The Law of Faith and the Law of Conscious Creation, Archangel Metatron through James Tyberonn

  • 2012

Canal Arcángel Metatrón Part 3 Final Appendix) of 3 Segments on 'The Law of Attraction'

The Law of Attraction - Part Three The Law of Faith and the Law of Conscious Creation

Archangel Metatron through James Tyberonn

Greetings Masters!

Beloved, there is science behind the Law of Attraction and that science is the Law of Belief, of Faith. The Law of Belief governs what you believe in your lives. Within the Law of Belief there are the addends, the appendices of the situations that you plan and hire for yourself for your growth. Certainly the lessons that you self-plan are found through your confrontation and disciplined effort.

It is therefore essential that you realize that you are never totally at the mercy of events, you are not destined without the possibility of defense to face the inexplicable as a ship lost in the sea. Teachers, neither psychological nor physical events can manipulate or control you.

When you human beings fully understand the vast capacity of your brain to sustain a diversity of conclusive beliefs associated with your experiences, you will observe that you have an infinite series of choices. .

But for those of you who are stuck in old patterns and limiting beliefs, you are involved in a repetitive cycle of predetermined responses, including the willingness to block new solutions through the denial of a better idea or thought. In that sense if you do not learn from past mistakes you are self-predestined to repeat them. You will certainly repeat the cycle until you learn how the process of reaching the Divine Mind works. That is true for all humans.

You must challenge yourself to free yourself.

Three laws

There are three processes governed separately under the Law of Attraction. The three succinctly have different criteria for their achievement. Let us define the primary aspect of each Law:

** The Law of Attraction - Thoughts have a frequency and attract similar frequencies.

** The Law of Faith / Belief: Knowing beyond any doubt. You can only manifest what you believe is possible.

** The Law of Conscious Creation: The conscious ability to expressly focus objectives & events through the multi-dimensional mind in the Mer-Ka-Na.

Electrical Contract Settings

And so once again we emphasize that it is their beliefs that are projected to form their individual and group reality.

As we have stated in the previous messages on this topic, there are arguments planned by your higher self, the aspect of your Divine Mind, which can be referred to as configurations or contracts of the soul that you yourself have chosen as lessons for growth for help you to enter into greater wisdom.

With that reminder at hand, we tell you that karma in your words, is not a debt owed to each other, in the highest sense. But rather the Self, it is about balancing and balancing the Divine Self.

Let us also affirm that if you have a 3d goal or objective that conflicts with your higher self, it will not manifest unless you have chosen this as a lesson in growth. For example, if a human being desires wealth and that wealth is misused or stops the growth process, the higher self can prevent such a desire from manifesting itself. In some cases, human beings who have all their necessary material needs are forced to seek expansion.

Dear ones when you are in the confines of any experience that is not comfortable or that you don't like, you must understand that YOU created that apparent puzzle. Within this axiom, there are certainly, within duality, arguments in linear time that you must face. Whether one accepts it or not, each circumstance and each resulting action, although frightening, was self-created.

If, for example, in an extreme circumstance, a crime is actually committed, and an individual is properly sentenced to prison, those actions will be addressed and experienced. The sentenced prisoner cannot, in most circumstances of duality, simply evade them. Rather, it must face the duality that it has created itself in linear time. There are Laws of Cause and Effect in 3d that will continue to play.

Responsibility not only for your actions but certainly for your beliefs is a key part of your process of growth on the planet of the lesson. Owning both is essential. But by facing them, you can change the landscape around you.

Dear Human, you must understand that when you seek to avoid responsibility for your own actions, you generally do so by trying to give that responsibility, the `` excuse '' to another individual, group or cause. But in that process of shifting guilt unconsciously you surrender your power and and lose the domain that allows you to "re-create"

Similarly, as we have already explained in the second segment of this discussion, the difficulty that most of you have in accepting self-responsibility for your behavior lies in the desire to avoid the pain and guilt of the consequences of each resulting action. You don't like to admit your mistakes.

