Forgiveness: Forgive and free the soul for peace of mind.

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 3 ways to start forgiving 2 # 1 Forgiveness is a decision 3 # 2 Forgiveness is a 4 # 3 process Forgive yourself

3 ways to start forgiving

Forgiveness is a decision, not a feeling, because when we forgive we don't feel the offense anymore, we don't feel more grudges. Sorry, forgiving you will have your soul in peace and the one who offended you will have it. ” Teresa of Calcutta.

When the idea of forgiveness is presented to you, when someone tells you to forgive, it may be that you react in different ways depending on your preconception about forgiveness . It may happen that just the idea of forgiving someone who has harmed you causes anger, because you think that forgiving that person would justify their behavior. Nothing further from reality. Forgiveness does not mean that you approve or defend violence or abuse, it would be impossible to forgive if we had to accept that behavior.

It may also be that the word forgiveness seems to you that it has to do with simulating that nothing has happened, that everything is fine, that there is no conflict, when in reality, within you your rancor burns you, but you feel that you must repress it. Perhaps that repression is due to a cultural mandate, why they will say or because you believe that if you tell the truth, if you accept that you have not forgiven, you will lose the image of a good person you have before others.

Another reaction you may have when you are told about forgiveness is to believe that you have to communicate verbally with the person you have to forgive . It is not necessary to do it. The change must come from the heart.

If you feel identified with any of these ways of reacting to the possibility of forgiving, here we give you three recommendations so you can travel the path of forgiveness, and reach inner peace:

# 1 Forgiveness is a decision

As the quotation from the beginning of this article says, forgiving is a decision that has to do with observing the limitations that the other person has: their fears, their insecurities, their hatred of themselves. Remember that what a person expresses is what he has inside, if he expresses hate, it is because hate is in the first place towards himself. The defects that he sees in the other, are those that he has inside him, is the reflection of his mirror . Choose to look over those limitations and know that whatever he did to you was not directed at you, but at yourself.

# 2 Forgiving is a process

In the process of forgiveness, you stop being a victim to be the loving creator of your reality . You stop getting involved in the past and the painful circumstances that don't allow you to grow, and that make you sick. You stop feeling sorry for yourself and move into a position of power over yourself.

You must move forward in life with an attitude of forgiveness and liberation from the past, so that your vision is not contaminated by the heavy burden of resentment, and you can embrace peace in your heart.

# 3 Forgive yourself

One of the most difficult challenges you can face is to forgive yourself, forgive yourself for not being perfect, because you don't find it easy to stop feeling resentment and anger. Forgive you because, when you think you have already released anger and anger, at the least thoughtful moment they come back with more force than ever.

Forgiving yourself will lead you to love towards your inner being and eventually to love towards all beings, because we can only give what we carry within our hearts.

You must accept yourself as you are, with your mistakes and your successes.

To forgive you is to love you.

Release the negative feelings of your heart and you will achieve the peace of mind and happiness you always wanted. Free others from the bondage of needing to be forgiven and also free yourself.

It is one of the biggest steps you can take to get to feel the peace in your heart.

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