The Journey of the Divine Human - White Celestial Beings and Archangel Michael

  • 2015

White Celestial Beings:

All periods of Ascension on Earth are both beautiful and magnificent; however, for the Souls of the Earth as well as for those of the internal planes it is intriguing and interesting to observe and witness the Ascension point that has now been reached by Humanity. As you know, the Crystalline Energies are creating a Wave of Light and linking it with the Earth and with all Humanity, to create purification and powerful liberation processes, through which habits, patterns are being erased and / or completed. and growth lessons that have been present throughout many lives, to manifest new energies from within your Being. The new awakening of energy from within your Being and your Soul, means a new phase of existence for all on earth; indeed, the Creation of a New Reality. It is important that you remember that your reality is not outside of you, it is created from within your Being, from your consciousness, your beliefs and your perspectives. The meaning of a new reality is not that the World around you is suddenly transformed and renewed; it means that your consciousness, your beliefs and your perspectives will be altered and changed, giving you the impression and allowing you to recreate and recognize your external reality in new ways.

While the Crystalline Energy is paving the path of transformation, the Goddess Energy is awakening more fully in the Creator's Universe and in your own Self, manifesting your creativity and wisdom to inspire healing and the new energy awakening from within. The Energy of the Goddess is encouraging you to recognize yourself with new eyes, as a greater manifestation and expression of the Creator. Your purpose on Earth is to express the Creator, it is a mission that fills you with joy and satisfaction to all, because your natural existence is to be in unison and in Oneness with the Creator, whatever title you use to define the Creator. The Energies of the Goddess are encouraging you to remember the beauty of the Creator, so that it can be transformed into your consciousness and into your Being, projecting accordingly towards your reality.

With these 2 Sacred Energies and the support of the Creator Universe, the time of the Divine Human is dawning and manifesting on Earth from the Souls of many. It is time to recognize yourself as a Divine Human, which means that your physical body is transforming to unify with all aspects of your Soul and the Creator. And most importantly, you are being invited to let go of your Being the Human aspect and consciousness; And you are already doing it. This is not to get rid of the physical body, but rather to let go of Human consciousness, perspective and knowledge, to replace them with a Divine Consciousness that will manifest in harmony with your physical body. In the next few years your physical body will be dramatically altered as it takes on more Light and merges extensively with your Soul and the Creator.

This can be called Ascension or Illumination; and yet it is something that has been experienced very rarely on Earth: The fusion and marriage of the physical body with the Divine Essence. You are already experiencing this, you know that you are a Soul in a physical body; however, larger aspects of your Soul will discharge into your physical body, causing your body to advance and reach its greatest potential. This means that your physical body will no longer be restricted, that you will develop new skills and abilities; and new freedom

Now Archangel Michael wants to share with you a story that highlights the transitions that you may have made in the past; and why they are still relevant. Archangel Michael also shares with you the journey you are all doing to become Divine Humans on Earth; the marriage of Divine Consciousness with the physical body, which is transforming into a Divine Physical Body. In the message of Archangel Michael there are many messages of growth; so please enjoy it.

Archangel Michael:

A very beautiful, powerful and radiant Soul manifests on Earth in a physical body. We will call her Jos, allowing the Soul to take a male physical form. Now Jos is totally adult and has spent a lot of time discovering and learning from the World that exists on Earth. There is still the Light that was so bright at birth, but Joshua is no longer aware of this aspect of his Being ; His mind and his Aura have been filled with other ideas, distractions and desires. Jos feels that something is missing in his reality, he feels nostalgic for something, but he cannot specify what he needs so much. He feels a sadness inside him, even when he is doing well in life and is happy.

Jos decides that he should allow himself to escape and embark on a journey, he does not know where to go, nor what he will do, but freedom gives him a feeling of excitement and excitement. He decides that although he wants to travel, he will walk everywhere to depend solely on himself. Jos begins to pack some bags ; Without knowing how far he will go, or where he will go, he packs a lot of clothes, survival tools, and even books to get distracted on his trip. He leaves home loaded with suitcases, but cannot feel his weight; his enthusiasm drives him; and the knowledge that you will need all these items allows the suitcases to feel extremely light. Start walking vigorously; He is not sure where he is going, but decides that his decisions are creative.

Gradually, the suitcases begin to be a burden, their enthusiasm has diminished and they begin to curse the suitcases and curse themselves for carrying them. He no longer feels free but tied up, just as he felt before leaving. He sits down and starts digging in his bags and throwing away unnecessary things, until he has a small suitcase that has the basics to survive. Leave unnecessary items at someone's door, with a note that says take what you want and share the rest. He is enthusiastic again. After a long day of creative decisions, he is close to a river and decides to rest against a tree. He takes out his book and starts reading, immersing himself completely in the fantastic World of the book. The wind begins to blow through the trees and along the river bank; and drag your book across the floor. Leave the book and snuggle in your clothes for heat.