But in less obvious circumstances of lack of abundance and adverse relationships, you must not only change the nature of your conscious thoughts but also the belief in each of the expectations ... and then act according to those beliefs.

Unconscious Programming

You create your own reality of what you choose to believe about yourself and the world around you. If you do not deliberately and consciously choose your own beliefs, you are unconsciously programmed. You will absorb them without thinking from your 3D culture, teachings and environment. If you are responsible and serious for your actions, how can you afford NOT to question your beliefs? How they define themselves and the way they define the world around them, they form their beliefs, which in turn shape their reality.

Once you fully understand that your beliefs form reality, then and only then are you no longer captive of the events you experience. You simply have to learn the mechanics and methods.

Only when you believe and program those previous misconceptions to remove and replace them, is it that this integral field of the triad stops functioning by itself, changes and the action is completed.

In the process, thoughts must be harmonized with beliefs and followed by ACTION!

So we will dedicate the rest of this discourse to conscious creation. Given that you are advanced on the path to create consciously.

You are not at the mercy of the Circumstance.

You are NOT at the mercy of your circumstances, but that belief is curiously the reason why you mistakenly believe so. Take a moment to consider that. It is the Law of Belief.

If you believe that circumstances have caught you, then they will and will do so until you change that central belief. You are co-creators learning how to co-create. You are here to learn that you can and really co-create. One of its key reasons to exist in duality on Earth is to learn how to create responsibly and consciously. The fundamental teacher is often Dr. Causa y Efecto and this doctor makes home visits!

You reap what you sow and no matter how uncomfortable it is, adverse harvesting is the same means to consider what brought you here.

Leaving the circumstances that are caused by our psychology requires a disciplined and conscious effort to change what happens.

Once again the key is your belief. There is little difference if you believe that your current life is caused by incidents in your early childhood or by past lives over which you also feel you have no control. Their events, their lives, their experiences, are caused by their current beliefs. Change current beliefs and their lives change, not only in the present but in the past and the future in the same way. That is the creative power of faith, of belief.

Teachers regardless of the level of your Light Quotient, whether you are creating unconsciously or manifesting consciously, you cannot escape your beliefs. They are the enzymes through which you create your experience.

Brain and Mind Processes

Teachers the reason why most of the books and teachings marketed about the manifestation do not work is because they do not have the understanding of the deeper mind versus the 3 D brain. The majority refers to the manifestation of monetary wealth and In most cases, the only one that truly manifests itself is that of the one who publishes it through book sales.

There are many nuances in the texts, many unexplained aspects. Even when you expand your mind, you must optimize and balance the auric field so that the crystalline aspect that allows creation to work works.

The Key Principles in Evolution to Access the Law of Creation are:

1) Expanded Brain Programming - Knowledge in Belief

2) Liberation of the Control of the Ego-Personality in Aspect of the Divine Mind of Higher Consciousness

3) Maintain the Balance / Balance of the Electro Magnetic Field (EMF)

4) Activate the crystalline aspect of the Mer-Ka-Na of the Pituitary, Pineal and Thymus.

5) Maintain Balance and Clarity.

It is essential that you understand that the 3D brain, the aspect of the ego-personality incorporated into your physical 3D biology is programmed into an elementary coding for 'survival'. It is the survival code that introduces warning signs that imply precautions frequently experienced as fear and doubt. The frontal mind, the ego-personality aspect, is designed to dominate your 3D consciousness to allow linear time flow and survival within the physical plane. The challenge is that to rise above the 3 D consciousness you must leave the ego consciousness and flow into the Divine Mind within the Soul Seat, the portal to the Divine Mind.

The brain is in 3 D, the mind is of higher dimension and inside the higher mind is its Divinity. The brain operates in 3D and so to speak, its 3D programming is somewhat dominant in the field of duality.

