What does Number 11 and its 11:11 pair represent in the Dimensional Portals and in the Human Race? This Symbology is Amazing!

  • 2018

The number 11 and its 11:11 pair possess an intimate, penetrating and mysterious symbology with the human race and the dimensional portals, the vast majority of events that have marked my life have had a deep link with the numbers !

I invite you to know firsthand what the number 11 and its 11:11 pair represents in the human race and in the dimensional portals .

Mysteries of Number 11 and its 11:11 pair in the Human Race
(If you get closer to the number 11 and its 11:11 pair, you will realize that this idea as a coincidence in the human race is moving away more and more, this symbology is more ingrained to powerful messages that you want to convey also of mystical significance)

For the great majority of specialists and researchers of the numerology, the number 11 and its 11:11 pair reflect a synchromatic code, in which the communication is expressed n of a cosmic intelligence that tries to open a portal in human genetics and in its consciousness.

I want to share with you some symbolic realities that reflect the mysterious number 11 and its 11:11 pair.

The cease-fire of World War II, as the brave armies and witnesses recall, occurred exactly at 11:11 a.m.

It may be a coincidence, but if you join other events that I am going to express to you later, you will realize that the numerology goes beyond simple coincidences.

Let's move to New York to the World Trade Center, better known as the World Trade Center, where the Twin Towers were located.

If you go back historically in time, you will realize that on September 11 corresponds to the day that the Twin Towers were demolished, in addition, the first plane that has an impact on The construction is American Airlines Flight 11 .

Now, day 11 of the month of September is day 254 of the year, which added together (2 + 5 + 4) results in number 11 . Also, if you make the account, after September 11th there are 111 days left until the end of the year. Surprising! Right?

If you look at a picture of the Twin Towers, you will know that they are physically an upright 11 to the sky, I invite you to do it!

If you approach the political history of the United States of America, you will find that the names of the last four presidents, the added letters result in the number 11.

Let's see, I invite you to add letter by letter:

  • Donald Trump
  • Barack Obama
  • George W. Bush
  • Bill clinton

On the other hand, and already moving to Spain, I mention the terrorist attack on the four trains of the Madrid Cercanías network, which occurred on March 11, 2004. If you add the letters of the word "March" and each 2004 year number (5 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 4), again you will have an 11 .

Other Mysteries of number 11 and its 11:11 pair in the human race

According to NASA research, it ensures that all mass in the black hole in the center of our Galaxy travels in 11 minutes.

Also, each solar cycle is 11.1 years.

As Aleister Crowley writes, 11 is the magic number . Thus, those who wish to travel the Path of Initiation must bear in mind the number 11 and their 11:11 pair .

It was the Israeli mentalist Uri Geller who popularized 11:11, was a fundamental part of the CIA Stargate remote vision program, and who claimed to " channel a falcon-shaped spirit of the star Sirius "

Geller assures that since he was a child he observed 11:11 in various places, he understood it as a cosmic message, likewise, as a trigger for the awakening of precoded consciousness.

In Qabbaláh the number 11 means Kaf, which, in very simple terms, means " strength " relating it to the " palm of the hand, " which is ultimately self-realization through will and faith.

As a force, there is talk of the fire of Binah, who is in charge of creating the Elohim, that is, heaven and earth in him and for the human being.

As strength and fire, it also means the burning and powerful power of the Holy Spirit (Binah) in the pineal gland, a reality that manifests itself directly and with greater splendor in the sexual organs of the initiate.

Now, I invite you to multiply 1111 by 1111, what do you observe? Of course! As you have seen, you are facing a fractal scale as a result: 1, 234, 321 Mysterious! true?

If you get closer to the number 11 and its 11:11 pair, you will realize that this idea as a coincidence in the human race is increasingly moving away, this symbology is more ingrained to powerful messages that you want to convey, also, of mystical significance.

Number 11 and its 11:11 pair in the Dimensional Portals
… This issue of the number 11 and its 11:11 pair, its symbology in the human race and the dimensional portals, are quite deep, broad topics that cover different aspects of life.

Before starting to develop this theme, I want to clarify what dimensional portals mean, a term that you will find in the progress of this theme.

What are dimensional portals?

In simple theoretical terms, says the graduate in Psychology Leonardo Martín Brito, that " dimensional portals are cylinders of light that are activated at a given time, allowing the entry of new information to the earth ."

It is argued that the information you enter does so in the form of light codes that descend from the Central Sun of the Galaxy.

