How Western science has been fused with Eastern knowledge.

  • 2018

INNOVATION COURSE Unit 1: Science Learning Object 2: Quantum Physics

In his attempt to understand the mystery of Life, the human being has followed very different paths. Among them are the paths of the scientist and the mystic, but there are many more: the paths of poets, children, clowns or shamans, to name just a few. These paths have resulted in different descriptions of the world, verbal and nonverbal, that highlight different aspects. All are valid and useful in the context in which they arise. All of them, however, are only descriptions, or representations of reality and therefore limited. None of them can offer a complete picture of the world.

The mechanistic view of the world sustained by classical physics is useful to describe the type of physical phenomena we encounter in our daily life and thus, is appropriate to deal with our daily environment, having achieved remarkable success as a basis of technology However, it is inadequate to describe the physical phenomena of the submicroscopic world. The vision of the mystics is opposite to the mechanistic concept of the world and could be summarized by the word "organic", since it considers that all the phenomena of the universe are integral parts of a harmonic and indivisible whole.

In mystical traditions this worldview arises from the meditative states of consciousness. In their description of the world, physicians employ concepts born from their non-ordinary experiences that in general are inappropriate to scientifically describe macroscopic phenomena. This organic view of the world is not useful for building machines, nor is it useful for solving the multiple technical problems that arise in our overpopulated world. In daily life, both the vision of the mechanistic and organic universe are valid and useful: one for science and technology the other for balanced and full spiritual life.

The difference between East and West is that in the latter, the mystic schools have always played a marginal role, while in the East they constitute the mainstream of philosophical and religious thought.


  • Establish relationships between Western science and Eastern philosophy.
  • Establish differences between memory and consciousness.
  • Understand creativity from the model of mutations.


The Word has been pronounced from the great point of tension: Accepted as a group. Do not withdraw your request. He could not do it even if he wanted to, but he must file three major demands and move on. Do not keep memories, however, that governs the memory. That acts from the center of everything that is within the content of the united life of the group.


The Dharma Initiative is a mysterious project with a large presence on the island where the survivors of the 815 flight of Oceanic Airlines were lost. The elementary about this project is derived from the guidance videos found in several stations located on the island. The Initiative, supposedly, was founded in 1970 by Gerald and Karen DeGroot, PhD students at the University of Michigan. It was funded by Danish industrialist and tycoon Alvar Hanso. The supposed purpose of the Initiative was to create "a large-scale research facility where scientists and freethinkers from all over the world are dedicated to research in meteorology, psychology, parapsychology, zoology, electromagnetism and social utopia." The DHARMA Initiative Department of Heuristics and Research on Material Applications is a fiction research project presented in the Lost television series between 2004 and 2010.

Goku is a different boy from the rest, who has a great hidden power and a mysterious past, he lives quietly on the outskirts of the city with his adoptive grandfather and teacher, Gohan. But everything changes when his grandfather is killed by the evil Piccolo, who has been released from his prison after millennia and now longs to take revenge on humanity with the help of the legendary Dragon Balls, who grant any wish to which he gathers them. Following a request from his grandfather Gohan on his deathbed, Goku begins a journey to find Muten Roshi and gather the seven spheres of the Dragon, thus preventing Piccolo from obtaining his desire to plunge the planet into chaos. Dragonball Evolution is a 2009 American movie based on the hit anime.

  • After watching some videos about the Dragonball and Lost series, make a map with the possible locations of the stations and the sphere that would be found in each of them.

They can be guided by the following guidelines: La Perla station is right in the center. In the Swan station electromagnetism is studied. La Llama station is at the west point, where the communications sphere is located. The second sphere is at the La Flecha station. The sphere of the wound is in the Hydra station. The Bastón, Espejo and Tempestad stations are located between the constellations of Cancer and Leo. I have the sphere of orientation in the constellation of Taurus.

  • Arguing why Locke, Hume, Faraday, Rousseau, Bentham, among others are considered pioneers.

ACTIVITY ONE: Quantum physics.

It was Heisenberg who discovered the crucial role played by the observer in quantum physics. According to Heisenberg, we can never talk about nature without, at the same time, talking about ourselves. In quantum physics it is no longer possible to separate the observer from the observed, but both are still perfectly distinguishable, however the mystics in deep meditation reach a point where the distinction between the observed and the observer disappears completely, a point in which the subject merges with the object.

In The Tao of Physics Fritjof Capra exposes the close correspondence between quantum physics and Buddhist philosophy. Thanks to the release of the energy of the atom we have been able to expand the understanding of physical processes to chemical and biological processes. The interactions that take place between atoms give rise to various chemical processes, so that everything related to chemistry can now be understood based on the laws of atomic physics. Radioactivity was presented as the cause of ionizing the medium that it crosses. The "quanta" of light or energy photons are responsible for the electromagnetic radiation that is absorbed and emitted by the substance (matter).