Josh has very few belongings and the day is getting dark, he begins to wonder why he wanted to escape from his reality, why he thought that the current reality he created would be better than his previous reality. He still felt like he was carrying lots of bags, lots of loads; and he wondered if there was any beauty, freedom and excitement in the reality of the Earth to experience. The wind continued to blow strongly through the trees, while Joseph shrank in his clothes, looking for warmth and comfort. He felt as if the wind spoke to him even if he didn't hear any voice. The wind was showing him that he should allow him to carry all his burdens. Joseph began to think about all the things he had done and that embarrassed him; and just let the wind take them away. Then he contemplated all the performances in which he had experienced pain and sadness; and allowed all those emotions and energy wounds to be swept by the wind. He wondered what else there was to let go; and he realized that with the gust of the wind he should send his forgiveness to the people whom he had in the past blamed for hurting or harming him; he had allowed to be hurt.

He already felt his body much lighter; and he could feel relief from the sadness he had always had; however the wind was still blowing hard around him. So he accepted the challenge of letting go of what was missing.

He realized that by just embarking on this journey, he had detached himself from the people around him; He still loved them deeply, but now he knew that if he had to be on his own, he would be perfectly happy and could take care of himself. Still heavily shrunk, he realized that something required his attention. He had to let go.

He had to allow the wind to take away all his perceptions of himself, the ideas that had formed on himself; good or bad, the way he talked to himself, the things he liked and disliked, as well as his dreams and desires for the future, which he had built in his mind from the influences of his personality and others. Slowly, he began to release himself physically and energetically. He was happy that the wind would take large pieces of himself; and eagerly hoped to see what would remain.

He broke into a sea of ​​tears, it was extremely painful to abandon certain ideas of himself, but he was also very full of joy and freedom. He realized that all his life he had been hoping to accomplish this; and he knew that he would continue to achieve it in the future.

When he fell asleep he began to dream of a tree that sprouted from the ground of the Earth. I watched the tree growing more and more in strength and character. The tree had its life tied to a site; and yet in that reality he had a lot of freedom. Then it felt like a tree sprouting from the ground of the Earth, next to the first tree. He could feel in his body the worry of growing too close to the other tree. As he grew taller, his anxiety grew. Then the wind blew again and reminded him to let go of his anxiety and just watch. Joseph allowed the wind to take away his anxiety and worry; To his amazement, he began to merge with the first tallest tree. As he entered the energy and consciousness of the first tree, he realized that he had accepted in his Being a great freedom.

Although he could not leave his place, he felt strong and free of burdens; his mind, his heart and his emotions felt clear inside. Nothing bothered him anymore, he understood that he didn't have to be like other people, he didn't need to have what others created, he could simply be himself and be happy in the reality he created for himself. He knew that if any energy, thought or emotion that defied the freedom and peace he had created arose within him, he could simply ask the wind to take him away, provided he was prepared to deliver it to the wind. He appreciated that he could live happily with many things around him or with the basic things. He also realized that if it started to rain, hail or snow, he could still be happy; and that external experiences could not destroy the peace, strength and freedom he had manifested within. Freedom gave him enormous joy that only filled him with even more courage in his convictions.

He received the Sunlight while it existed as a tree, had adopted all the consciousness of the first tree; and now he felt enormous unity and connection with everything. The Sun seemed to increase its brilliance; It was as if thousands of lights were dancing around him. He imagined opening his chest to the Light and allowing it to flow into his Being.

He suddenly woke up from his sleep, was in the morning and had been asleep all night with his back against the tree trunk . His body felt electrified, humming with Light. He wondered if it had all been a dream, but he remembered the pain of exploring his energy.

From within came a certainty: You have freed yourself from the influence of the Consciousness of Humanity! You have given yourself freedom to think and feel as you wish, not from your personality and the influence of others, but from your Soul. I am your Soul and I am here to guide you forward! My mission is to merge with your physical body so completely, that we represent on Earth the Creator in a Sacred Physical Body, with Divine emotions and consciousness . We are manifesting the Divine Incarnate in order to inspire everyone to remember their truth; and thus achieve the same. Now let's embark on the real journey together:

In your dream you merged with a bigger tree; that tree was I, your Soul; We are a Joseph. Watch your body loaded with Light and transforming beyond your imagination. Observe your heart and mind: They are open and clean because the Creator Consciousness penetrates them. My energy is always here to guide you. Remember that nothing on Earth can create an identity; Your true identity is your Soul and the Creator, you know this in your mind.

Now is the time to experience it!

Joseph got up, stood up and stretched; It felt different. "What should we do?" He asked himself; and the answer came instantly.

With Divine support,

White Celestial Beings and Archangel Michael.

TRANSLATION: Jairo Rodríguez R.

Energy and Spiritual Consulting

AUTHOR: Natalie Glasson


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