There is a surprising fact, and it is the fact that we can use the incoming waves of descending light; light that is endowed with enormous vibration, thus manifesting the reality of a New Earth.

In this scenario, I will start by mentioning the 11:11 portal, what is it about?

Portal 11:11 is a “ transition zone between two very different spirals of evolution ”. It is a bridge between duality and unity. If these two spirals overlap and coincide, it is when there is a surprising and very strong evolutionary impulse that transforms the race.

You should know that these spirals of evolution remain aligned with different systems of the Central Sun of the Galaxy. If a portal is opened, the energies that are transmitted will allow the Ascension of the Planet along with its inhabitants.

All this translates into powerful energy changes that are transmitted in physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional changes of people.

Inside the 11:11 portal, Eleven Doors are located, each of which corresponds to an Ascension station with a frequency band that leads to a new energy.

To give you an idea, these doors are very similar to the locks of a channel. When one is activated and that Door is entered, a powerful and intense process of initiation and transformation begins, this, to which our being is immersed in a different pattern.

When traveling through these frequency bands, it is when you, we can learn the lessons of each Door, until we move on to the next Door.

It is of the utmost importance that you know that each Gate has a unique vibrational keynote with which each person must align in a state of harmonic resonance. This alignment is what will allow us to recalibrate ourselves to travel more deeply in the world of the invisible and mysterious.

Once it has been activated, it is possible to enter the 11:11 Gates at any time, this is because not all people are at the same level of the evolutionary process. Now, it should be very clear that no Door can be crossed until it has been activated correctly.

According to the transcendent and spiritual investigations and messages, the Soul Light Codes were activated on 11/11/2017, making this date one of the most important in the history of our Mother Earth.

What happened on this date?

The Nova Terra arrived, from that moment on, each human being can work hard for his ascension, being granted by free will and his own right.

Now, it is necessary that you prepare to transcend and ascend, so I want to let you know some recommendations and actions to naturalize in your life.

The Beings of Light and the Ascended Masters recommend in all their messages, stay in touch with our Supreme Being and listen to the voice of our hearts.

They also recommend being very aware of intuition, a reality associated with the Pineal Gland .

Important that you and I eat healthy meals, free of sugars, fats and meats, among other preparations.

It is vital that you have contact with nature, that you go to the countryside, that you live with animals, that you receive sunlight with the sole purpose of absorbing all your healing power and maximizing your vibrational frequency.

I invite you to look for propitious spaces to visualize situations full of peace, unconditional love in you, joy, union, that you observe yourself totally positive and radiant.

It is essential that you constantly work with the Violet Flame, this is the only Flame of the 7 cosmic rays that can transmute everything that you and I do not allow us to advance in this spiritual path.

Make decrees to overcome and disappear attachments, they are like old patterns that prevent us from receiving the Divine Light .

The number 11 is also the sacred fire of Kundalini energy, it asks you to keep all your thoughts in positive, because your thoughts are manifesting in the form.

In short, this issue of the number 11 and its 11:11 pair, its symbology in the human race and the dimensional portals, are quite deep, broad topics that cover different aspects of life. I invite you to do more research in a personalized way!

When you look at your watch while you sleep and watch 11:11, remember that it is not a coincidence, keep in mind that everything is Causal, and it means that you should be very aware of the frequency with which you observe a certain number, such as I already told you, these are amazing messages sent to us by the Beings of Light through the numbers, in which they express great changes for your life.

Finally, I want you to keep in mind that there are 11 positive and 11 negative, and it is directly related to aspects of your life.

How did you think about the reading of this Article about what Number 11 and its 11:11 pair represent in the Dimensional Portals and in the Human Race ? Were all the statements and ideas that I present in the Text clear?

I invite you to read more information related to this topic, investigate. As I told you before, it is a subject with surprising material to study and practice.

If you still have time, you can read the article “Can your vibrational frequency be affected? What and how are your vibrations? From Quantum Physics, I want to show you 7 scenarios that affect your vibrational frequency ”

It would be excellent if you could keep an eye on our next publications, I tell you that we have very good material that we want to share with you.

I wish you abundant successes and blessings A Hug of Light !

The number 11 and its 11:11 pair possess an intimate, penetrating and mysterious symbology with the human race and the dimensional portals, the vast majority of events that have marked my life have had a deep link with the numbers!

Author : William Hernán Estrada Pérez, Editor in the Great Family of Hermandadblanca.org

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