Show yourself as they are, here and now

  • 2017

Today, in this hour of grace, dear brothers, to bran your hearts to receive the guidance that will take you along your journey into this world . Shake hands with this guide that today is presented to you and putting a great confidence in it, agree to follow it.

In this time of grace, encourage yourself again to be that grace you embody!

In this hour of grace, we invite each of you to stop thinking about what is still limiting and enclosing you in some way and instead, focus on being and expressing the grace that is in your inside. Allow it to manifest itself and in this way you can show yourself as you are.

Show yourself as you are, here and now, allow your light to manifest within your privileged world, before each one of the beings of light who, like you, are traveling their way on Earth . Do not look for excuses to avoid showing yourself, do not pay attention to your mind or resistance, encourage yourself to affirm your incarnation, your physical body, your personality and inner light, since the time to show yourself is now, not later, so don't wait any longer, put aside the excuses and allow yourself the opportunity to truly express yourself.

His guide is accompanying them right now, with the purpose of taking them through everything that does not allow them to reveal and show their true being to the world . Breathe slowly and silently, find your inner peace and allow yourself to receive this guide. Get carried away!

Encourage yourself to affirm your incarnation, your physical body, your personality and inner Light!

They must be aware that what prevents them from moving forward and being what they really are, is nothing but illusions; illusions that form certain enveloping situations that are a bit difficult for you. However, you should also know that from the divine essence that composes your being, each of you has the ability to completely disappear these illusions and consequently, put aside those circumstances that complicate your passage through this world.

They are living a time, in which they are guided and accompanied by different beings of higher plane, with the purpose that they can eliminate these illusions and find again the way to know how to truly accept what they are. Open your hearts and listen to what we say, since the great source has made you divine beings of light and although many have forgotten what you are, it is time that you remember it and show it to the world.

Let yourself go forward, to the revelation of your true self

Let our words go directly to your hearts, do not seek to understand them, just accept them as a part of you . Let me tell you about your creation; Let me express how much we love you. Everything that is said to you in this and other messages, reaches each of you and extends like waves throughout your entire body and you must accept these waves since they will drive you forward, towards the revelation of your true be.

Each of the beings that are part of the human race, are wonderfully diverse both in shapes and colors. Each one is different from the other on the outside, however, in their interior all are equal, all have the same essence and all are an incarnate part of God the Father / Mother, and it is precisely that essence, which they must accept in order to share their Light with those around them.

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