms and names do not matter, the most important thing is that, more and more, a greater number of people can feel who we are through our energies, our vibration, our love, our action in the unity of the Light.

What we want is for everyone to conquer liberation and spiritual enlightenment.

Many, unfortunately, live the illusion that there are angels who submit to human wills and their whims and vanities. This is pure illusion!

We serve the Light and attend to the calls of the souls that need help, we never attend to the calls of lacking, vain and enslaving personalities.

We have seen many absurdities being pronounced in our name, which is very sad. Even sadder is seeing hundreds of people, if not thousands, clapping and running behind those fantasies . Until today many books whose titles and covers seem to be about something related to us, but that, in truth, nothing talk about us; they are factories of illusions representing human projections and their neuroses.

Many artists portray us with wings and others portray us without them. The truth is that we have no wings. For the human being, the wings are related to a notion of spiritual power, so he uses them a lot in his imagination of an angel, without even having the notion of who we are because he finds that a spiritual being can empower him.

The wings are very ancient symbols in humanity, they are part of the collective unconscious, and they are related to life outside of matter, detached from matter or totally free from matter . In this sense, they are not angels but many other beings are portrayed with wings to reinforce the idea that they are not imprisoned in matter.

Another fantasy is related to the fact that many of us were called "the messengers of God."

All spirits and all souls are messengers of God because they manifest God in many ways and are instruments of His action of love and wisdom, just as they are instruments of His creation. In truth, all living beings, on all planes and in all realms, are messengers of God.

You need to deepen the recognition of your divine nature, to know the nature of your bodies, your mind and your consciousness, to verify that we are all made of the same divine energies.

Try to feel, through meditation, our vibration, our essence, so that you have new experiences, because that experience will bring you wisdom.

Do not turn to names, labels, but to the tonic, vibration, energy.

It is essential that you develop group consciousness to understand why we were always with you.

In truth, many other Beings of Light helped you in many ways and you do not possess their conscience. It is a mistake to believe that your evolution is processed without the relationship with other beings from other worlds. It is time to stop to reflect on life as a divine and infinite creation.

We are aware that we need many other brothers and partners to evolve, because nobody evolves alone.

We have nine hierarchies in our evolution line and each one of them has multiple departments, with multiple beings that take care of several tasks. Our activities are numerous and we always work in groups.

In this way, our vision of service to the Light is very different from yours, we are always serving, always working, in a continuous activity and we use a lot of group action and group unity to achieve much of our goals.

We are a much more active and much more complex line of evolution than yours.

There are angels who take care of the spirits of nature, a mountain, a forest, a tree, a region, and there are those who coordinate groups of these beings .

There are administering angels that currently in various lines of action concerning the vegetable kingdom, the animal kingdom, and the elements (air, earth, fire, water and ether).

And an Angel is relating many angels and acts in union with them.

When you have more awareness of the group units related to your evolution and your souls and spirits you will see that all this is very simple.

Try to reflect on these words. Seek us to identify by energy, by vibration, and attune us through your pure feeling, your heart, your soul. We communicate with souls and not with personalities. We always introduce ourselves as partners, friends and brothers.

Look for our experience with us and do not avoid us with distorted information in our regard, today you will expand throughout the world . In reality, there are very few serious studies about our work and our evolutionary line.

May our Light join your Light!

Arc Miguel Angel

Spiritual Channel: Henrique Rosa

PORTUGU S-SPANISH TRANSLATION: Patricia Gambetta, editor in the big family of

SOURCE: Journal of Esoteric Sciences. A Universal Knower gives Feel. Henrique Rosa and Lourdes Rosa.

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