Why the telepathic channel does not receive information and remains blocked

There are many reasons why the telepathic channel does not consciously connect to the Universal Source to receive instruction, guidance and knowledge. We can analyze some of the causes that produce these blockages, but first we must understand some aspects of the telepathic channel.

In the first instance, we can define the telepathic channel as a gate that, if open, allows the entire flow of cosmic information from more subtle levels of Consciousness to flow into the current and active consciousness of a person, information that can be extremely useful for our lives. . It is the aspect of our energy that is embedded in Universal knowledge, where rivers of cosmic information flow. It is the ear that receives energy frequencies of a much more subtle vibration where: energy, light = information.

If the gate remains closed, and the information does not flow, it means that the person is consciously or unconsciously generating a blockage, a resistance to listening, to receiving and allowing information to flow freely through their Light bodies. This process by which information flows is a movement of energy that occurs in a circular and spiral way, and immerses the person in giant waves of energy that propagate long distances around him if his telepathic connection is completely fluid, free, where the flow rate is not stopped or reduced by obstacles, dense and deforming filters, or blockages.

Why don't all people hear more subtle sound frequencies?

Because they condition themselves not to listen. It is a choice they have made consciously or unconsciously. Conscious blocks must be identified in order to be neutralized. This work can be much simpler than finding a blockage produced in the unconscious.

The reasons for conscious blockages

Fears knowns

The person has fears, that he knows and that block and prevent him from flowing.

These fears can be:

* Fear of being wrong. The fear of being carried and paying attention to an imaginary voice that resonates within us. The fear that all that is heard is only the imagination.

* The fear of receiving information that we know internally that will change our lives (inside of us we know that we will have to change a lot of ourselves, to what we cling and like, but it is not good for our evolution, for example, negative habits). The inner voice of our spirit drives us to follow our capacities, but our dense parts weigh us, and make us feel that if we continue further on there will be a lot of work to be done).

* Fear of responsibility.

Those who have been born with a predisposition to be channels tend, since they have use of reason, to express themselves deeply through words. When they talk to others, they can advise with a wisdom that even surprises them. The reason for this is that they are handling clear and concise information from the consulting person, which naturally comes from spheres of higher Consciousness, and also listens to the thoughts of the other and They feel the waves of thought-feeling that the person emanates from their inner being. All this information comes to them in a microsecond, they process it at the same time and they are talking based on it, all this, many times, without realizing what is happening!

These facts tend to make these people, who listen to the internal voice of others, very sought after and required. This is why they often feel overloaded. And this may be true, since listening to the thoughts and understanding the feelings of others by transferring energy, where they read the person, can be an exhausting process. The subtlest bodies are so impregnated with the emotions and thoughts of others that produce disorder of their own energy, and this is as if it evaporates completely, leaving a total fatigue in the body, and even more in the mind. This produces that when an innate telepathic has been with a depressive person or "aggressive" thinking, he feels that his head is going to explode, he feels as if pins are going through. And in reality the negative thoughts are like needles of energy that pass through energy fields, disharmonizing them.

All this recharge, feeling "overloaded", the feeling that we carry the world on our shoulders, the telepath suffers while not aware of their innate ability. All this inner feeling leads the person to move away from the development of their own Master Light, to hear only what they want to hear.

Another important point is that who is a channel “knows” that his mission will be hard, laborious, that he will demand a lot from him or her and is not willing to follow it.

* Fear of ridicule and criticism, "what people will say":

This can happen when who is a channel heard from small "voices" that spoke to him and when he said it to the elders he was censored. This shame felt, this frustration because no one believed what he had lived, generates a kind of very powerful blockade, where a de-harmonizing energy that operates as a “plug” that must be neutralized with much effort is deposited in the telepathic channel.

* Bad experiences, such as listening to aggressive voices, of entities of the astral bass also block the telepathic channel, as an unconscious defense against these entities. Telepaths, when entering areas where the vibrational frequency is very low, can hear the cries of "wandering" souls, so to speak, that they are in place, feeling that many sad or negative thoughts invade them.

* Disconnection of the Upper Light Bodies due to superfluous egos:

Types of general egos

Superfluous Egos

Egos (envy, vanity, self-centeredness, anger, selfishness, greed for power, etc.) are superfluous when we know them and know that we have them. For example, knowing that our ego of anger manifests itself when things don't go our way, and we attack without reason someone who didn't deserve it. The ego of anger is known, then, by us and those around us.

Base Egos

Base egos are those that remain hidden, they are the strongest and most powerful, and they are the ones that lead us to make the same mistakes over and over again, in our incarnations.

