WINGS - April 22, 2009 ~ Entering position ~ by Karen Bishop


In March we had a beautiful warm weather in New Mexico at 7, 000 feet. It was as if winter had decided to be short and short, and the sun had risen early. But then, to everyone's surprise, we had a snowy day! And then a few warm days, and then some days at 30? F, and then a snowy day, and then a warm day, and then a snowy day. It was as if the weather could not decide which direction to go ... a new beginning (spring), or back to winter. And this is also how our new beginnings are developing. With a start, a stutter, and with sporadic cases of arrivals and departures, we might wonder what the hell is going on.

Things are finally beginning to take a definite direction, with the help of powerful newcomer energies. These energies are pressing and moving now in an intense way, and all for a good reason. We needed a good momentum forward, which would allow us to begin our ongoing anchorage, and therefore, energies arrived for us to create this severe and intense "push."

As an excavator moving the heaviest and deepest layers, we are now being placed in our legitimate positions, even though the opposite may be felt. When energy moves in this way, with a legitimate purpose, it can sometimes feel as if there has been more chaos, as if nothing made sense anymore, as if almost everything had gone crazy and out of control, and we can even get to feel very emotional, feel like crying, and panic that things are certainly kaput. But I can assure you, this is not the case.

When June arrives, we will be fully anchored, and this latest incidence of strange energies is simply doing its job by placing us where we need to be. Things are re-accommodating now ... moving here and there ... one thing comes out and another enters to take its place, so that things can be very soon, right where they have to be.

Certainly we are being protected, because being placed in our true and legitimate positions keeps us in a wonderful alignment with our highest and true selves, and with the whole cosmos as well.

Since January, I have been holding the space for my daughter and my grandchildren ... spending a lot of time at home and helping as much as I could while they settled. And now, my daughter's husband will meet them, as he is now ready to leave North Carolina and start a new life in New Mexico. Sam and his whole family have lived their entire lives in a small town in North Carolina. This is a huge change for him, and we honestly didn't know if it would come. He didn't think it would be possible, and he wasn't ready or willing to make such a drastic change. Recently he came to visit, he could barely, and now he is finishing the preparations to move here. He is so excited! And what a changed man he is!

I am now leaving that space and I will be more fully installed and ready to be fully present in my new space ... all in divine and perfect order. For me, it is a complete miracle that my family is now close, after ten years of painful separation, and an important miracle that Sam has now joined us. We have never seen him so dedicated or motivated! And although sometimes I have feelings of a bit of loss in regards to my space there, I feel much more excited to have a larger family now present with a new member. And I also know that my new space and new life are coming too, or I would not have been freed as I have been.

This re-organization process has also put a stop to some things, as always happens with the re-calibration. So then, it may seem that some things have suddenly stopped, but what is happening is that they are "waiting" for things to settle before they resume again. And this is particularly true when it comes to sources of income for some of us. But endure a little more, because when things start to flow again, in their true and legitimate positions, we will feel happier, more peaceful and more secure than ever.

We are also balancing in many ways. As mentioned in the latest ALAS publication, group energy or teamwork is balancing itself in terms of personal energy moving further forward or backing away. Which means that many will now be in the middle, making equal contributions as a whole. Almost as if the earth were moving a little on its axis (it is not my area of ​​specialization, so maybe it is!), Things are now in a true process of establishing and creating a balance so necessary to maintain the things as stable as possible.

Communication is also in the foreground, since good communication is of vital importance in the times to come, if we are going to work together as a team in every way. In days gone by, when communication was not present, it could be very noticeable and extremely uncomfortable, since in-communication vibrates very low and now we are vibrating very high.

These are really exciting times, since so much is entering position for our new beginnings in a new reality. Even when things seem to go wrong, in fact they are on the right track, since the invisible hand of our souls and the universe are choreographing things for us, without us even trying. The doors will open to the places where we have to be, other doors will close, and the things that need to be addressed now will be immediately placed on our faces, because we can no longer delay in finalizing, making changes, or dealing with what inevitable.

At the same time, as always, it can feel very uncomfortable to be in the lower vibration energies of the old world. The old world is now a great illusion, and therefore, many who still reside in it may look like zombies, moving without passion and without caring, like you teres or mannequins that live in energies that no longer exist. Other current scenarios involve more intense energies, but they are energies that do not feel good for us, are aggressive, heavy, and totally out of touch or disconnected from any higher way of living, of be, or of the Source itself. These energies still do not realize that we are all connected, and are not very aware of almost anything around them.