It operates in a more confined paradigm and to expand it to the mind you must "operate" outside the box, to use your true creativity.

Clarity in Your Objectives

The importance of defined clarity is important in creation. You humans only partially involve your desires through escapist dreams of "Someday I will." That is like partially programming a computer program. Is it surprising to you that it doesn't happen?

Someday I will travel, One day I will be rich, someday I will realize my dreams ... these then become merely "maybe", spaced apart at a distance. So what you are trying to create always remains at a distance, on the one day you programmed. They did not place it in the present tense. Yes, the dream is the first part, but it must be clear, concise and followed by certain actions. .

Your brain has two hemispheres, one deals with the intellect, the other with emotion / feeling. The brain works through biochemical activations and stimulation. The intensity and clarity of a program of thoughts are extremely important for it to become a belief.

As you can see his brain is a living 3D computer. It must be treated with defined terms. It won't work with the "maybe" or "can I?"

For example, if one were taken to a deep state of hypnosis and asked, "Can the mind heal the abnormal condition (disease) in this body?" The answer would have been "Yes." But it is the empirical answer to whether it is possible for the mind to heal the body. It is not healing.

The Noble Path

Every thought produces a biochemical enzyme. That enzyme works with the physical and the non-physical, in synchrony with the programming. One of the exceptions to the concept of 'Ask and it will be granted to you, ' is that unless the question is channeled from within, in synchronization With the higher mind, it can have little effect.

So a human being on the path in a state of relative advanced consciousness may well neutralize from a higher position the desires that prevent him from progressing. Then there is a natural filtering for those is a state of grace. The objectives must be valid.

The most noble goal or goal is to learn the mysteries of life. Earn wisdom and mastery. But to achieve these goals you will have to accept certain pressures and stresses that are challenging. It requires discipline and willpower.

If they are lazy, they will not get there. They must take on the task to achieve it. So attempts to create a challenge-free life can be extremely in conflict with a learning life purpose. The objectives have challenges. Teachers do not plan lives without challenges.

The Mind is the Builder

The Mind is the builder and the focused willpower is the activator. The more responsibility they accept, the more their frequency will increase.

It is essential to learn to program the brain. The brain is a biological computer with 3 D filters and 3d programs that are rooted from birth. Unless you were born in a Tibetan Monastery, your programming comes from what we call socio-cultural indoctrination. Most of the social programming taught you to accept a very limited view of human existence and human ability.

They were taught to believe only what they can detect sensoryly through sight, hearing, taste, smell or touch.

Dear ones, know that the world of physical matter that you see around you is an image that you sensoryly interpret and project. They receive it in the eyes, it is transferred by the optic nerve to the brain. What is received stimulates neurons and a response occurs through a biochemical reaction that is thermal in nature.

Because you generally believe what you see, smell, taste or hear, you accept it, believe it is real. Then they decide if it's nice or not. The brain then releases neurons based on like or dislike. This is how your reality works and your attraction works. You are initially attracted to people who are attractive, have a melodious voice and smell good! Your sensory physical body says yes or no.

Similarly, the brain takes ideas or accepts them or diverts them, according to the parameters of the program. In truth, the brain is unable to differentiate between an existing event or a psychological event, such as a dream. In a multi-dimensional mind the two are the same.

And although the human brain is able to receive information and frequencies well above the 3rd. Dimension, most humans program it to reject anything above 3D frequencies of sensory compliance. The brain computer thus receives only what you allow it to receive.

In such limiting paradigmatic programming, the only parts of your brain that are activated are those of the right and left hemispheres of the brain of the upper part and the portions of the lower part of the cerebellum composing and imposing an activity level of only between 10 and 12% of the brain. Brain activity and processes in the neo-cortex of the cerebral hemispheres drive the main activity in the physical realm.

The majority of 90% of their brain remains unused, deactivated, programmed in a state of lethargy.

This is because any thought that does not fit into the limited programs of thought of your cultural programming or dogma, you self-divert. .

