WINGS March 5 - Start over, by Karen Bishop


Gradually, piece by piece, we are starting over. After enough souls residing in the old world of lesser dimension, they were given enough time and opportunity to choose whether they wanted to stay behind or move on to their new, more vibrant reality from the next step to the whole, many of us departed later towards the next step of our new reality. Upon leaving, we may have felt a great completion, a sense of loss of identity and purpose, and perhaps a great feeling of having no sense of place. We had finished with a very important phase, and because this phase was completed by a sufficient amount of the whole, we had certainly finished with a very important mission. This was a huge completion. Since we finish it completely, we are now preparing to start over ... to experience a great rebirth, and some very new beginnings.

Immediately before entering our own very new space or higher dimension, great physical and muscular pain could be felt, because we were squeezing what was left of any density that we could have had inside us, towards a very small birth canal . But once we arrived, any discomfort could have dissipated as if by magic.

Moving towards a reality of greater vibration creates common themes that are always present. Some include: a very low tolerance to the energies and ways of being of less vibration, a great loneliness, loss of memory, a strong feeling of having no sense of place, a great disconnection of almost everything, extreme fatigue and feelings not wanting to do anything but rest, apathy, sleepiness, mood swings, great joy, peace, a deeper connection with the Source and with our souls, greater feelings of love, and a strong awareness of what is around us . What does all that mean, exactly?

· A low tolerance to lower vibration energies: The lower vibration energies are too dense for those who vibrate higher. They can feel very heavy, unpleasant, and frankly horrible. These energies are encouraging us to flee, starting towards a coast of greater vibration where we belong, and creating a reality of greater vibration somewhere else. We no longer belong or reside in the lower dimensions. Personal sanctuaries and nature are the remedies for these challenging sensations, along with creativity and the most vibrant things (love, care, respect, art, music, and anything neutral, etc.)

· Great loneliness: The higher we vibrate, the more we expel the lower vibration energies inside and out. Eventually, there is not much left with what we can surround ourselves with. Therefore, we can become lonely since we are the precursors, unless we can tolerate the energies of less vibration for long periods of time, which becomes almost impossible after a while. Eventually, it may seem that we are the only ones, but this is changing now (more on this later in this post). Walking with children (because they vibrate higher naturally), and finding small circles of friends and loved ones that really love us and care about us (even if they don't share our beliefs), and vice versa, are the remedies. True and authentic love vibrates high and this is enough to maintain a connection, even if we have nothing else in common.

· Memory loss: We are evolving in pure energy, and also leaving much behind that can be difficult to remember. In addition, the higher we vibrate, the more we exist in energy packages with different themes. What is in the now is all that exists, because we no longer maintain strong and long connections with much. The energy of greater vibration enters and leaves very quickly, and is very much in the moment. We are also becoming pure energy. In this way, specificities and details become questionable after a while. I continue to receive correspondence from readers who feel the need to correct my spelling, grammar and punctuation. What is happening here, is that I am now spelling phonetically and I cannot remember detailed grammar rules, etc. I used to be the continuous winner of each spelling contest and very thorough about grammar and punctuation because I loved it, but now it is simply not possible, and it takes too long to send each ALAS publication to someone else to correct them. Overlapping letters and words in sentences is also common in the initial stages. The details and the analysis eventually also become obsolete, because love and energy is the only thing that will remain.

Have no sense of place: This experience is very common and will occur every time we climb a notch on the stairs of the ascent. We no longer reside in the lower dimensions and the new year has not arrived. In this sense, we don't fit anywhere. There is nothing to connect with or anywhere to go. We can feel lost, a little scared, insecure, and maybe lose confidence because we feel out of our old groove. Knowing that these feelings always happen is here the solution, as well as being in the moment as much as possible, and keeping us busy and distracted can also help.

A disconnection of almost everything: Much leaves our space through the ascension process. We can begin to vibrate differently from others and, therefore, we need to separate, or maybe our old friends are now heading towards new and different emissions to ours. We can no longer relate or be part of the old systems, and even our loving animal companions could leave, since they cannot travel with us to our new shores (they always return again in a new way !). Connecting with the new is the solution here and it can really make us feel much better.

Apat a, exhaustion and drowsiness: We feel apat a when we are re-initiating, resetting, or in a suspension space while waiting for our new connections or new roles. Exhaustion comes from re-wiring or that our bodies are tuned for a higher frequency (our cells are transforming and this requires a lot of energy), and drowsiness occurs when we are going from a Dimension to another (as well as feeling cold without being able to warm up). There are no remedies here, except to continue with these stages and know that they are always temporary!

