Bach flowers: uses of Aspen for personal growth

  • 2018

Aspen, also known as aspen, is often used to treat negative aspects of people, such as fears, uncertainties or fear of the unknown.

Aspen, one of the components of Bach Flores therapy, focuses on emotions and negative moods and focuses on the personal growth of the person.

Aspen personality traits

Bach's floral treatment is based on the harmonizing action that the soul possesses in order to face the difficulties that arise in life and keep us in balance.

Negative emotions such as fear, selfishness, hopelessness or irritability, plus all the physiological repercussions that these carry, can be treated with the floral elixirs that are used in this alternative therapy .

The Aspen fits those people who express feelings or feelings of anguish and cannot explain exactly why that sensation is due. They are able to generate self-concerns and think about things that can happen, but without being clear about why this happens.

People who identify with the Aspen generally do not have an exact definition for their sense of danger and that is why they do not usually share it with others, for fear of not being understood.

This sense of danger is linked to evil elements such as witchcraft. Also to major catastrophes such as the end of the world, world wars, etc.

People who conform to the Aspen are not aware that these thoughts are the reflection of oneself and understand that their fears come from an external force, superior to themselves. These types of sensations usually appear from an early age.

If those fears or concerns remain in a state of low intensity, they can be kept under control, but it is also possible that these manifestations are aggravated and become serious anxiety problems .

This type of imbalance causes the appearance of tremors, palpitations, agitation, goosebumps, etc. This kind of situation is called a high intensity state .

This emotional state is very common to see in people who are thinking about the future all the time and do not live in the present, since they are focused on what will happen the next day.

They are highly sensitive people, who capture conflicts and negative energies more easily and that information is so intense, that it fails to identify and understand it in its entirety, thus generating feelings and reactions of intense fear or fear .

Those who fear death, such as the sick or the elderly, manifest supernatural fears fit Aspen's profile .

In children, these fears or terrors are associated with ghosts, monsters, spirits that cannot be seen and supernatural entities.

Aspen effects

Treatment with this flower will get the person to increase self-confidence . You can recover your courage and the strength you need to face the unknown and leave the path free of ghosts that can disturb you.

The use of Aspen brings serenity and conviction that nothing bad can happen and optimizes the union between feeling and reason.

Aspen treatment helps people feel protected, they will feel much more confident and use that energy in positive aspects of their lives.

Aspen Indications

Generally, the mismatches to be treated are linked to:

  • Agoraphobia
  • Claustrophobia
  • Anxiety
  • Hypersensitivity
  • Fears

The negative emotional states associated with fear and fear are treated with this flower. Aspen is especially indicated for these cases, but a complete study of the entire symptomatology and the emotional and physical manifestations of the person should be carried out.

Sometimes it is necessary to combine other Bach flowers to enhance the effect of the Aspen flower.

Seen in Deusto Salud, by Pedro, editor of the White Brotherhood

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