Master Rowena Channeling of Eliana Vita.

  • 2019
Table of contents hide 1 May the loving action of the Cosmic Christ be able to penetrate your souls and your inner sanctuaries! 2 If you learn to look at each moment as an opportunity to live and expand that new life, you will strengthen your inner paths. 3 The personality is afraid of the unknown, is afraid of what is new, however the New Christ Light is feeding the soul so that it can mobilize the Forces of Creation in the personality, so that the fears that it carries They can be diluted. 4 The return inwards represents a reunion with that eternal friend, or eternal friend, who is nothing more than the Master, or the Master, who has been walking next to the soul for many lives, communing with her of the same forces, accompanying and directing the energies necessary to illuminate the natural paths where the soul must follow. 5 This is, and has always been the great search that every soul brings to each incarnation; His greatest joy is to participate in the spiritual ascension of humanity and the planet, and to have the opportunity to join other souls who act and work so that the New Light is anchored in every heart, mind, conscience of the members of this humanity . 6 If you observe life through that inner compass, you will conclude that everything converges to the Light. 7 In the sanctuary of your souls you will recognize life in the most diverse plans, you will learn to live in this new action and to act in life in accordance with all the forces that emanate to expand the mind, conscience and feelings. 8 The Divine Creation continually communes with the Light of your souls and your souls seek that this communion be eternal. 9 Think and reflect well as it is important to return to your inner sanctuaries and there you will merge with the forces of Divine Creation.

Channeled Message

In Portuguese the Original.

May the loving action of the Cosmic Christ be able to penetrate your souls and your inner sanctuaries!

In your inner nature you will find the revolutionary forces that are being fed by the New Light of Christ .

Through internal communion with your teachers and with your souls you will learn to manage these energies so that the force of the new life will lead you to a new consciousness .

By experiencing the new in your lives, you will learn to direct yourself through these energies and return to the natural path for the return to the union in the Light . From the internal transformations you will have a unique opportunity to unite with your inner Light .

This can intensify the forces that are in the soul and lead to live a new life on the levels of the mind, its consciousness and its feelings.

If you learn to look at each moment as an opportunity to live and expand that new life, you will strengthen your inner paths.

This is a time for great internal stripping, when you can look beyond your physical, emotional and mental difficulties, to the extent that you assimilate the new energies that the soul He is receiving, and they invite you to live the Greater Light that directs real life, which resides in the soul and spirit.

Therefore, in the moments of insecurity you have the opportunity to return inwards, in the search for the union with your internal sanctuaries, and to find a new direction, even in adversity.

The impediments, the difficulties can also serve as an alert to accelerate your steps and to resume the Way.

The personality is afraid of the unknown, is afraid of what is new, however the New Critical Light is feeding the soul so that it can mobilize the Forces of Creation in the personality, in order that the fears she carries may be diluted.

In the old world, personality receded from obstacles. In the new life that is emerging within each human being, the personality is in a position to have a new experience, insofar as it is oriented towards the Light of its soul.

Therefore, its positioning is new, once it seeks to transcend its limitations and achieve an experience of real union with the soul. At each stage of the process of internal unification with the soul, each experience the personality conquers opportunities to return to the Path of Light.

The New Christ Light is like a New Sun illuminating the path, expanding the horizons of the mind and consciousness, allowing the soul's action to direct life in communion with the Master's Light .

The return inwards represents a reunion with that eternal friend, or eternal friend, who is nothing more than the Master, or the Master, who has been walking next to the soul for many lives, communing with her of the same forces, accompanying and directing the energies necessary to illuminate the natural paths where the soul must follow.

To the extent that you can return to your inner paths, communing and feeding on the new energies, you will find the opportunity to expand your Light and allow a new life to be constructed, through the alignment of your energies, the expansion of your sensitivity of your spiritual faculties, as well as of the recognition of the spiritual conquests that you have made in other existences.

Aquarian energies are converging so that you can return to the awareness of who you are, where you came from and where you are walking.

A New Light is emerging and she is helping to expand the mind and consciousness, transforming the old human being into a new being .

This process, every day and every moment, is allowing to expand the Inner Light that resides in the spirit and soul of each one . It is a new moment for humanity and everyone will have the opportunity to expand spiritually, to merge and to commune with the Light.