If a telepathic person transmits information without self-exploration, without working on himself, without knowing or transmuting the influence of his superfluous egos, he will gradually contaminate his telepathic channel. Pollution can reach a point where this energy "tartar" definitively blocks the channel, weakening the entrance of the flow of Light that comes from the Upper Bodies, finally producing direct disconnection with the Supreme Presence of God.

Of course, the information that the channel has received up to this point is not reliable. The risk is that the telepathic person does not notice this disconnection and continues to spend his energy to force his channel, providing unreliable information.

* One of the subtle bodies or several of them are outside the natural balance of energy:

It may be that one of the subtle bodies is disharmonized with respect to the others. For example, if the emotional body is permanently generating hurricanes of anger, anger and rage for a particular situation, it is very difficult for a good receiver and generator of Light to be a good one, the proof is that nobody can meditate angry.

If it is the mental body that is in a different tune, it means that it has a discontinuous energy activity. This can be caused by thoughts-feelings of fear, fears, mental anguish, fatigue, repetitive and obsessive thoughts that consume almost all the energy not only of that body but of all others, depleting even the physical body.

The Column of Fire is like the spinal cord of energy that unites all the bodies of Light that we are until we reach the same Source of the ALL, God, and circulates the Light through all of them. Thus, it is a very powerful current of energy that unites the earth with the sky, and aligns us with the Central Sun. If an anomaly occurs in one of the bodies, it is because it has lost the energetic tuning that joins it to the Pillar of Fire. The telepathic channel must be tuned to the Fire Column, and this divine stream of Light must clean it and keep it pure permanently.

You must ask THEN:

“Through the Great Presence I Am, from the infinite Power of God within me, I align all my bodies, from the physical to the highest that I can reach consciously, with the Pillar of Fire that contains the Sacred Conjunction of all the Divine Cosmic Rays of Light, in Universal and Total Love ”

“That thus, each one of my bodies be purified in this Sacred Fire that contains the Divine Spirit of God, now and forever! That my Telepathic channel be recoded to neutralize those harmful filters that prevent the entry of the Highest and Elevated Light into my Consciousness. "

“That all the information that my channel receives comes from the Great Mind of God towards my Higher Mind of Light and is adequate to the Great Purpose of bringing the Planetary Ascension to this world that I inhabit and love, for absolute service and dedication, for the highest good ”

"May there be only harmony and perfection in the Light, Peace and Love in me, and around me, spreading to all my brothers from my Christ Heart!"

“May all energy, thought, emotion and dense feeling that I have created be transmuted into the Total Light, detaching me from the Infinite of the Holy Divine Presence and returning as a teaching understood and assimilated to my understanding, for the good of all and my own! ”

"So be it, it is and it will be!"

“Done is, in the Name of God, The Merciful, The Merciful!

Unconscious Locks

There are also unconscious fears. These fears are much more difficult to detect and produce blockages in the higher bodies of Light. This means that when the telepathic person begins to work with his channel, receiving information from the Universe, as he evolves and increases the vibrational frequency of his own energy, he will arrive at a time where he can no longer advance. You will feel that it is blocked, that you no longer listen to the guide of the Beings of Light that accompany it, that it is difficult for you to maintain fluid communication with the Guides. He will feel, for example, that he rises in meditation, and begins to receive beautiful words, phrases, sentences that contain certain information and suddenly the energy begins to decay, the person is losing the thread of information, of that voice that she spoke. This means that it cannot sustain the connection with its higher bodies of Light, which are the parts of itself that exist in much brighter dimensions, and through which information travels through this infinite energy wiring that we conform.

All this occurs because when we want to evolve they occur as "conscious activations" of our higher bodies. It is as if we had a library where we always read the same books, and that served us to the point where, no longer compliant, we want to know more about ourselves and the world, we want to find deeper knowledge that explains why we exist, what is the reason through which we come to this world. We searched to read other books, which were always there, but we did not need. But it happens that when we want to read them the words begin to be erased, it is difficult for us to understand them, it is as if they were in another language. These difficulties are caused by barriers that we ourselves have created, the structures we have, the self-imposed obstacles do not allow us to understand or use the knowledge of these more advanced books. The same happens when we begin to become aware of our bodies that exist in much more subtle levels of consciousness.

What can these unconscious locks be

* Fear of Light and the development of one's abilities:

This fear may seem conscious but it is based on past lives. The Light Servers who have been serving hundreds of years on Planet Earth are souls that were often severely punished for developing and manifesting their inner potential.

