The feminine is sacred in any type of civilization

  • 2017

Dear children of the Earth, we greet you today,

They speak to you the feminine and the masculine who day are next to you through their process of spiritual evolution. If they still don't recognize us, they surely will do it by knowing that we are, in fact, those we usually call `` extraterrestrials '', since we find ourselves living an experience far beyond space which occupies the earthly sphere in which you live; However, we are like all of you, beings that are in a continuous evolution, with the difference that our evolution is much more extensive than yours, as well as our understanding n about life in paradise, that is why we have been allowed to come into your world in order to help you move forward and develop a greater understanding of the life you are living.

Many of us are among you, observe well

Many of us are among you, even when they fail to see us; nevertheless, we must tell them that the time is approaching in which they will be able to appreciate us in different ways, according to the level of spiritual evolution in which each one is, according to the experiences they have lived during their stay on Earth.

Then and as we said at the beginning of our message, we are beings, both feminine and masculine, who have been and still continue to accompany them during their evolution. Frequently, in several countries of the world, you usually speak about us in masculine terms and we are aware that within your language, for you the masculine predominates over the feminine, but you must understand, beloved children of the Earth, that for the Universe, the feminine is as important as the masculine, so it should not be minimized.

For us and within our world, the feminine is completely sacred

Yes, dear beings on Earth, you need to understand that the feminine is really sacred, since within your world, due to your customs, you have been reduced, mistreated and neglected by leaving women in the background. So now that they know that within our intergalactic world, the feminine is sacred, what could be the reaction they would have? Undoubtedly, terrestrial women should rejoice, since in this way they could finally feel and understand that they are really sacred, so much so that there is even a world where lof is recognized due to its enormous divine value and while earthly men, possibly they would get angry, since many of them consider this to be impossible and that only men, being male, are the ones who possess and deserve all the power.

Now dear inhabitants of the Earth, outside your world, both masculine and feminine are completely equal, there is no kind of separation between the two and respect between both parties is very strong, so there is no duality. Each of you, men or women, are divine beings alike, because you all have within you the divine wonder bestowed by the Supreme Father. So if everyone is equal, why do they rebel among you? That makes no sense to us.

Therefore, it is essential that they understand that the feminine and masculine complement each other and there is no one without the other, which is why they must learn to work in a completely friendly and happy union, without belittling the other. The great source has not created you as feminine and masculine with the purpose of constantly fighting among you, I believe you to help each other and make progress on your journey.
We say goodbye beloved Earth beings, reminding them that we accompany them on their way.

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