Energy hurricane of 7.8 in the sidereal spectrum, its purpose, sweep the polarity and reach a new evolutionary step in Unity.

  • 2017

Today, December 3, 2017, we have just gone through an energy hurricane of a magnitude of 7.8 in the sidereal spectrum.

Energy Hurricane December 3, 2017

What does it mean? Something so powerful for the planet and humanity, capable of sweeping everything that is no longer needed. Leave our past behind in polarity.

Many are the experts you have in meteorology and quantum physics, but this spectrum is not yet able to measure it. Energy measures are measures of force in the Theory of Love.

They are scales not known for the figure of human beings, but it is possible and known in other higher dimensions. Specifically in the field of Angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters. They are tools and mechanisms used in the path of the Ascension of Humanity.

This information has never been provided before. Now you are ready to speak to you in these terms, for your awareness has increased and so has your understanding.

This energy hurricane comes from the Central Sun. The amount of ejected mass is such that it is projected on the Earth's axis and expands throughout the entire planet, affecting both the Earth and other planets and Universes.

Such is the energy movement, which requires a lot of rest, introspection for human beings and thus facilitate the assimilation of these new energies.

It is about diamond energy, which projects and amplifies the Christ Consciousness of the planet and your hearts.

Do not fear changes, this is a message of tranquility and peace, because after and after the movement, peace and calm of the heart always continues.

When old energies are swept away, past energies, the trance is of inner chaos and also in some occasions of outer chaos, because as in every hurricane some things move from place. That is precisely its purpose!

Move to another frequency, to a new step in humanity, so that love is the force that governs your lives.

It is happening quickly, so that frequencies are assimilated as soon as possible. Nevertheless, each one will do it in his moment, in his own way and for his greater good.

Everything moves the force of love, the strength of the heart. It is time to love and expand this love.

It is time to release the bonds to pain, to empty power, to the corruption of a world that lives under the bonds and the influence of the virus of attachment and polarity.

Duality, what is being dual?

To be dual is to live under the needs, under the influence of uncertainty, of internal chaos, to find the means of sustaining oneself in the face of adversities and the crosses of life.

What is living in Unity?

To live in Unity is to live under the mantle of love as a way of life, trust, certainty, the certainty that it is the way to go, continue the path that marks the compass of the heart, continue to heal, to improve, to advance this is about living from the heart.

Sometimes, we confuse the terms of living from the heart with living in a state of continuous positivism and it is not so, we are very confused if we think so.

It is a mere thought, you can check it again and again, until you understand it from the heart. Breathe it, feel it.

Can't you explain in words what happened?

Something has changed in you, when you feel the depth of the term live from the heart n . It is, it is about flowing with life, following your intuition, that true certainty that your heart gives you.

There is a way to know, and it is very simple, when you make a decision and you don't know how to explain it from reason or impulse, your decision is given by the heart.

All at once, aligned, mind and emotion at the service and order of the heart.

There, your functioning of life has changed, there begins your new way of life, there you work in Unity, in fifth dimension .

Every time we are more the people and beings that follow this format of life. Increasingly aware of what is happening around us, this is life from the heart.

I invite you to turn it on, I invite you to expand and propagate it, I invite you to put yourself in “ON” mode.

Much is happening in humanity, many still mental and emotional unknowns, but few from the Force of Universal Love, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, the Force of God Father / Mother Heavenly King .

Here its strength reaching all the earthly confines, to all hearts, so that they are activated and live from the light, peace and love of the heart.

Today is a sacred day like everyone else, because life is a sacrament and our sacred acts to evolve.

Let these acts be sublime, wrapped in heat, love, meaning, give them the importance they entail, let us become aware of them from the prism of the heart, to make them a reality, a humanity from the Unity of the heart.

With love and much peace from the heart, I am, Mary Magdalene

With love, Ana Jesús Murillo.

AUTHOR and EDITOR: Ana Jesús Murillo. Editor in the big family of

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