In The plot of life Fritjof Capra explains the vital integrative actions of living organisms. Based on the contributions of organic biology, systemic thinking, quantum physics, Gestalt Psychology, transpersonal psychology, deep ecology, social ecology and ecofeminism, neurosciences and cybernetics, among other sources. Known as hexagrams for their six-line design, each of the mutation signs has a specific relationship with amino acids and with the nucleotide base in our DNA. DNA sequencing is a set of biochemical methods and techniques whose purpose is the determination of the order of nucleotides (A, C, G and T) in a DNA oligonucleotide. The DNA sequence constitutes the inheritable genetic information that forms the basis of the development programs of living beings. A monomer is a small mass molecule that forms macromolecules. Amino acids are the monomers of proteins. Nucleotides are the monomers of nucleic acids. So the four keywords of life are adenine, cytosine, guanine and thymine and the four elements are carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and phosphorus.

Our ideal genetic family would be shaped like this: The will is the father, the sensitivity is the mother, the suscitativo and the quiet are the eldest son and daughter. (Thunder and Prana).

  • What is the importance of the sequences for creativity, how the DNA sequence is performed.

ACTIVITY TWO: Archetypal psychology.

We owe Richard Wilhelm the translation he made, from Chinese to German, of The Book of Mutations. In its origin, the I Ching is a book without words. It is a finite succession of non-idiomatic signs with infinite meanings: a perfect algebraic system

As a Tao of Psyche Carl Jung shows the conscious path, the method that has to unite the separated. The union of opposites is a process of psychic development that is expressed in symbols. The interactions that take place between the forces of the psyche give rise to mental processes, so that everything related to cognition can now be understood based on the laws of attraction. As regards the similarities between mysticism and neuroscience, the best known source is that of Francisco Varela, one of the initiators of the theory of self-organized systems. Varela raises the contribution that Buddhist theory on the mind can make for cognitive science. Meanwhile, his book, The Tree of Knowledge is the best exposition of his ideas.

Thanks to the release of soul energy we have been able to expand the understanding of psychological processes to sociological and anthropological processes. The interactions that take place between people give rise to the various sociological processes, so that everything related to the social fabric can now be understood from transpersonal psychology. People form groups, groups, communities, communities, classes, society. The scheme is the inner movement, the potential structure of action. Archetypes or images of thought are responsible for instinctive behavior, the prize that the hero draws from his fight with the dragon.

In The Secret of the Golden Flower, the way in which the social fabric begins is exposed. After the individuation process, the human being develops his personality, integrates into a group and identifies with his culture. The social service tries to develop in the individual and in the social group, all the constructive forces that allow them to build a fuller and more satisfying life for themselves, applying a set of methods and principles in practice. Assists individuals, groups and communities to achieve the highest possible degree of physical, mental and social well-being. The objective is to reconcile the welfare of individuals with the welfare of the society in which they live. Transpersonal psychology integrates the four forces (instinct, intellect, motivation and the unconscious), is presented as a new unifying paradigm of psychologies that face the transcendent dimension of being as a response to the spiritual needs of the human psyche, through the fusion of life and consciousness.

Our astral family is in the ascendant the soul group and in the descending the vegetable kingdom.

  • How organizational patterns are formed in our consciousness.

ACTIVITY THREE: The mystical art.

With the beginning of humanity and human consciousness, the human being tried to understand and interpret himself and his world, and magically dominate the forces of nature. To Drunvalo Melchizedek we owe that he has interpreted the symbol of the flower of life for humanity. In The Secret of the Tree of Life, explain how the flower, its tree and its fruit emerge from the seed of life, from the center of a circle and the number pi.

The centerless circle means the nameless Non-Being. The central point symbolizes the Being, the Timeless in its perfect state. The horizontal line symbolizes the primal Maternal Substance in the omniabarcante Infinity. The vertical line means the Divine Energy that encompasses everything. The center point expands cardinally and becomes the simple cross. The Swastika is a variant of the simple cross and refers to a continuous movement. Everything flows, as long as creation continues, there is no stillness, everything is energy.

The Tao is the eternal immutable law that acts in every mutation, it is the meaning, the course of events, the Unity in Diversity. In order to become a reality, this law requires a decision, a postulate. This original postulation is the great original beginning of all that is: Tai Chi, divided into light and darkness, Yin and Yang. With the line that is in itself unity, the dyad, the duality appears in the world, because simply with it it is established above and below, right and left, front and back: the world of opposites. The wise and holy gave clear advice for a correct action to the signs and strokes. Thanks to this fact, the human being became co-author of destiny because his actions were already intervened as decisive factors in the universal event. Quantum mysticism believes that the laws of quantum mechanics incorporate mystical ideas similar to the religious traditions of the East.

