Caller of Angels: Legend and meaning of this amulet inherited from ancient traditions

  • 2019

“Summon your guardian angel who will enlighten you and lead you. God has given it to you for this reason. Therefore valet from him. ”

- Padre Pio de Pietrelcina

Have you received an angel calling necklace as a gift? You will surely wonder what the meaning of these beautiful spherical hoops is.

Well, these necklaces are part of a tradition that we can find in different civilizations throughout the world, from Mexico to Indonesia. Although the name ' Caller of Angels ' corresponds to the Mayan culture .

These pendants not only consist of a beautiful design, but also enjoy a deep meaning and a task related to the soft clink of the silver ball inside that has been transmitted through the generations.

Legends regarding their origin vary from culture to culture, although their purpose has always been protection. The angel calling necklace, as the name implies, will be a way of being accompanied at all times throughout our lives.

Legend and history of the Caller of Angels

It is said that in paradise, human beings and angels lived together and shared every day. They accompanied and protected themselves as brothers. However, after sinning against its creator, humans were expelled from paradise, and in the same way, from the side of their protectors.

So the angels, who were no longer going to live with the people, gave them these silver charms so that whoever makes them sound, count on the assistance of an angelic guardian for their protection.

According to tradition, only the owner of the angel caller can invoke his guardian, or decide to personally assign this necklace to a new owner to make use of it. This is why in many cultures, parents decide to leave the angel caller as a legacy to their children, and these to theirs for many generations.

It is said that in the Celtic culture, each warrior took his angel caller to the battlefield, and that the sound of silver inside could be heard as they marched to war, protected by their guardians in heaven . After his death, the angel caller was taken to his family, because now the amulet also kept the essence of the warrior perished in battle .

Meaning of the Caller of Angels

All cultures mention spiritual beings . These do not have sensitive matter, which makes them impossible to perceive with the eyes for most people and in most cases. These beings, with whom the human being has tried to communicate from the beginning of time, come to his call to protect the one who invokes them, and they also come to earth to impart divine judgment .

This search of the human being to communicate with these beings arises from a need, because the beings invoked by the angel caller are pure in essence because of the closeness to God they enjoy.

Due to the presence of spiritual beings in all cultures, the angel calling necklace is of great antiquity and popular use throughout the world.

In the Indonesian city of Bali, where music and sounds are of great importance as they are considered sacred, pregnant women wear an angel caller at the level of the navel, so that their child can hear their resonance inside the uterus.

This is thus an instrument of connection between the mother and her son . And at the time of birth, she may decide to leave her angel caller in the crib so that her baby enjoys the protection of the spiritual being.

The colors in the Angel Caller

We know that each color is in turn a representation of energy, so it has a meaning in itself. Therefore, the meaning of the angel caller will also depend on the color of the silver ball inside. We will see below some of the most common colors in an angel caller.

  • Green: The green color is associated with faith and hope. It is also a color that represents health and well-being, the natural state. A green angel caller can be a very smart choice for moments of illness.
  • Red: The color red is associated with strength, love and warmth. Fire and passion also find their representation in this warm color. A red angel caller can help you develop better interpersonal relationships, especially with your partner, at work, with family and friends.
  • Blue: The color blue is associated with the fluidity and sense of things. He is also a representative of feelings, the ability to concentrate and our sense of responsibility. A blue angel caller can be a great idea for students and others who want to optimize and evolve in the power of their mind.
  • White: White is associated with purity and perfection. It also represents the innocence of a young mind and immortality. A white angel caller can offer you a way to achieve peace in your life. Also to combat stress and states of confusion and anxiety.
  • Yellow: Yellow is related to vital energy and optimism. It is a color that brings peace of conscience and happiness. A yellow angel caller is a good idea when going through states of unhappiness and depression. Also when we suffer great episodes of fatigue.

  • Black: The black color is an imposing color. It represents fertility, mystery and the search for enlightenment. It is also related to the feeling of comfort and satisfaction. A black angel caller is highly recommended when a path of inner discovery is being traveled.
  • Orange: The color orange is associated with energy. This represents the inner power, self-esteem and the constant state of activity. An orange angel caller is a good idea if a stage of change is about to begin or a new path in life is beginning.
  • Pink: The color pink is associated with personality, trust and authenticity. It is a dominant and young color. A caller of pink angels is a good idea when looking to maintain a mental state of eternal youth, beauty and appreciation for details and simplicity. It is also used in the search for true love.
  • Turquoise: The turquoise color represents balance and honesty. This color is also associated with good communication and self confidence. A turquoise angel caller is a good idea at times when you are being tested or are being the victim of major changes in your life.
  • Purple: The purple color is representative of harmony and freedom. It is a color that can accompany you during the intrinsic search for wisdom and knowledge. A purple angel caller can be a good idea when you are about to take long trips or during periods of great introspective predominance.
  • Golden: The golden color is associated with abundance and wealth. He is also a great representative of independence, rebirth and the bright sun. A golden angel caller is a good idea to achieve financial balance and prosperity in all areas of your life.

AUTHOR: Lucas, editor and translator of the great family of



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