Runa Laguz: Mythological legend and meaning of the ancient Viking runes

  • 2019

The ocean seems endless to men,
if they venture on a wobbly ship
and the waves of the sea terrify them
and the current of the depths ignores its rigging. ”

- Ancient runic poem

The Rune Laguz

The use of the Viking runes (from the root ' run- ' of the ancient Gothic, translated as ' secret ' or ' whisper ') mainly comprised writing in the ancient Germanic languages, especially in the islands of Great Britain and the region from Scandinavia , although it eventually expanded to the regions of Eastern and Central Europe during the Middle Ages . According to ancient Scandinavian beliefs, the origin of these runes comes from the gods. It is a gift that Odin gives to men.

These runes were also used for magical purposes . According to beliefs, they have the ability to materialize invocations and spells written on objects. And thanks to the German-Austrian writer Guido von List, and his system of modern divination of armanen runes, the power of the Viking runes has come to us today.

This time, we will talk about the Laguz rune .

Mythology of the Rune Laguz

Laguz (also known as 'Lögr', 'Lagu' and 'Laukaz', the latter translating as 'leek') is the protonoric for the rune that is equivalent to our letter 'L'. And its translation is 'Water' or 'Lake'.

In the Nordic worldview, the water element represented by the Laguz rune is associated with female and lunar forces. The nymphs, with their incredible supernatural beauty, captivated and subdued any man until he was dragged into the depths. The most intrepid warriors were caught and hypnotized by these water- dwelling spirits .

In the element of the Laguz rune we can also find the ondinas, vagrant spirits that after their death wandered among the rivers causing death in their wake.

Water is thus a double-edged element, since it is at the same time a source of life and also a cause of misfortune.

Meaning of the Rune Laguz

The Rune Laguz represents a basic force of life. Thanks to it germinates, life grows and develops as we know it. It is usually associated with the natural flow of things, where emotions and intuition participate. It is without a doubt, an invitation to live according to what intuition tells you.

It is important that you allow things to flow in the direction they should be. Do not try to force things, because water in its infinite wisdom always balances the balance.

Intuition will be your tool to overcome obstacles . It is also a good time to unleash your imagination.

When the Laguz rune is inverted, it is time to bring your feet to the ground. It is not good to fantasize without any measures. Loss of innocence can be painful. In the same way, misinterpreted intuition can cause great disappointments. And this can lead you to feel unbalanced in your life.

Do not overexpose yourself and do not act on impulse, as this can be motivated by your fears . Learn also that things do not always go as expected. You must learn to move without being attached to the results. These are part of unconscious old programming and limitations that condition you and do not allow you to live life to its fullest. They are self-deception.

Life is in action, not in expectation. Do what you must do. Do not want more than you have. Do not get in your own way.

Flow and trust.

AUTHOR: Lucas, editor and translator of the great family of

COVER IMAGE: Chrissiewiz



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