For example, those people who were tried and burned at the stake in the Age of the Inquisition today are people who fear public judgment, to call attention to themselves, to be "persecuted" again by the other beings that surround it . All these negative imprints are implants that act, in telepathic people, as black holes of information, where all the knowledge transported by the most subtle bodies to the densest bodies is consumed by these nuclei similar to dark or gray tornadoes found in some point, between the interaction of one body of Light and another. The information is trapped, and arrives distorted to the channel or simply does not arrive.

The Base Egos

There are egos that are called Base. They are the dominant egos, those that have governed our path, thoughts and emotions. They are the strongest egos we have created and are on an unconscious level. That is why it is not easy to identify them, since they are not those egos that know each other and that everyone knows us, that are easily visible. They are those that we feed on a very deep level of ourselves, and they are very disguised and hidden inside us, but that come to the Light at key moments of our life or when we are about to take an important evolutionary leap.

These base egos have a lot of force of action on us, their creators, and can prevent us from evolving if we fail to identify them completely. They affect the telepathic channel because they block our own potential as Beings of Light. They prevent our total spiritual development. These egos prevent us from connecting and merging with our highest aspects, with the Masters of Light that we are, where we exist in times and dimensions different from what our current reality would be.

As these egos feed on our internal energy source and are created and sustained by our fears, when we rise they produce the effect of energy ballasts, very heavy anchors that prevent us from entering other higher Levels of Consciousness. They can produce the illusion that the end of the spiritual path has been reached, where everything has been achieved or they can also produce the sensation that one will never arrive, that it is impossible to reach an advanced evolutionary level, where others are always better, where they can achieve your self-mastery and not one.

The Global Matrix is ​​not being activated:

We exist guided by a basic Matrix, with which we are born and which we are building as we live. It is like a computerized program where all acquired patterns, acceptable behaviors and behaviors that we must have, our names, who we are, what we do and how we do it are entered. We operate our daily lives through this Matrix of human existence that allows us to survive, live together and understand each other. But this small Matrix exists within a complex and very extensive map of energy connections that make up a network of bodies, from subtle vibrations to the most evolved forms of existence that exist, where all the knowledge of the Universe, all experiences and its inherent learning, all that IS, the sum of all that we are, we have been and will be in time, space and possible dimensions, simultaneous and parallel, this is the GLOBAL MATRIX.

As we evolve the program we have begins to become obsolete, and when questions arise that cannot be answered by this basic program, it begins to "self-destruct" (we can say so for greater understanding) to give way to a new flow of information that has been activated. For example, with respect to death we have a series of patterns based on fear and rejection, when we understand that there is no such death, but the transfer to the next instance of our existence we abandon that built-in pattern. All understanding that expands our consciousness comes from the Global Matrix.

Those who are channels quickly find that the basic program is “small” to them from the beginning, since having a direct connection to the Source they feel and receive information that leads them to ask themselves many important questions. Logically, those who are channels know that a question asked is followed by an immediate response from the Universe. Thus, the channel, without knowing it, begins to create thoughts no longer from the basic matrix, but from the layers and layers that make up the Global Matrix. He realizes that he has very deep "ideas" or "thoughts", which get the answers to his questions. If you continue to work, you will consciously make connections with the most complex layers of this magnificent power wiring that makes up your superior intelligence.

And here a problem may arise:

A resistance to abandon their basic program, their most primitive Matrix, may appear in the telepathic person. This will cause the neurochemical, pineal and pituitary activation glands, not to wake up and not generate the electrical and energy impulses necessary for the brain and the mental body to be recoded and start acting under the direction of the Global Matrix. Neural tissues will not build new connections that will activate a new thought pattern, and new brain functions, that strengthen and activate telepathic capacity in full force.

* Telepathic ears are disconnected from each other:

There are two energy centers above our ears that are our telepathic ears, which capture imperceptible frequencies for the normal human ear. If there is an energy block that prevents the normal flow of energy between these two centers, there will be a disconnection of information. The normal flow of Light between the ears is given in the form of the infinite symbol, where the energy circulates from one to the other and together they work with feedback.

The blockages can be caused by an energy decompensation in the mental or emotional body, for example, due to a period of crisis, stress, depression, sadness, frustration or chronic anger. They reconnect by performing a job of cleaning and releasing dense loads of the bodies. Relief should be produced through laughter, for example, restful rest. When telepathic ears are disconnected, it is not convenient to force the channel to receive information, because it will be distorted, greatly influenced by the mind and its opinions.

These are some of the most common blockages that occur in the telepathic channel. Each and every one of these inconveniences is solvable with proper self-evaluation and energy corrective exercises.

Channeled by Sol Martínez

Group of the 7 Cosmic Rays, Maipú. Mendoza Argentina

- Subject forwarded by: Mario Liani

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