Reminders for the Disciples of Light from the group "Lighthouses of Light

This is the summary of this month's reminders from the "Lighthouses of Light" group:

- The New Wiring will Activate Sacred Contracts.
- The Science of the Unusual Lead the Way.
- Orienting the Chamber of Life towards the Best Approach.
- Disciples of light.
- Upcoming Physical Changes:
- Insomnia and changes in sleep.
- The New Club at 3 am
- Vivid and negative dreams.
- Headaches and dizziness.
- Changes and Challenges of the Respiratory System.
- Multidimensionality and Autism
- The Digestive System, the Gastrointestinal Tract
- Emotions
- Connecting with the heart.

New Wiring will Activate Sacred Contracts

We tell you that the energy of Home is here now. They have summoned her here to surround them every step of the way. It is yours because you set your intention for this to happen and now it belongs to you on this day. Many of you still have difficulties to live in what you are passionate about and do something you want to do every day. But we tell you that in most cases, at this moment, a part of this is already present in your lives. Sometimes it's what they do for a living or maybe it's a part of what they do every day. Other times, it is something they do from time to time. Whatever defines your passion, that is the part that determines your sacred contract and is here right now. That is the part you came here to do - that is your unique contract. No one else can carry out that contract in the same way. That is his original way of bringing Heaven and the vibrations of Home to Earth every day. The magic belongs to them.

We have talked to you about the new wiring that is being presented in all of humanity at this moment. You do not imagine the emotion that is experienced on this side of the veil. It is greater than you could imagine. You believe that you are wandering humans, trying to understand what you are going to do for a living and how you are going to discover a connection and how you are going to discover love, because you believe that these are the things that will define you. Actually, dear ones, you could not fail even if you tried, because there is a lot of energy at all times of the day. It is incredible to see from our perspective how you gather all the energy of who you are from all the dimensions in which you exist; and all this is at your disposal the moment they smile, the moment they lower that energy from the Home and the moment they have the confidence within their soul that it belongs to them in their own right. This is how they bring Heaven to Earth.

The Science of the Unusual Leading the Way

Many of you are leaders, teachers and healers ... and it is you who we are addressing today. All humanity is undergoing drastic change. That change is not something that is limited to these rooms. Nor is it limited to a certain level of vibrations or a label such as "metaphysics." It is affecting the entire Earth. It is funny that the game offers information on the subject of metaphysics or that they refer to things "beyond" when they channel. It is what the Guardian calls "the science of the unusual." Now he is very proud to belong to that group. And yet this does not change the fact that often a lot of invaluable information coming from these areas is discarded because the nature of divine guidance is not well understood. However, shortly thereafter, it appears in scientific journals as a theory that explains the inexplicable. Keep in mind that humans fear the unknown and, because the origin of the information cannot be corroborated by human science, most humans discard it until it is re-introduced by a “reliable” source. That pattern based on fear is beginning to change as the evolution of humanity is revealed. We also tell you that soon science will begin to understand what many of you have learned to trust within your own hearts. Science will soon reveal that all humanity is in a spiral of unprecedented human evolution, and that it will also reveal that human biology is evolving to a biological level that was not expected.

Orienting the Chamber of Life towards the Best Approach

You believe that we are angels of Heaven that have a great dimensional attribute. As if we were wearing a type of badge that made us better than you. It is not so, our beloved ones, for we are all equal and by the way we are all part of others. Imagine our side of the veil when you were in the Home and everyone was part of us at the moment of beginning the game of free will. It was decided that the Game was going to start and you said: Well, we will continue with this game until the year 2000 and we will conclude it right there to establish an end. finite beings, so it was necessary to conclude it. Then they left and played. Can you imagine the excitement on our side of the veil when the Earth passed that final date? You passed the exit point of planet Earth. This creates wonderful possibilities for you, as well as some difficulties. Let's talk about both now, because it's really the same thing. Only that they are seen from different points of perception. We tell you that in this study there are three cameras. [They pointed to the three cameras that were sending the transmission of the Virtual Light]. And if you want to change your reality, all you have to do is change the focus of the cameras. When they change the angle from where they see something, they change the way this appears and therefore change their reality. Most humans are not aware of it; They are very used to putting the camera in a position and never move it again. But we tell you, it does move. If at any time you are not happy with the reality that you have created in your life or in any other way, all you have to do is take your camera and focus it on an angle. better to observe life, that will modify your perception. Change your perception and change your reality as fast [snapping your fingers] And now this is possible more than ever before, and we ask you to start playing with it, because you They are the leaders.

