Keys to Become Emotionally Organic

  • 2015

Namaste! We become emotionally organic avoiding complaints, when we seek to be better, discard what hurts us and process things in the simplest and most natural way possible. So everything that comes out of your mouth is a carpet for your walk, take care of what you say. Everything you think is a fluid to the universe that will be returned to you in matter, therefore take care of what you think ... You are your own fuel for your well-being. Keys to becoming Emotionally Organic.

We know that the emotional, physical, mental and spiritual part are not independent of each other and are interrelated affecting the whole, we cannot separate them; They are integral and if one aspect is affected, all others must be reviewed. Thus, our Soul seeks balance through evolution, because the comfortable is not always the healthiest. Some time ago (2007) I heard my meditation teacher in India say that we Westerners had much more trouble meditating or accessing states of consciousness because we always wanted to be comfortable and in the future; when the important thing was to live the present in all its extension.

He said: “Everything steals their attention, and everything causes them stress, from the moment they sit down to meditate they check their phone, if they are comfortable or not, if something itches, if the mosquito or mosquito stops them in the arm, uncomfortably itching of their nose begins, going to the bathroom and a whole list of discomforts because they are not ready to listen, for silence ”… And then in a break I dared to ask a simple question: How do I do it to be able to cast roots somewhere without having so much need to move? His answer was so simple: “You tell me that you want to take root when you don't know what you want?” And I say: “How do you assume that I don't know what I want?” Because your Soul doesn't want that (because of the way and tone in that you have told me, one part of you wants to keep moving and experimenting while the other imposes that you be the one who takes root) the moment will come when your Soul and you meet and agree ”.

Then I thought that my Soul and I were some eternal strangers and that I really didn't know who I was anymore ... Because what I thought of myself was an eternal fallacy. And I realized that the De-construction of my personality would take longer than I thought because there was so much to unlearn.

So, it turns out that the layers and layers that we have designed for our personality move away from who you really are, we believe to be our brain or broken heart, we believe to be our anger, our body, our career or work, we believe to be the aggressive, crazy or rushed, we believe to be what others think we are, we believe to be our emotions, our divorce or loneliness, we believe to be what our parents think we are, we believe to be our problems, mistakes or diseases, we believe to be our medals or honors, we believe to be the Asana or yoga posture made to perfection, we believe to be our traumas, we believe to be the package of unprocessed emotions, we believe to be the abandoned woman or man, we believe to be the critical woman, we believe to be our fears, we believe to be our triumphs, we believe to be what that we think when we do everything wrong, we believe to be the failure of a relationship that could not happen, we believe to be the moment in which we feel the most shame, we believe to be ours addictions, our car or our bank account, we believe to be the works we do, we believe to be everything we read or consume, we believe to be inappropriate, we believe to be unaccepted, we believe that we are not enough for the universe, we believe so many things that in the end each Belief does nothing but move away from our true self.

And then if I am not all this that I think I am, where do I begin to see who I am? He says: “You are the same as the source that I believe you, and I am not talking about your parents, that they also believe they are what they are not, but a part of the story of your life, the source of where you come from is so perfect that I am sure that by the layers you bring you would never see your greatness as such, and deny by your condition how complete and wonderful you are. ” Everyone at some point recognizes our masks, layers and it is not when we approach the end of the onion that we have to peel another ... The process will be as long or as short as you want to give up. And that's when your own true self begins to appear. We are what we think because we give so much power to that we come to create and believe, but really if we go ultra, we are much more than we think .. All this is nothing but a construction of your personality.

Many tirelessly seek therapy, the exact person, the guru, the teacher, the article, the country that makes us find peace, the tranquility of feeling satisfied. What does me good may not do you good, there is no perfect formula or recipe for each person, we all have souls and energies in constant motion. But all therapies arrive at the same place. That is why everything I have exposed during these almost 2 and a half years are different points of view that may not bring you closer to what you want. My motto is: Choose what is good for you and it is always a good time to start over.

When you enter this process it is not so that you never fall again, but so that the fall is not so strong and you can get up. We become emotionally organic when we choose what kind of situations or emotions make us expand our consciousness, discard everything that keeps us in stagnation. So you have to start asking yourself daily: How am I? How do I feel? Build a more intimate dialogue towards you and not be your own stranger.

There are no magic recipes, look for what brings you to be and feel better. Just as you choose what you take to your mouth, choose well your thoughts and words, your surroundings and who you surround yourself with because they will affect all levels in your life. Be good with your words, use them wisely and be a source of inspiration for others, to grow, to move energy, to heal and correct. And well as we know, we become what we think, what we empower (and as a consequence because we vibrate it) and it is very important to differentiate between the vibration and your Soul, the vibration It is not a mixture of information, and your Soul is a single vibrating entity with its characteristics, but by being educated to only react to the external we are acquiring what we commonly call layers of who we are.