It can be very useful to keep a low profile now, stay close to home, stay in our personal sanctuaries until things settle. The energies of less vibration can take us out of balance, in tune, can make us feel vulnerable, and even close us. Being in the old reality is now more difficult than ever, because we are absolutely more apart from it than ever before. Now they are preparing our new beds, they are waiting for us, we will be there soon in the comfort of the fluffy comforters and angel wing pillows.

This current moment of great movement and juxtaposition is a great gift. Now we are simply juggling where we have to be. If we can let go and allow our souls to align us effortlessly, trust that things are right where they should be, and know and trust that we are being taken care of in every way, maybe then we can breathe a little more Easy, connect more fully to this new reality of greater vibration that is now unfolding for us, and know that our new home is just around the corner. corner.

With much love and gratitude, until next time,

New site of Karen Bishop Emerging The New Angels of the Earth
All your material can be downloaded in Word file from your site in Spanish

Thank you Margarita Lopez!

Your Book Excerpt for Today

From The Companion of the Ascension:


ENTERING THE HIGHER KINGDOMS can really produce confusing states. Yes, we are starting a residence in the upper realms, but we have not yet completely left the old 3D world! Much of what we believed regarding the superior ways of being and living was sometimes wrong. That information came through a 3D mind, or rather through an disconnected mental state. Much of the spiritual information that they taught us, or that we believed, therefore came from a lower level of consciousness.

Since many of us are having some very strange and interesting experiences through the ascension process, we can get quite confused about what is really happening, and what is really happening. It was all in the first place. Add to this the energy changes. When we experience a change in energy, this serves to raise our vibration. When this happens, almost everything moves inside and out. And during this time of so much vibrational lifting, things are adjusting and aligning in regard to a critical mass, so that change can occur. This can cause a confusing waiting period. No wonder then, that we can become very confused sometimes without knowing what the hell is going on!

Confusion can occur when we thought things would develop in a certain way. If we believed, for example, that by raising our consciousness everything naturally becomes better and better, a great surprise would await us. The purge and liberation that result from the ascension process creates depression and challenging energies, to say the least. And then there are the long waiting periods, as mentioned above, in which we seem to be in a vacuum or in limbo while we wait for the others to catch up, while we are also “rebooting” or re-aligning For the next step. We could continually expect the next step to be much better, and then usually we feel disappointed and disappointed when it is not.

Dying while we are in a 3D body is a very long process. Yes, there are moments of really experiencing great sensations of a higher order, but the process is also very real, since it takes us through and very deep within ourselves. It also seems to stop and start again ... and this can also cause confusion.

"Have we even got anywhere?" You might ask sometimes. Or maybe you could have had feelings that all this ascension has created absolutely nothing New. The truth of the matter is that we have made incredible progress. Taking a whole planet of energy with less vibration and raising it is no small matter. Things started at higher levels and then had to seep into the physical. In addition, light workers began their ascension journey much earlier than everyone else, and therefore have been in it for a long time. This was his service for humanity, and it is a reason why it may seem that things are taking forever. But for others, they are still to begin. If you looked back at what your life was a year ago, or maybe even a few months ago, I suppose you would see that there have been great changes. You are probably not the same person you used to be and are probably also in a very different situation in many areas of your life.

The confusion can occur when we are seeing a process that does not resemble what we had imagined in our old 3D mind. But our old 3D mind didn't know much. For the most part, I was disconnected from the Source. And in addition to all of the above, those of us who are here living the ascension process as a service to humanity, we are also in charge of the process. This means that things can change, literally, in an instant. At the upper soul levels, we get together, have periodic meetings, and come to a plan. And although it is undoubtedly a general plan, logistics and the way to get there are subject to a “margin of flexibility”. So just when we think we know and understand what will happen next, it doesn't happen! (Unless, of course, you are very consciously connected with yourself at an soul level…)

If you have chosen this page, you are being encouraged to know that everything is always in divine and perfect order. Staying in the moment can greatly relieve any discomfort that confusion can bring. If you can get out of the way in the sense of neglecting the analysis and the need to know, you will connect much more to the Source in the long term. The higher we begin to vibrate, the more clarity we receive, as we are beginning to "see" things at a much higher level from the other side of the veil. And clarity is not always what we thought it would be! But as we progressed more and more along our ascension paths, we began to find much more peace, since we truly began to find the clarity that was always there ... but we simply did not vibrate high enough to understand it yet.

~ Entering Position ~
April 22, 2009
by Karen Bishop

Translation: Margarita López

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