Mood swings: We feel very good around the upper vibrations and not so well around the lower ones. We can try to remain in the higher vibrations as much as possible and be in a state of love and acceptance while we are in the lower ones.

Joy, peace, a deeper connection with our souls, and feelings of love: This is what happens when we withdraw from the old, or energies of less vibration. . If we can withdraw as much as possible, it is much easier to be close to the lower dimensions for the short periods of time we need to do. And when we are around the higher vibrations of unity, care, respect, creativity, love and joy, even in the old world, we can easily feel much better too.

A very strong awareness of what is around us: The higher we vibrate, the more unity we experience. The separation occurs in the old reality, and when we find it after it is vibrating higher, it can feel downright horrible. Being aware of all the things that surround us, and knowing that we are a whole and all one, becomes increasingly evident as we evolve. In this way, it may seem that almost everything else exists in a way of much separation, almost in its own separation bubble and with the doors closed, and therefore seems to exist in its own strange world. This has always been the most difficult for me, because not "seeing" or recognizing each other feels especially unpleasant to me. Everything affects everything else, and the sooner we realize this as a planet, the better we will be.

During this past weekend (end of February and beginning of March), we reached another milestone and then we were ready to move a little further. This manifested itself with feelings of much drowsiness, vertigo and a feeling of spinning for some, and a strong desire to sleep, rest and nest.

We had successfully liberated much of the old, we had launched enough of the new, and now we could let go and move on one more time ... forward to a new reality. Always very slowly, we had been gathering the pieces for our new beginnings. New connections, new foundations, fresh and new parts in our lives have been manifesting very slowly and being placed in position.

Yes, we are starting over. In this sense, we should be removed and separated a lot. We had to keep the least of the minimum so we could start over. We were able to find less friends than ever, lost income, stripped of much, and even with feelings of being abandoned in the cold. This was because we had to be ready to start fresh and new ... we had to be ready to start a new life with new connections and almost everything else very new. Our boards had to be clean before anything new could be added, since what will be added will be composed of much higher energy that now matches ours. We needed a blank canvas before adding the first new strokes of very new paint to create our new image.

(This scenario is also taking place in relation to cleanings of the earth and natural disasters. That is why our beautiful Australia has experienced such large fires… it is preparing a blank sheet for a very new and more vibrant reality. What will emerge debris will be a new, bright and shiny area that will prove to be a very pristine and entrenched place for the New World ... a place that will be known far and wide for its own special contribution to the planet.)

Therefore, we have been freed from all that is old ... from all the unpleasant things of the past ... of difficult and challenging connections ... and of old responsibilities of raising the vibrations of the old world and its inhabitants. (If you feel miserable and still feel the need to leave, leave the world, and that you are now possibly in hell instead of heaven, know that this comes from a greater connection with the old. The more we are trapped in the old reality, the harder it can be, and the worse we feel. Things do get better when we leave the old world behind, say no to unpleasant ways and people, and we know that when we are willing to leave and refuse to participate, we will always be taken care of. Letting go is always a great benefit that keeps us in the flow during the ascension process.)

Our new reality and our new world will begin with us. It will start with one. Soon (if they have not already done so), each of us will introduce one more piece, or one more person. Then we will have two in our new reality (continuous relations of the past may also remain, but at even higher levels now). This then, will be the beginning of new communities. Know also that it took a long time to release the old, so then, it will take a while to create the new (but certainly not as much as it took to release the old!)

In addition, we have learned that we have to be hyper-alert about limits. We have to be very particular about who we allow in our new world and new reality. Not everyone can enter, but those who cannot enter will be met at the dimensional frontier when they ask for it. Those who do not ask for it, are not yet on the dimensional frontier. And those who do ask for it, most of the time they will be received through our new shop windows, which will exist on the border, while we reside on the other side, with all our needs beautifully covered.

What is happening now with the economy is part of the plan. It was supposed to happen. The old world needed to start over too. It was time for it to fall, and therefore, this massive transition is in effect in divine and perfect order ... and also know, that we will be truly protected. We have left that world. Through these confusing, strange and disconcerting feelings of endings and losses of purpose, they are simply proof that we no longer belong to that lower step of reality (the one that is falling), and in this way, we have truly reached a land where Things are very different. If we can trust that this is so, and if we can withdraw from the old world as much as possible (with the exception of our shop windows to make money), we can more easily experience the Promised Land of joy, peace, love and harmony, among everything the rest.