Disciples of the Light

You chose to go through many of these external changes in your beings in order to open the door for others. You are the so-called disciples of the Light. You are the ones who have specifically chosen to be here at the forefront of change. And although they may never receive recognition for their work and are classified as strangers, they are the ones who chose to bring light and energy in the name of all others. So if you can imagine a dark room where everyone is trying to find the exit door, you are the ones with the flashlight. It is not that they taught them how to do things or told them what to do or where to go; but you can show others the options they have. That is what we do on this side of the veil. That is why we call it the Upper Light process. We no longer have to come into your world to intercede in your game using the ancient forms of angelic intervention to teach you the cor correct way or the correct way . All that illusion of the polarity of right and wrong and good and evil, love and fear, black and white, and the above and below are illusions and you no longer need those illusions . There is no black or white; All are shades of gray. Now you define your own perception and reality, and if at any time you are not happy with that, please have the courage to change the focus angle of the camera.

Upcoming Physical Changes

Today we want to talk to you about human biology regarding this change, because biology is changing rapidly and this will generate a wide variety of effects on all humanity. We have talked about the process of the new wiring and that if the process is interrupted it can generate disconnections of energy in the body. His science has called it Chronic Fatigue or Fibromyalgia; We simply call them energy disorders. The energy wiring of the human brain is changing in these moments. The trajectory of the synaptic connections of the human brain is changing. Maybe it will be a few years before medical science validates this event, partly because they know very little about the way in which they connected before the change began. Even so, here in the world of the unusual we will mention it now. Humanity is evolving directly before your eyes. This change is beautiful, however, it will create challenges for human beings.

Insomnia and Changes in Sleep:

They will see more than ever on this planet people suffering from insomnia, with changes in their sleep patterns and in their sleep hours. Why does this happen? And why does this have to be part of the change? This does not have to be part of the change, beloved ones. We also remind you to hold your power at this juncture and ignore every word we speak. It is not necessary to have sleep problems to be part of the chosen ones. Beloved, YOU ARE THE CHOSEN. You are here, you are sitting in these seats, you are watching this program, you are reading these words and you have chosen to be the heralds of the Light. You are the ones who are going to take this to the next level, whether you have sleep problems or help your neighbors with yours. Much of this is due to the fact that they are becoming multidimensional and are beginning to experience other dimensions of time and space. Because of this, he will change his own understanding of dimensional reality.

One of the biggest changes that humans experience is the dimension that you call dream. By the way, many of you who do not consider themselves healers, will discover that they could wake up exhausted instead of rested. If they are not doing the work of their heart during waking hours, when they go to sleep, a bell goes out in another dimension and indicates that "the doctor is now at home." And then they begin to heal the long line of people that await them, and wake up the next morning, and fail to understand why they feel exhausted. They will also discover that most often many people will start waking up in strange hours. It may take years before medical science gathers enough data to prove it, but for now observe them, because you are the ones who have been dedicated to helping people make that change. This means that they must radiate their light, because with that they move away fear. You are the disciples of the Light.

We talked before the 3 am club where people start to wake up at 3 am It is actually the beginning of a normal sleep pattern that they will experience in the future. We call it the test dream, where you usually go to sleep for three hours, wake up for two and then go back to sleep for three more hours. This offers people two hours of vigil in which they do not know what to do. These hours are very special, because during them, you are in a state of magnified creation. In fact, they remain in a different dimensional state during those two hours. However, once that two-hour time lapse has elapsed, what they would have held in their thoughts at that time, will become their reality more quickly. During that special time, allow yourself to just hold those thoughts that help you grow in some way. You have no control over the thoughts that come to your mind; but they do have complete control over the thoughts that allow them to remain in their brain. Don't worry about the negative thoughts that come to your mind. Let them pass, as they form a necessary part of your human experience. Just know that they can go through your mind without sticking to it, and choose to hold and keep only those thoughts that help you grow in some way - and don't judge yourself for having difficult or negative thoughts. Practice that control during the two hours of creation.