Expanding Your Belief Horizons

Here is one of the great reasons why The Law of Attraction does not work for them: limited belief of limited thinking programs. To be so narrow-minded is to be closed to the great possibility of anything that exists beyond the small frequency band that can be perceived through the five senses of your 3D physical body.

So how do they expand the brain. How do they open the mind? How do you reprogram the computer?

The answer is simple but apparently for many it is a very difficult obstacle to achieve. Is doing. It is through examination and study and examining and studying and wishing to open oneself.

Therefore the desire to expand itself attracts powerful thought frequencies that will allow for expansion. And then every Occasion in which you openly accept an idea that is beyond your accepted parameters, that idea activates yet another part of your brain towards a purposeful use.

Each time you do that, the expansive idea will offer itself as a transporter to expand your field of beliefs and to allow for greater Cosmic reasoning. That process sincerely repeated with study and meditation will attract new ideas. In the same way this cycle will activate other portions of your brain for further expansion, new programming and new reception, accepting Mer-ka-Na with a clear mind.

When you have no doubt, when you know and this is absolute ... It is Faith. It is through the expanded mind that you begin to take the steps to create your destiny.

How do you functionally expand the brain and open the doors to the Divine Mind?

It is not done with an enlightening realization flash. It is not a step towards the Divine Anointing. The sacred path to what you can call "Enlightenment" is achieved in deliberate steps or stages.

There are many in metaphysics who want to open the book of knowledge and skip everything until the final chapter. It doesn't work that way.

Start with self-exploration. Reviewing carefully what works and does not work for you. In this method you allow fresh and expansive ideas to enter the brain from the Divine Mind as thoughts of high frequency. Then you process it and contemplate it, experience the new concept, embracing it. Manifest it. They develop and drive it with emotion, and they live the new information towards knowledge and wisdom.

Static in the Field

The question that most human beings have in not changing their beliefs is the blind acceptance of 3D mental programming. You may have positive thoughts, think or believe in a positive change, but in your deepest mind you doubt that they may occur, then they will not occur.

Doubt is a block that prevents the manifestation of your desires. If you doubt, you don't believe. Doubt in the brain creates a biochemical reaction. Activate a neuronal transporter in the brain that flows from the Pituitary gland to the Pineal and blocks the 'door' so that it opens. The doubt is there because you do not believe.

As we have mentioned, the programming of the survival aspect of the Personality / Ego brain uses “fear” in duality as a warning system. Despite the aspect of duality, the double edge of that sword, is that fear out of context can reach many negative emotions including depression, doubt, hatred, jealousy and self-contempt. These are the entrenched negative aspects, negative aspects of fear and fear creates static in the auric field and can lead to atrial bleeding. As taught in the Metatronic Keys, the human Aura must be integral to be amplified in the Mer-Ka-Na. A fissured or destabilized energy field is unable to operate in the Law of Creation optimally.

The Biochemical Process

The images of the thought of faith / belief that surround you are co-created in the massive fields by all humanity in accordance with the macro, individually they are projected according to your ratio of light. These manifest in physical reality.

This implies a physical process. Thought frequencies are received digitally and are immediately biochemically propelled into the brain.

Mental enzymes are connected to the pineal gland. The Pineal gland receives them as geo-encoded light transmissions. Each image, each thought, is being interpreted and classified to its energy firm. They must pass through the faith parameter program after reception at the pineal. Your brain filters to determine what is real or unreal, credible or inconceivable according to the ratio of the light programmed in the brain. The biochemicals produced are produced with an acceptance ingredient or a rejection ingredient. As a consequence, they open or close the door to the higher mind.

These biochemists are sent as coded neurons and are the mechanism of delivery of this thought-energy that contains all the coded information necessary to translate any thought or image into physical reality, or not.