We are moving quite well now. Feelings of heaviness, of being trapped, anguish, depression and panic, are indications of a residence in the old world or of interactions with old ways and of lower vibration. Staying still in our center, or in the center of the storm, and simplifying our lives as much as possible, can keep us out of danger. Staying still while we are willing to let go and trust can be great resources that allow us to mount the current towards a new arrival in the higher realms. We are also much more entrenched now as we are preparing for a new reality right here. All the waiting and separation of many past years, and the isolation of many, will soon begin to depart. Yes, we are really starting over.

With much love and continued gratitude. Until next time,

Your Book Excerpt for Today

From The Ascension Manual:


One thing I have said over and over again for several years is that the higher realms are not what you might think. Much of what we have been taught or what we have read is quite inaccurate.

Although this is not a simple process, basically everything focuses on simplicity and how energy responds and interacts with itself. There are higher and lower forms of vibratory energy creating things that feel good and things that don't. So then, there is no meaning in anything. Meaning is simply what we choose to put in a particular manifestation. Some things may feel good for a person according to how he interprets them, and they may feel very unpleasant for other people. One rule, then, would be that things feel good or bad. It's that easy.

As we begin to vibrate higher and higher, we agree less and less with what has been created so far on this planet and also with any aspect of lower vibration of other human behaviors and realities.

You might think that as we become more spiritual, we increasingly embody greater compassion, understanding and tolerance at levels higher than what we have done before. But this is not the case. As we move through the ascent and begin to vibrate higher and higher, we find that we become very intolerant of any energy of less vibration. We simply cannot be in your presence for a long time and we can also get angry and frustrated with it.

There is a method in this madness. As I mentioned in previous sections of the book, there is a hierarchy in energy levels and dimensions. When we reach higher realities, it is very difficult to reside or spend time in the lower realities. We just don't agree with them anymore. This answer also has other benefits. Intolerance greatly encourages us to create more things outside that match how we are vibrating, feeling and being inside. If your external reality feels downright horrible, we will surely be inspired to save ourselves through our need to feel better, creating superior ways of living and being. And by not tolerating and refusing to be part of the old reality, since we can literally no longer digest it, it literally makes us refuse to participate, thus withdrawing any energy that supports it. If we do not get involved in something and deny it, it cannot survive because there is no energy that makes it real and gives it life. It will simply cease to exist because it will not be residing in anyone's conscience.

Through this intolerance we are also being very direct. As we progress to more vibrating human beings, we find that we can no longer walk through the branches, sit and watch, or take a long way to get anywhere. The upper energy moves in a straight line. He does not go here and there, make up excuses or support friends and family even if they are in unhealthy situations, or sit blindly to one side. It is simple and direct. No uncertainty or indecisive passivity. Time has passed to tolerate the old and wait. It is the superior form or none. On some level we know this, and sometimes we can find ourselves addressing the lower vibrations very directly. In this sense, it is a superior form of love. It implies an inability to support the lower vibrations in anything. In reality we are supporting and loving because now we are supporting the higher forms through this intolerance. Actually we are being spiritual warriors of higher truths and helping others a lot.

In the higher realms we create through our society with the Source and as we become more and more Source ourselves, we must now connect much more deeply in order to create the higher forms. During these years of ascension it may seem that we are not going anywhere. It may seem that nothing is going our way or that we are receiving very little support to get what we want.

This is not really the case. We do not want to create things that are not of a higher vibration or that do not fit us in the near future. In other words, we cannot create from the ego in the higher realms. When we do not get what we want, it is usually because we will not be in that situation or reality very soon, or because we are not ready yet. If there is something you truly feel you should have, then you are not ready to receive it. It is ironic that we always get what we want when we no longer want it. What is happening here is that we have lost our attachment, which puts us in a position to create perfectly. In addition, then we are not creating from our ego. All this is part of the ascension process.

Through all this, sometimes we can get discouraged a lot. When we feel discouraged and disappointed again and again and feel that all our dreams have been shattered, we become apathetic. This is perfect. It puts us in a space to let go. We just don't care anymore. This causes us to let go and release the energy of attachment. So we are residing in a neutral energy, without agendas and this allows much more to come from the Source. And of course, it allows us to let go of many of the illusions.

~ Start over ~
March 5, 2009
by Karen Bishop
Translation: Margarita López

New site of Karen Bishop The New Angels of the Earth
All your material can be downloaded in Word file from your site in Spanish

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