The New Club at 3 am

Understand that during the new wiring process, these schedules can change a lot as the 3 am club becomes the 4:45 club and then again to the adjustment period for the next fifty years. In the days to come, there will be people waking up at all hours trying to understand what is happening and believing that something "bad" happens. That thought alone can create a lot of difficulty on planet Earth. Actually, it is a normal process of human evolution.

Vivid and Negative Dreams

They will also have very vivid and sometimes negative dreams. Some of you will wake up with nightmares. It is a natural process of balancing your energies. Many of you spend the whole day dancing in positive energy, ignoring what we call the dark side. In each of you there is a beautiful dark side. In that case you can have a balanced energy dream where you have a very vivid negative dream, which will simply help you balance your energy. Most of the time, you will not remember those dreams but you will wake up with a feeling of having gone through a shock. Sometimes they will remember them and that can affect them. As the new wiring continues, those dreams will become very special experiences. So if you have been having them, instead of wondering what is wrong, just smile and know that, in the first place, that means you are experiencing a lot of positive energy that needs to be balanced. That balance has been going on since the beginning of the game; However, with the new wiring of humanity that is being presented, these experiences can increase until they become more frequent and more resounding.

Headaches and Dizziness

As this new wiring presents itself, many people will begin to experience unexplained headaches or dizziness they never had. As your brain begins to create the new wiring, you will experience head symptoms that are new to you. Please know that it is a normal state of your evolution and there is nothing to fear. We ask you to let go of your fears about physical symptoms. Do not try to stick to them or deny them, because that increases them by attracting all kinds of energies. If you want to own your own thoughts, then fill the void. Go see the doctor if they cause any concern. If science denies valuable information for not respecting divine guidance and intuition, please do not make the same mistake by not visiting your doctor just because you are not a person who works metaphysics. Use and respect all the flavors of the truth and then focus your camera to observe it from the best angle. Mix the physical and metaphysical sciences, because there lies the real magic. If the doctor tells them that he finds nothing wrong, they can confirm that it is the evolutionary path to which we refer. That way they can enjoy the trip without fear.

Changes and Challenges of the Respiratory System

We will also mention that many people will experience unusual and unexplained changes and challenges in their respiratory system. In the next five years this will be something very noticeable on this planet. The medical sciences do not have a real methodology to assimilate or collect data on diseases that have not been diagnosed. Actually, there will be no method to collect this data until there is a name by which they can identify a group of symptoms. Sometimes humans have even invented diseases to classify the symptoms and changes of humanity. By the way, that has been the origin of the disorders that you call ADD (Attention Deficiency Disorder in children) and ADHAD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in adults). These symptoms that arrived with the Indigo children have been present on Earth for a long time, however now that you have names and labels for them, you see an increase in the number of people with these diseases. We tell you that this will also happen with the respiratory challenges that most of humanity will face very soon. Your relationship with your breathing will change. As these changes take place in your physiology, many of you will see them as difficulties and vulnerabilities, as allergies, as colds; but like allergies and colds that do not follow a normal pattern. Know again, this will also happen and you will be perfectly fine. It is an evolutionary process that will calm down when your new wiring has adapted physically. Don't think you have done something wrong just because you suffer a cold. It is an evolutionary process that will calm down when your new wiring has adapted to your physical form. Just know that it is part of the new wiring process and allow evolution to take its course with joy and tissues. Enjoy the ride ... and if you have to spend a day in bed, enjoy it too.

Many of you will discover that your patterns will change as the new wiring is installed and as you assimilate it. Also understand that not all of these changes will produce negative results. It is possible that they have always had allergies during the summer months and suddenly, they stop representing a nuisance. Not everything will be negative; There are also positive things. Know that from our side of the veil, there is no difference. Simply, for us they are just changes.