Thoughts that are congruent with belief go on to reproduce the internal image within the brain and through each nerve fiber of the physical body. So these are the initial gestation fires to form the new reality. The Pineal receives through the light frequency, each thought, each image that has a coded light frequency according to its vibratory wave pattern.

The next step is through clear mental intention, the willpower that will be directed by the acceleration of emotion and feeling.

Once this is done, the physical body releases the target in a digital code to the sublime body, the Auric Field intact in a semi-solid, frozen, projected and accelerated code of light from the chakra system.

The Aura must be intact and optimally reach cycle 13-20-33. Then it passes through the Mer-Ki-Va to the Mer-Ka-Va and the Mer-Ka-Na field. All driven by will. The clarity and intensity that you insert behind the desire of thought or objective largely determines the immediacy of its materialization. Once they learn the mechanics of conscious creation it is essential then that they use the genuine desire engine with the visualization of image and emotion to complete the process of physical manifestation.

The Law of Conscious Creation

There is no physical object around you, nor any experience in your life that you have not created. This includes your physical form, your body. Teachers, there is nothing in your own physical image that you have not created yourself.

Certainly if they could see themselves in other lives, they would be surprised to see how many similar physical characteristics they created in what could be termed as sequential times of life.

When they have Divine Wisdom, they can create unlimited kingdoms. When you have wisdom, there is nothing to fear, because then there is nothing, no element, no understanding that can ever frighten you or enslave you or intimidate you. When fear is given knowledge, this is called enlightenment.

You have a natural rhythm of existence in the physical and non-physical. They are his waking states and dream state. Dreams are one of their greatest natural therapies and are activated as connectors between realities and inner and outer universes.

Your normal consciousness benefits from excursions and rests in those other fields of non-physical reality that you enter when you sleep, and the so-called dream consciousness will also benefit from frequent excursions to the dream state of physical matter.

But let us say that the image that you see in both is basically constituted by mental interpretations of digital frequency fields of nucleus units of consciousness. The frequency that your brain receives is actually a digital code, a crystalline pattern of symbols (similar to what you call X s and O s), which you interpret and translate into images and emotions.

It is not so difficult for you to accept that you create your dreams, as it is to accept that you also create your physical reality, but you create both. You also determine whether one or both are real or not.

Re-Emphasizing the Doubt Block

The issue that most humans have in not changing their beliefs is the blind acceptance of 3D programming. You can think of positive thoughts, think of a positive change, but if in your deepest mind you doubt that they will occur, then they will not occur.

So we return to programming and its effect on the manifestation within the Law of Attraction. Doubt is a blockage that prevents the manifestation of your desires. If you doubt, you do not believe. Doubt the brain creates a biochemical reaction. Activate a neuronal transporter in the brain that flows from the Pituitary gland to the Pineal and blocks the "door" so that it can open. The doubt is there because you do not believe. The same process occurs in the acceptance of belief, hormones are released that have so far a non-recognition function to open doors to the higher mind when the code of light thinking is within the acceptance parameter in its programming. Do you understand?

La Pineal

Through the ages it has been known that the Pineal is the interface between the higher dimensions and the physical realm. It can be said then that it is the portal between the ego personality, the brain and the Divine Mind. It has been named by metaphysicians such as Descartes and Edgar Cayce as being the 'Seat of the Soul'.

The pineal has the shape, in broad strokes, of an acorn with a textured structure similar to a pineapple pine. It was recognized and understood by many ancient schools of wisdom The pineal, in fact it is represented in many hieroglyphs in Egypt and ancient Babylon, placed above the rod of knowledge carried by Osiris. Certainly the rod of Osiris is revealed as two intertwined cobras spiraling and being at the top of the rod or staff crowned by the pineapple 'pineapple'.

The representation of the kundalini energy of the 'snake' then rises to the Pineal. The heads of many of our statues of Buddha and Shiva show that part of the mechanism striated slightly with the shape of the pine tree. Even the top of the Vatican flag sketches the pineal like the conifer pineapple. Certainly its importance is recognized, and we tell you that in the Ascension the crystalline pineal is amplified.

