Who is Grigori Grabovoi?

  • 2015

The mind is so powerful, that there are therapies and methods of alternative medicine that are surprisingly beneficial in the impact of our well-being, such as the method of concentration in numerical series to heal and recover health, conceived by the visionary Grigori Grabovoi (Grigory Petrovich Grabovoy ). As in other cases, there have been detractors of his method, which have indicated him even as a scammer, a fact that even led him to lose his freedom, but this renowned scientist, who is also a clairvoyant and a great healer, developed the method to help health and spiritual control, writing a book entitled: " Numbers that heal ", and that is where the counterpart comes: thousands of people have assured that their method works and that it has served them. It is important to mention that Grabovoi, who was born in 1963 (Bogara, Kirov district of the Chimkent region, in Kazakhstan) studied in the mathematics faculty and has received among other decorations, one of the Russian Academy of Sciences, with the IP Pavlov silver medal for his contribution to the increase of medicine and public health ; It would be almost impossible for a trained and science man to be compared to a man who one day woke up wanting to invent a great farce.

In his work, Grabovoi compiled approximately one thousand diseases and assigned, to each of them, a number of several figures. The procedure in this way that could be so peculiar to heal the disease is based on the concentration of these numerical sequences, with faith and by way of meditation, so that the healing has an effect .

Every disease, explains the scientist, is the result of a deviation of the organism and its cure, it implies the return to the natural . And it is that through many investigations, it has come to show that the power of the numbers, generates a vibration that helps the body (as it also does, for example, the stem cell therapy) to regenerate. This type of healing is obviously shocking to the eyes of the scientists, since an act as simple as the one described above, it is incredible that it can have an impact on the Regeneration of Organs . Without wanting to fall into conspiracy theories, we must be aware that both scientists and pharmaceutical companies would logically be against this great truth and discovery would expand, and perhaps that is a good reason to go against the method and do everything possible to discredit the finding of: Grigori Grabovoi numbers that heal . Grigori Grabovoi has given different seminars such as the one entitled: Ense anza on God; the Universal Action of God.

The numbers heal. Thanks to the method of this scientist and clairvoyant, the patient can not only repeat the numerical sequence, but also visualize it, and imagine or write the numbers.

We are in an era of renewal and revelations, which allows us to come closer to understanding how our mind may be able to heal not only our physical body, but also the spiritual one.

Author: Team of editors of hermandadblanca.org


Who is Grigori Grabovoi?

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