11:11: The Diamond Grid and the "Sacred Heart" of the Planet The Sacred Union of the Energies of Christos and the Magdalene, Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

“Because his Heart is the Creative Matrix of the New Earth. They will create from and through their Heart. Together, in cooperation with all the other Hearts that are on the grid of Love, they will create everything they want. ”

Dear Lightworkers, this was the message we gave you on the 10:10 portal, when you went through what we call "the Diamond Threshold" to a new and radiant level of consciousness. Now we can tell you that at this time, 11:11, the Diamond Grid has stabilized on Planet Earth. You, with your concentration and intentions, have healed and created around the planet this grid of energy from the heart, in cooperation with the Spirit and the Angelic Realms. The work is complete. And now, thanks to the Diamond Grid being stable, the Sacred Heart of the Planet has once again stabilized and been able to open and beat with the love of the Source that comes to you through the Heartbeat or pulsations of the Great Cosmic Heart. Dear Lightworkers, we cannot tell you the Joy you feel in the Higher Realms of Angelic Love by seeing again the Sacred Heart of the Planet revealed in Perfect Love. Truly the planet is entering that wonderful and blessed state of the Sacred Union, where the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine are in Perfect Balance.

Such balance creates the power and energy for the Creation process in a balanced and perfect way. Dear Lightworkers, we know that you have had to strive to create in a balanced way, which has been due to the lack of balance on your planet. The mental or mind grid had become too strong, so the creations that come from the Heart were not able to manifest with balance and purity. Therefore, no matter how much they tried, they never seemed to find the path of balance and harmony. But, after the last years of your transformation, you have opened your Hearts and have agreed to sustain the energy of the Heart so that the Grid of the Heart could once again become a bright and beautiful reality on your planet. And we know, dear ones, how hard they have had to work to sustain that energy until it has been connected from Heart to Heart. We have seen how they have opened their hearts to the Divine Feminine and others. Thus they created the shining grid of shining Diamond Light that today, from Heart to Heart, surrounds the Planet. In addition, this Grid of the Heart, which radiates Divine Unconditional Love, will be the Grid that provides the foundations of the New Earth. On this Grid they will create in Love and Harmony and with Divine Grace.

Therefore, dear ones, we celebrate with you the brilliant Diamond Light and the Glow of 11:11. We see this Glow surrounding your Planet now that the Grid of the Heart is again stabilized and taking shape. On 12:12 of this Year ... On this Grid will be completed The Union or Sacred Marriage, and the Creation of the New Earth will leave this Divine Sacred Union.


This will be a time of great joy and power, because Balance will be maintained. The Balance will return. The Female Archetypal energy that sustains the Balance of the Cosmos, the Great Goddess, Ma'at, will once again sustain the Balance of Love on her Planet. And all Life will return to recover a state of Balance and Divine Love. You made that Choice for yourself!

Dear ones, in the coming weeks we will give you a meditation on the “Sacred Heart” that will allow you to work individually with the energies of the Sacred Heart that you have inside and, therefore, also work with those energies to prepare the planet for 12: 12.

In this time when you return to Balance, we ask you to look at the one between the masculine and feminine energies on the Planet. First, dear ones, with the help of the Indigo Children, they worked to establish the Christ grid or the Christos on the planet. It was a grid of pure consciousness and Higher Consciousness, representing the Divine Masculine energies. Inside it housed the energy of the Spiritual Warrior, making it possible for you to attain your Freedom to create outside the limitations of the three-dimensional mental matrix, creating from the power of your I AM essence. He made it possible for them to connect with the Power in their being and open themselves to receive more and more Light in him.

Then, other of you opened your Hearts to the Splendor of the Divine Feminine. With the help of the Crystal Children, they welcomed the Goddess and honored her in their Lives, in their Bodies and in their Hearts. They re-created a space for her in their Hearts. And they accepted it in all their Solar Manifestation, with their power to create, their passion and their sensuality. And so, the Grids of the Magdalene or grids of the Goddess, which were closed and hibernated, were reactivated and subsequently cleaned and filled with Light. It was not an easy process and in this year of 2007, many dedicated Lightworkers traveled to sacred places around the planet with the express purpose of cleaning the Magdalena grilles and reactivating the Goddess's energies, so that the Heart Sacred Planet could wake up again. Thus it would also be possible to awaken the Sacred Heart of every human on the planet who has chosen to live in the Reality of the Fifth Dimension of Interconnected Divine Love.

With this, the work is done: the Diamond grid shines around your planet and the Sacred Heart shines with brilliant splendor.

We ask you to see both grids mixing together, the Christos Masculine Flame and the Magdalena Flame Feminine. They are like alternate beats within that unique heartbeat that, when joined, they come to create that perfect moment in which Two Flames of Love merge to Become One in the Manifestation of the Love of the Source that you call Call Twin .

And in addition, dear Lightworkers, in case you are wondering about the meaning of this for you and your planet, we will tell you that you will begin to feel the return to him of a deep love, the return of softness and tenderness. You will begin to feel the flow of love and care that come through the grilles of the Magdalene by elevating your Hearts and Spirits. The time to fight will have passed, and you will feel how sustained and loved you are for the energy that flows from this new Diamond Grid of the Heart. Dear ones, we ask you to open your hearts at this time! Only with an Open Heart will you be able to connect with the Diamond Grid and feel the flow of the Energy of the Heart when it moves through you and the surround yourself with the Love and Grace of the Creator and the Abundance that comes from Love.

You will see this with the eyes of the Heart, not with those of the Mind. In time, your mind will come to accept the Love and Support of this Glowing Grid. I will come to feel the Love that springs from the Sacred Heart of the Planet. Then, Humanity will awaken the Love that is within each and every one of the Sacred Hearts of the Planet; then, from that Love they will create the New Earth.

Dear Lightworkers, this is your moment. Rejoice with us and feel the Love and Support that flow to you right now. They are abundantly blessed!

You can download the pipes of Celia Fenn in Spanish, in Word file, in, site in Spanish of Starchild

2007-8 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global

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Translation: Paloma Fern ndez Fern ndez.

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