The union of opposites is a process of psychic development that is expressed in symbols, they are abstract images that represent principles, archetypes. When fantasies are expressed as thoughts, intuitive formulations of obscurely presented laws or principles enter the scene. If the fantasies are drawn, symbols appear that belong to the mandala type, which means magic circle.

The Tao is the unity of life and consciousness. Consciousness has light symbols, therefore intensity. Life coincides with the extension. Therefore, consciousness is Yang and life is yin. The circular movement has the moral meaning of the vivification of all dark and acidic forces of human nature. The unconscious is the one that generates such fantasies spontaneously, the conscious will cannot reach such symbolic unity.

  • Draw or dance your own mandala.


Everything happens as if the soul and personality danced nonstop since the day when the child who comes into the world holds full breath: inspiration and expiration. Nataraja is the king of dance, the supreme choreographer who offers the Shiva show with one foot on Mujalaka, the demon of ignorance that confuses men. The five dances that he shows in his choreography are that of creation, preservation, destruction, incarnation and liberation. But the first one that dances It is the Dragon, a figure of life and death, of the confused yin and yang.

In the first then the event happened in itself, the first moment in which the universe was born as sound, as light and as fire. The circle of perfection was broken. What we know as the Big Bang happened. The silence broke and a fracture appeared in the form of space and time also sprouted like a waterfall from the void, like two young puppies linked in a spinning dance around A center on. Since this event first life has continued trying to fill the open black hole in the center of the whole. This unstoppable discharge of life itself we know as evolution and the hole we have arrived in time to know is called the Sacred Wound. But what was in the beginning were two crystals of dark matter that, as a result of the collision between them, dispersed in all directions at the time of the Big Bang . Yin and Yang expressed through the so-called Dise o and Personality crystals. While the sun projects, the moon reflects.

Another explanation appears in the books of The One Being . The Unique Principle created its continuation and called it Thought. Thought will be responsible for classifying, ordering, analyzing, developing and communicating all the compendium of creativity that emanated from its center. The first experience was to have consistency of existence called Life but we have known as Soul. Life linked to desire produced the Rhythm, this was developed with cadence and harmony, creating with it the Compound and this element generated the Colors, later the Form arose. Uselessness of the forms arose the diversity that correlated the data giving way to information and knowledge. The accumulation of information to be analyzed activated the understanding and bringing the two together generated recognition and continuity of consciousness. This result gave rise to causality and all this compendium of knowledge gave rise to wisdom.

Everything that manifests itself objectively is the result of a subjective generation. Everything that exists is in the mind of the creative personality. Thought sets in motion certain currents of force. Mental images come from three sources of memory: the instinctive, the emotional and the intuitive.

  • Collect your dragon balls and keep the memories in them.


The illuminated path means the three sequences of spiritual awakening. DNA, as a quintessence of life, is programmed to eventually become self conscious. Directed by the sacred wound, he constantly seeks his own superior nature. If we are able to vibrate our code at the correct frequencies, then we will be able to effectively unleash our superior potential.

In the second rule, reference is made to the point of tension that is discovered when the consecrated willpower of the personality is brought into contact with the divine Will. For now let's see two stages:

1. That in which the willpower of the personality is brought into contact with the higher abstract mind; the latter is the interpreting agent of the Spirit. It manifests itself in the cultivation of goodwill, as understood by the middle term of intelligent humanity, and is put into practice as a way of life.

2. That in which the love of the soul is put in contact with the corresponding aspect of the divine Triad, to which we give the inappropriate name of intuition. In reality it is the divine perception and understanding, when expressed through the formulation of ideas. The ideas are amorphous, and indeed they are points of energy that are externalized in order to express opportunely some "intention" of the divine Creator Being. When the apprentice comes to grasp and identify with this, his good will will expand in good will. Plan and quality give way to the purpose and method. The plans are fallible and experimental and satisfy a momentary need. The purpose, as the apprentice demonstrates, is permanent, foresight, unalterable and serves the Eternal Idea.

We saw how the first door or the first hexagram gives way to the will as proactivity, the creation being an interaction between Heaven and Earth, and creativity an interaction between light and darkness: Yin-yang. Serenity in the heart corresponds to the nature of the donation. Concern in thinking corresponds to the modality of the receptive. Through serenity, supervision of success or failure in life is acquired, through concern the possibility of improvement is acquired.

  • Create a storyboard to capture the narrative arc of the sequences, in six cells containing the main parts of the plot diagram. For each cell, set the scene that follows the sequence of the novel using Exposure, Conflict, increasing action, Climax, decreasing action, and Resolution.

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