The pineal is the agent of advanced knowledge towards the manifestation of reality. The pineal works with the pituitary to open the bridge, the portal between the physical and the non-physical, between the brain and the mind. Any knowledge that allows them to believe can only become a reality by first opening the pineal towards the Divine. It does so by interpreting the frequency of thought towards a thermal biochemical current through your body and opening the mind.

Your human brain transforms the thoughts that you generate into thousands of biochemists every second.

Not all thoughts of the normal brain reach their Higher Mind, as we have already explained.

We tell you again that the endocrine system is activating in the crystalline energy of the Ascension. The pineal, the pituitary and the hypothalamus in particular act as crystals and receiving and transmitting interfaces to the Mer-Ka-Na field, in both matter and antimatter, the physical and the non-physical in the Harmonic Cycle of the Divine interface . It is good to study the activation process, as an intricate aspect of the state of wisdom of Mer-Ka-Na.

The Divine Mind

Divine Wisdom comes from the Divine Mind, and when you allow the mind to take control over the ego-personality you attain the wisdom of Divine Creativity. It is this wisdom flock of knowledge that gives you the ability to enter the Law of Creation. Once you have entered, then you know what you want to create and take the necessary actions towards it.

The human body is an instrument that can be used to access the amazing and extraordinary energies of the Divine. But there are special principles to access the Divine. When the body is fully tuned, wisdom is achieved, the aura is kept in balance to achieve Mer-Ka-Na, and the doors of the Law of Creation through the Law of Faith / Belief and Attraction are open.

For this to happen, all systems must work in synchronicity, in balance. If you use your body for physical gratification instead of as an instrument to achieve the divine ... you will reap what you sow.


You are always the Master of each experience. Even in your most abandoned states of apparent lack of protection or helplessness, you are the writer of every apex of that experience.

Pero si ustedes utilizan la determinación y la sabiduría asumiendo la responsabilidad para reflexionar sobre esa situación y para buscar diligentemente la Ley sobre la cual la existencia está establecida, entonces ustedes se convierten en sabios maestros, dirigiendo sus energías con inteligencia, y dando forma a los pensamientos hacia un enfoque digno y de realización.

One thought attracts another. La energía Positiva atrae más energía positiva. Un pensamiento inteligente atrae a otro. De igual manera cuando moras en la la pena por ti mismo, en la depresión y temas de baja auto-estima, atraes más de esto hacia ustedes. That is the Law of Attraction.

Así es el humano conciente, el Maestro y ustedes pueden sólo evolucionar descubriendo en el interior del Yo las Leyes de la Creación Consciente; cuyo descubrimiento es totalmente una ciencia regulada. Se trata de un tema de utilización y aplicación, auto-análisis y experiencia.

Maestros, como se ha dicho, ustedes son poderosos seres espirituales teniendo una experiencia humana. Ustedes son verdaderamente Seres de Poder, Inteligencia y Amor magníficos. Cuando ustedes descubran eso, ustedes se convierten en el director de sus propios pensamientos y ustedes así tienen la llave para cada situación. En el Mer-Ka-Na, ustedes están optimizando la Ley de Atracción, la Ley de la Creencia/Fe y la Ley de Creación, que son las habilidades de lo Divino, en el interior de cada uno de USTEDES, las agencias de transformación y regeneración mediante las que ustedes pueden hacer lo que deseen.

Ciertamente ustedes pueden manifestar intencionalmente su mundo. Y al hacerlo experimentar lo que es llamado como el Reino del Cielo. La Creación Consciente y ustedes pueden hacer de sus vidas la experiencia dorada que desean con responsabilidad.

I am Metatron and I share with you these Truths. You are loved.

…Y así es….Y es así…

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Translation: Alicia Virelli

Traducción al español compartiendo la luz, Alicia Virelli,

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