Metatron Message: You must allow yourself to be you at all times

  • 2018

My dear friends, I am Metatron, Lord of Light, who has the heart to guide you and lead you all with my power, who have the heart to tell you how much you are loved, who are anxious to tell you that try to be present in yourself, in the moment, in the Consciousness. You give yourself to many thoughts that do not allow you to be completely t, that once instilled in you what you have to express and feel.

Allow yourself to be at all times in joy, in the present, in your center, without looking for the reason why you still live. Let go of everything

Allow yourself to be yourself at all times . You are a Power and that Power can serve you if you allow yourself to be in Consciousness permanently, with joy, feeling what we are infusing you, what your own movement in "The Source" gives you . Things will be made easier and you will be happier until you reach the level of consciousness to live permanently.

You will not be able to emit any thought that does not corroborate with the Power of Light

There are beings who do not understand what it means. They do not understand that Presence is the true Power of what they are, and they want to continue living as what they once were in the human, in their truncated thoughts, in their truncated way of being, in their imaginations, that is why everything is still in whirlpools where nothing feels according to what we ourselves can breathe now, according to what we ourselves can now guide you .

This humanity will feel more and more everything that happens, everything that affects its psyche, its condition and especially everything that this earth now expresses, in the evacuations of energies that must be transmuted . This has a direct impact on every Being, on everything that happens on Earth, because there are cosmo-telluric currents that are experiencing large flows of energy that are necessary.

What I am telling you is not to scare you, but to make you aware that you are able to rise in consciousness, to feel what is happening in you, what you are capable of living now, and that will lead you to live another reality of a different life, in a life in which nothing will affect you, in which you will emit exactly what you are capable of doing, of expressing, the Love of Yourself and of all Beings .

Live a different life, be yourself

Be aware of letting go, everything is a matter of "being" in the moment, it is a matter of feeling in love, in love with the moment, in love in your heart, in Love without saying anything that is not for you. They will be guided, so that they feel everything that corresponds to them, what they can live, everything that they can accept in the great movement of total Light that you are.

The fact of being carried away, of being oneself, of being constantly in your center, will really allow you to feel what we are infusing you so that your life is in accordance with what you aspire to live, without following a rhythm, a model and a system that does not serve you. My friends, we will express ourselves more and more, so that you understand what you are not allowed to live for fear of letting go of the human, letting go of his way of being, of thinking, of his directive form in everything .

They make you live things that you don't want to live, but in which you immerse yourself so much, that you are absorbed without even realizing it. Understand that in your center you will find peace, harmony and joy . Be my friends, fully aware of what is happening in you without rejecting it, without being afraid of you, without believing that you are different, even if you are anyway. And so it is.

I am what I am, Metatron, Lord of Light at the service of this Humanity and in the joy of guiding those who deep down now have to live what they really are.

TRANSLATOR: Lurdes Sarmiento, editor and translator in the great family of the White Brotherhood


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