Multidimensionality and Autism

We have said many times, that as they evolve and some of these events begin to reveal themselves, one of the most important things that will happen will be the understanding of the new multi-dimensionality. You are becoming multidimensional beings, and you will come to understand some of the disorders that humans have classified and that relate to it. Autism is one of them. We have defined autism as the multidimensional person who lives with one foot in each world. Most of the time, the autistic child cannot find his way back to the world in which you recognize them as autistic. In fact, they can exist more in the other world than in what you call your daily life. It is a very frustrating experience that soul lives. However, there is much that can be achieved through it. And, although it is not a disease or something that is mal, you receive a great gift because through the beauty of autism you have the opportunity to learn what multi-dimensionality is . The biggest challenge a person with autism experiences is the frustration and eventually the anger that they feel. They are receiving so much information that they cannot interpret it completely. Those who are not autistic have filters inside that allow them to see and experience only the information and vibrations that are within their own reality. The autistic do not have these filters and have a hard time assimilating all the information to see things in the same way you see them. We tell you that this is also beginning to change. Due to their dimensional change and their openness towards multi-dimensionality and under the new wiring process, they will begin to discover transformation tools, what we call translation tools, which will allow them Communicate with people of other dimensions. That will finally solve the mystery of autism. Watch for this. We reiterate that the tools will have different denominations from those just mentioned, because they will come from the sciences related to the unusual; however, new tools to understand autism are on the way.

Some of the tools have been here for a long time, however they have not yet been understood as the person who works with autistic children and who uses a glass every day because he knows that the child cannot speak to her but can communicate with the crystal. The autistic child can speak through the glass because it serves as a translation device. They can speak to the crystal because it is possible to use the crystal as a translation device since it covers multiple dimensions, and therefore it can be fully connected with its own dimensions as well as with yours. Please know that not all crystals can be used to communicate with autistic children, but those who have the correct vibrations have been employed for this purpose. This is similar to the fact that most autistic children can communicate with certain animals and particularly with those we know are multidimensional, such as dolphins. They cannot have a dolphin as a pet in their homes to communicate with an autistic child, but understand that translation mechanisms already exist and have existed for some time. This will begin to happen also with other forms. Some will be objects and others will be multidimensional life forms. Some will be the new biology and we tell you that there will be gifted children who will arrive very soon and help to translate and understand the gift of autism.

When these children begin to evolve, they are not afraid of them. Recognize what they are and understand that the gifts they bring will be shared by all humans as they evolve. See the possibilities they offer. You are the disciples of the Light. You are the ones who carry the lanterns, dear ones, and when people succumb to fear due to the coming changes, you are the ones who can make a difference. It is the activation of your sacred contract. All humanity is going through the process of new wiring on Earth. The human animal is shifting towards higher vibrations. Nor is it a secret to clarify that it is a point that will generate fear on your planet. It's very simple, humans fear change. That's why they are here, beloved. It is what will lead them to act, because they are the disciples of the Light. They understand. You have dedicated yourself to holding the lantern for the highest good, without showing the exact path or telling someone where to go or what to do; just project that light so everyone can see it. That is the greatest sacred contract for many of you and is found here on this day.

The Digestive System, the Gastrointestinal Tract

The last physical issue we want to talk about is related to very important changes in the digestive tract of humans as biological changes begin. Please understand that humans only see things when they are negative and become problems. That is why the news is almost always of a negative nature. No one would see them if you had a “good news” channel. It is simply about human nature. Know only that although many of these changes will manifest their negative aspect, they also have a positive aspect. In the near future, human digestive changes will present a wide variety of symptoms. Know that if you are experiencing them and even have difficulties, you could also be the first to adopt a physical body of higher vibrations. Be patient and don't forget to breathe; That, too, will happen.