Everything in this world is interrelated, and we must understand that the laws of nature are well kept with the right thinking, common sense and that all stagnation is lack of movement and life. Another problem is that we connect instantly with low vibration situations when we worry. That is, imagine that when you worry, a fluid comes out in the form of a whip and connects with all the millions of people who are worried; those same thoughts are going to be attracted like a magnet to your subconscious by charging and plunging you further into this dense vibration. That is why it always connects with the highest in you, with the most pure and clean, with right thoughts.

Connect with other people who vibrate just like you; with people who want to evolve and never get stuck. Connect with the God that is in you, with your Soul, with your superior being, with what moves you towards having what you most desire. Doing this as a routine will direct your attention to an inexhaustible feeling of provision. KEYS TO BECOME EMOTIONALLY ORGANIC Through our right thoughts, we heal. You can read Energy and thought To heal you have to change the energy, because the energy field responds first than the physical one. Be prepared to give an integral change to your life with all the natural elements. You are responsible for your own life, nobody lives it for you. You have the ability to set limits. Every day be grateful and abundant, become what you are by nature Almica. Limitations and poverty is a state of mind. Can you read Do your beliefs limit you? Starting some yoga practice, exercise will keep your thoughts in order by cleaning your blood of toxins and as a result calming your nervous system ... and thus gradually discarding what prevents you from becoming organic. Reprogram and remove layers that hinder you, your subconscious is highly influential to repetition. Use symbols, music, clippings to change beliefs, be your own creativity. Connect with your true self.

Find people who help you, spiritual coach, psychologists, therapies that best suit what you want to treat, Family constellations, Thetahealingetc. Your subconscious speaks quickly, it does not take so long to respond, it is there that the quick pun are highly effective when you want to know what is hidden in it. Match words and write the first thing that comes to mind. 1. Love 2. Marriage 3. Pope 4. Money 5. Flowers 6. Books 7. Spirituality 8. Dog 9. Fidelity 10. Abundance 11. House 12. Commitment 13. Photography 14. Fights 15. Mom 16. School 17. Bed 18. Construction 19. Soledad 20. Friendship 21. Organic 22. Ecology 23. dirt Visualize everything you want to change, or specify in your life, and choose 5 things you want to let go and work with its opposite energy, for example fear-value, weakness-strength, abandonment - contained, irresponsibility-commitment, disease-health. I recommend you to cut ties that bind to clean your energy. Your health is the function between the aggression of the environment and the vulnerability of your organism. If you are always tired, exhausted, sick, bored, change your diet, your harmful environment for a healthier one. And you don't necessarily have to change your home, or city just change behaviors, patterns, people, routines, products you use, pesticides, etc. If you install a program with errors in the mind, then the chemistry that it generates is not in harmony with life. ...

Scientist Bruce Lipton says: “The conscious mind is creative and the subconscious is about all habits. If you teach the subconscious something different, you also teach it to the conscious, but not vice versa. Positive thoughts, knowledge, only work 5% of the time, but 95% are the habits we have since childhood. And that is the reason why positive thoughts are not enough.

To change the subconscious one must repeat and repeat it is through practice that a habit is created, let's say we open the door to the subconscious through symbols, practices, breaths, meditations, rituals. Brain activity is measured electrically. Here is a brief explanation of the different brain waves Beta Waves: They originate an electromagnetic field with a frequency between 13 and 30 Hz (vibrations per second). They are registered when the person is awake and in full mental activity. The senses are turned outward, so that irritation, restlessness and sudden fears can accompany this state. 40 hertz is a state of panic and hysteria with loss of control and aggressiveness (dangerous) Between 30 and 18 hertz you are tense, confused, irritable.

Between 18 and 15, vigilant, with conscious attention and logical reasoning.

Alpha Waves : They have a frequency of 8 –12 Hz and are associated with states of perceptual mental and muscular relaxation and fit to perform well in sports. Its characteristic effects are: pleasant relaxation, calm and carefree thoughts, optimism and a feeling of integration of body and mind.

Theta waves : With a frequency of 4-7 hz., They occur during sleep or in deep meditation, yoga, while the subconscious formations act.

The characteristics of this state are: plastic memory, greater capacity for learning, fantasy, imagination and creative inspiration.

Delta waves : With a frequency of 1-3 Hz, they arise mainly in deep sleep and very rarely can be experienced while awake. Their corresponding psychic states are sleepless sleep, trance and deep hypnosis.

Delta waves are of great importance in healing processes and in strengthening the immune system. Cells are repaired, the mind is restructured.

Gamma Waves: (above 30-35) would give proof of exceptional neuron activation, as found during the process of creating and solving a problem. So, these brain waves have different actions within you, it is not the same to have thoughts in Beta than in Theta because the force with which you create your brain using each of these waves is more powerful each time the brain vibration falls . That is, there is a different emotional connection when you are on a theta wave since what happens is that your psychic abilities open up.