This is, and has always been the great search that every soul brings to each incarnation; His greatest joy is to participate in the spiritual ascension of humanity and the planet, and to have the opportunity to join other souls who act and work so that the New Light is anchored in every heart, mind, conscience of the members of this humanity .

Today you have the opportunity to work all these energies, directing your day to day through your actions in practice, in the experience of your physical life to, in this way, fulfill your duties and obligations, material and spiritual.

You must work to bring that Light to the physical plane, to help your fellow men, giving more subtle colors and sounds in the manifestation of your inner strength .

When your personality believes that it cannot continue, this New Light emerges on the horizon of the soul like a Sun that illuminates a new scenario in your lives to be able to continue in your eternal journey.

Today you can live what is eternal in your being at every step, at every discernment conquered, through the recollection in your Inner Light .

To the extent that you let yourself be guided by the inner compass that resides in your heart chakra, you can raise your inner rhythm to a higher vibrational frequency .

If you observe life through that inner compass, you will conclude that everything converges to the Light.

All kingdoms are oriented towards the Light, and with them you can commune in the Light .

If you return your hearts to other souls, you will feel that many already share the same Light, which will lead you to feel the joy of living in communion with this luminous union that is eternal.

You will also feel that many souls shout for Light!

But many disciples of the Light already have the strength to transmit it to their brothers, they can already experience unity with many beings who work for the evolution of all the souls of this humanity, as they can also commune with beings that act in the evolution of all the kingdoms, in the construction of a new life that shines, that builds, with a new dynamic in which the renewal is continuous .

Thus, we have the birth of a new mind and a new body, because there is an expansion of the Light of the soul, which acts in tune with the new cosmic forces, which communes with all realms, both superior and inferior, and which It feeds on all the Forces of Divine Creation, since it is part of it and evolves through it.

In the sanctuary of your souls you will recognize life in the most diverse plans, you will learn to live in this new action and to act in life in accordance with all the forces that emanate to expand the mind, awareness and feelings.

Only then will you rediscover the being that you are and will be aware of your ability to transmit all the loving force of God-Father, God-Mother and God-Son .

You learned to move the loving energies of Creation in internal action and in communion with all the forces that nourish life.

You must return to your inner sanctuary, unite with the superior forces and with the Light of the Soul to commune with your eternal friend, the Master or the Master who accompanied you life after life, welcoming, feeding them, healing your internal wounds so that you can continue on the Path of Light.

You will have the opportunity to live this evolutionary, unique, very valuable and precious moment , to carry out your action in the Light, to work for the illumination of your souls and your fellow men; expand your Inner Light to radiate it and help in the expansion of the Light of your brothers, and thus become servants of the Divine Light.

The Divine Creation continually communes with the Light of your souls and your souls seek that this communion be eternal.

Evolution is not a lonely road, but a group one; there is an infinite communion with all the most evolved beings and a continuous union with all the less evolved beings, so that all remain evolving in the same planetary, solar and cosmic chain.

You will have the opportunity for the physical plane to walk in communion with the Greater Light, which is going down and penetrating the densest levels, favoring all souls who seek their spiritual liberation and enlightenment.

The new human being that is emerging will commune with the Light and will also become the Light, will administer and share these new luminous energies with the Divine Creation, for the expansion and benefit of humanity .

Think and reflect well as it is important to return to your inner sanctuaries and there you will merge with the forces of Divine Creation.

This internal action will be directed by its Masters, by the Christ Forces and by all the higher energies that are favoring the evolution and enlightenment of that magnificent and Great Being called Earth.

When you turn within yourself and immerse yourself in the inner sanctuary of your heart, you will find the New Christ Light and, from the moment you merge with it, in a loving act of union, you will never be the same, for you you will tune into a new action, a new guideline for your life and for your spiritual evolution.

May my love involve you and bring you to a real harmony with your true spiritual capacities, so that you may be unified with the superior forces that feed your lives.

May you merge internally with them, so that your souls can expand their Light and bring the joy of continued communion with your Master, or your Master, who lovingly takes care of your spiritual evolution.

May my love wrap you and protect you forever!

Master Rowena

Channeling of Eliana Vita.

PORTUGUESE-SPANISH TRANSLATION: Patricia Gambetta, editor in the great family of

SOURCE: "Journal of Esoteric Sciences." A Universal Wisdom gives Sit. Henrique Rosa and Lourdes Rosa.

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