With all those physical changes that are happening, emotions surface all over the board, dear ones. There will be depressions on the planet as you have never experienced before and many will enclose within you all your creative energy instead of externalizing it. We tell you that the repression of energy is the biggest problem that you have on this planet. You are god, and suppressing any part of that will create problems in the physical and emotional bodies. It has always been that way, and yet now more than ever humans will be even more sensitive to it. You can personally generate the change in this. Take it as a call - a call to action, because in the first place, that's where they can make a difference. Help people to make their creative energy flow out instead of inward. You are here to project your light. You decide if you do it by helping your next-door neighbor or by teaching thousands of people. We will never tell you where to go, but we can tell you that you have the key and that you are disciples of the Light. They have dedicated themselves to the study and application of the Light for many lives and that is why we call them the disciples of the Light. You can help people take their cameras and look for the best of angles. You are the New Family of Light and you came with the greatest hope of humanity that consisted in reaching the point where you are at this moment. They are receiving the call to action. There will be no more Lightworkers working hiddenly. Now we leave you with three simple reminders: Treat yourself with respect, take care of each other and play well together.

Connecting the Heart

By Barbara Rother

The end of the year is an excellent time to reflect on our life: what happened during the year and what are our possibilities for the New Year.

Imagine organizing a big party. It will be a celebration for life. As you prepare, hope and emotion grow within. He has decided to invite all the wonderful people who have touched his life in a special way this year. Every day that passed, someone left their mark. You have decorated your house according to the occasion for this special meeting. The flowers fill all the rooms, along with the candlelight that spreads a warm welcome glow. Each guest is greeted with a loving hug across the door. You spend a moment connecting deeply with each other's eyes, contacting your soul.

Your guests have been invited to enter a large dining room where the tables have been arranged with the finest dishes and glass. The most elegant and delicious food is about to be served. It feels great to see that everyone is having a lot of fun. You wanted this party to be perfect for your special guests, and it is. As you take your place at the head of the table, look at each person for a moment. He sees his mother, his father, his children and friends. There are those whom you only see once in a while or those you have met only once, but who are very important to you for their original and beautiful way of being. This is a gathering of families from all areas of their life. A smile is reflected on his face, for he feels very blessed to have all these wonderful people in his life. They have helped him discover who he is, serving as mirrors.

One by one they raise their glasses to give and give thanks individually. They say how much they appreciate their lives and then they address you and express how important you are to them. The circle of loving energy grows one by one, increased as each person speaks. This was going to be a party you are giving to show the people you love, how grateful you are to have them in your life. The gift has been returned. This is the circle of love energy. What you have given you are receiving. Now it is your turn to give thanks. Taking a deep breath, he prepares to speak, but tears of joy fill his heart as he understands how blessed he is to have all those wonderful people in his life. As you raise your glass to make a special toast, you feel very grateful for that day. He recognizes how wonderful his life is with all those people around him. All you can say is thank you, because it is the best way to express your gratitude, and these simple words come directly from your heart.

The celebration ends by giving thanks to himself. This is the life you have created. Know that when you love yourself, you have more love to offer to those around you. It has been a magnificent year, full of adventures, some positive and others challenging. The New Year will be full of wonderful perspectives.

Love and light


~ Disciples of Light ~

The Physical Change

The Reminders from the Home of the Lighthouses of Light are live presentations on the Internet, transcribed and sent in English on the 15th of each month. The Spanish translation is published between the 25th and 30th of the same month. Lightworker's next LIVE message will be on January 27, 2007.

From Steve:

Again, this month's message is an extension of the great October message: (See The New Wiring). Here the group broadens the explanation about what is being developed on a physical level as we begin this modernization of human wiring. A medida que vayan leyendo, por favor tengan en cuenta que este proceso no tiene que ser una experiencia negativa. Únicamente cuando nos resistimos al cambio y dejamos que el miedo se infiltre es cuando nuestra evolución puede tornarse negativa. Es como dice el grupo: ¿Acaso esperas un milagro?

Grandes abrazos y suaves codazos,

Steve Rother

Portavoz del Grupo

Greetings from Home

Reprint Authorization Notice

Copyright 2006 Steve Rother. Esta información es para ser difundida y debe hacerse en forma gratuita en su totalidad o en forma parcial con dos condiciones: 1. Que este aviso de derechos de autor aparezca incluido en el material publicado. 2. Todos los derechos, incluyendo el material traducido, continuarán perteneciendo al titular, Lightworker. You can find more information about Steve and the Group at. .
Thank you for helping us expand the Light!

Traducción y Edición: Equipo de Traductoras Voluntarias de
Enero de 2007

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