In order to lower the frequencies, the methods of meditation are used, and everything that calms, like the breaths. Pranayama exercises are excellent for immediate results. There are many exercises but the important thing is to be guided by a teacher who indicates the technique.

The breaths to reassure as: Bhramari, Ujjayi Vayu, Full Breathing. To Vitalize: Bhastrika, Kapalabhati, Surya Bheda, fire breathing. To Balance Nadi Sodhana, Samavritti. Refreshing: Shitali, Sitkari, Kaki. Alternate breathing (Sukha Pranayama) serves to balance and equalize the pranic current that passes through both nostrils. In addition, it is sedative and sharpens concentration. Very important note: if you have many toxins and start some breathing technique, expect some discomforts such as colds, congestion, heaviness, headache, which obviously disappears with practice.

But here I leave you an easy exercise to carry out without so much technique. Do the exercise 6-3-9-3, bone inhale 6 seconds, hold the air for 3 seconds, exhale 9 seconds and hold airless 3 seconds. And you start again. You bring your hand to your belly to identify when it is full and when it is empty. Do this cycle followed by 10 minutes a day at any time of the day. You are looking for a place where you are not interrupted, and you sit in an easy position with your back straight, you close your eyes and bring a hand to your belly to notice how the air enters and leaves. inhale air through the nose for six seconds feel your abdomen is filling, hold for 3 sec, slowly exhale for 9 sec, hold off air 3 sec… ..hale slowly for 6 seconds etc, never open your mouth all activity To inhale and exhale is through the nose. Another exercise to lower hertzian waves is the Bhramari technique, this exercise is very relaxing and to unlock the heart chakra because you hear your own breath-vibration imitating the sound of a bee. You sit in easy posture, with your back straight you bring your thumbs to your ears to cover them, the index you place on the forehead above the eyebrows; The middle finger covers your eyes (do not cover them tightly) lightly and the following fingers do the same by comfortably positioning your eyes and cheekbones.

With closed eyes, you inhale deeply and when you exhale you do it slowly imitating the sound of a bee ... when you exhale all the air you inhale deeply again, the exhalation lasts between 20 and 30 seconds and what you can endure does not become fast is slow and slow . Your brain will achieve deep relaxation, repeat 10 cycles, each cycle is an inhalation and exhalation. Note: there are many ways to place the fingers that are located along the face, others only concentrate towards the eyes, look for what suits you as long as the thumb closes your ears but without forcing. Finally, start by eliminating negative thoughts and feelings about people and replacing those with positive and encouraging ones, constantly trying to repeat what you want to change, the subconscious has a structure and that you can change it, that's why dreams you can't control and they fill you with information that simply does not help you, but that keeps all your childhood box.

Probe about your dreams write to them that they tell you, remember that all the elements of your dream are you. And since the mind likes rituals, here I leave one that seems quite creative, because you can use it for everything that suits you, from creating an ideal partner to writing your desired work, your life. It's like desire maps but you will do it on a large scale.

MATERIAL: You can use several cards to glue with one another or the presentation paper that is larger. You choose that you want to work as attracting a partner. Etc. In the case of looking for a partner you can paste 3 or more cards depending on the size you want, you have to represent it as real as possible. You draw the silhouette and around it you draw a pink layer simulating an electromagnetic field after that pink layer you draw a silver colored layer, then the golden one. You can use the imagination and use colors, markers, frost, watercolors, etc. and every day you paste on your cardboard of 3 to 5 characteristics that you want your partner to have under construction.

Locations where the characteristics are for example if you choose LOVE you can draw a heart or make cuts or drawings that represent love and place them somewhere in the silhouette. The next day you do the same thing you paste or draw or write 3 to 5 features, if they are the same you can only highlight them with colors you have to count 21 days because that is what it will take to Build everything you want and look for in your potential partner, you have enough time to create. After 21 days, you will glue your cardboard for 3 days at the entrance of your house in (not outside your house) after 3 days to paste it At the door of your living room, then for 3 days at the door of your room looking inwards.

In total there are 9 days inviting this energy that you have built into your environment. At the end of these days you fold the paper and burn it (burn it out of your house not inside) look for a clean container wide enough to fit your creation and repeat: Now you know my space, I am here to welcome you with open arms and put the ashes together and put it in a flat container like an interperie tray (outside) for the wind to take the ashes and this is an act of confidence that what It is already on its way and you release the result. Note: This is an exercise that will take time to build what you are really looking for in a partner, your obstacles and resistance will work on you through feeling worthy of all the characteristics You want to have the same characteristics you should have if you want someone who takes care of your appearance and health, you must also respond to these characteristics. You ask what you offer.

In a few words you attract the couple you think you deserve, so your level of merit will be high. And as I always tell you, don't pay attention to everything I tell you, just put it into practice and you'll see how good it feels to become emotionally organic.

NAMASTE SOFIA RANDALL Follow us on @randallita @glits_mx

Keys to Become Emotionally Organic

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