From life by Maite Barnet Abad

  • 2015

We live strange times, times of change, no doubt, and many are those who want to align with that supposed new way of understanding life, in a hurry, with fear, with that urgency that gives terror to stay off the board and not fit. It is in that search where some get lost, I also lost myself in their moment.

We are surrounded by spirituality of supposed teachings and gurus, teachers and guides, wherever we look. To market with spirituality is to understand to market with fear. I am not saying that all teachers are false or that no one should lead the way. I don't want to be misunderstood. Certainly there are beings whose light and state of evolution encourage them to follow and lead the way in the best possible direction. But what direction to take? How to know that the path is correct? Many times we feel strange, even on distant occasions, different from the people around us. We look for ways that lead us to understand and accept ourselves as who we really are and I wonder how I know what my true path is?

We run the risk of falling into the hands that lead us in different directions, we seek to be the best, we aspire to become perfect human beings. What is perfection? For me, perfection is something that we cannot achieve even if we strive for it. We are human, we live the human experience precisely to experience and learn through imperfection . We aspire to be like others suppose we must be and fear extends its claws and catches us, and we cease to be ourselves with the excuse of finding ourselves, looking for ourselves where we should not seek each other. It is not in magic, it is not in rituals, it is not in repetitive exercises that we will become the best version of ourselves, of each one in particular, since we are all diverse. That's where we easily fall into false modesty, in that covert spiritual arrogance that makes us feel better, chosen, superior and that somehow, even without pretending it gives us the right to judge, control and keep us more isolated and separated from life itself.

It is in the midst of imperfection where our path and our search really begins, is surrounded by life, diverse people, chaos where we must seek the truth. Because spirituality, in my opinion, we must look for it in life, in everyday things, in the relationship with others in everything that is covered by imperfection bothers us and sometimes pushes us away.

Spirituality, although it is true that it is an individual path, we cannot walk it alone. It is being next to others, sharing, extending a hand, hugging, accompanying, enjoying even the pleasures of life ... Because life is to be lived and enjoyed, to be shared and accepted. It is not moving away from the world, it is not enclosing ourselves in our shell refugees and isolated from life as we can reach our state of evolution, that which corresponds to each one. It is not enclosing us out of fear, isolating us so as not to contaminate us with imperfection, life, after all.

You have to go out into the world to radiate that light that we all carry inside, to share, to feel life inside and around us. Not always with the positive look that everything is beautiful, everything is fine and nothing should be changed. Spirituality is also positioning, taking sides and moving but having our feet on the ground although our eyes look beyond.

We came to learn from life, to live it to improve of course and to share. Come to life, be able to smile, breathe, feel the greatness of being alive, infect us with life and spread it to others. Feeling interest, enthusiasm, learning every day from everything and everyone, is in itself a lesson in spirituality that we can all learn and practice.

I am on that path. It is fair to say that I am still searching, making mistakes, falling.

Author: Maite Barnet Abad

From life by Maite Barnet Abad

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