Don't be afraid to take off the layers that weigh on you, since the truth will free you

  • 2018

Message channeled by Adele Arini

“Today's channeled message is perhaps one of the most important messages that the Human Collective needs to know at this time. "

Greetings to my brothers and sisters,

Today, Adele is finally ready to channel my message by all means, a message that is quite long but only leads to one thing, and that is that ” The truth will set you free. "

Something must have happened first in Adele's personal / professional life, and then triggered the following message.

Before writing all your messages, you must first experiment, do something, meet people, so that the content of our next message flows through it, authentically. The writing process can never be forced, because everything must happen at the perfect moment of the Divine Calendar, when she and the world are finally ready for it.

Everything we advise you to do with our messages or whenever we give you superior advice throughout our previous messages, Adele has chosen to do them, has lived them personally . She must be able to write these messages channeled from the point of view of someone who writes from experiential knowledge. She had been through so many things in life during her relatively early age, all of which were planned before birth, so she can now serve the Light as a superior channel of wisdom.

The authentic wisdom you need to feel or that sounds true to everyone

You, Adele and I are really ONE. This means that if you are reading / listening to one of the channeled messages that Adele wrote on our behalf, you or more exactly, your Higher Self, have certainly contributed to the writing process and that is why you were attracted to these messages. His Higher Self invited him to come here and read his own channeled messages, such as a reminder or a wake-up call, so that he could begin the process of remembering everything you voluntarily chose to forget, when he first entered 3D Earth.

In other words, all these channeled messages have been written by you and for you, so that you can come and read them, to the perfect Divine Calendar that you have decided for yourself. And as I promised at the end of my last message today, I will share with you all the superior dimensional wisdom that lies behind the creating creating your body from all diseases, conditions and / or disabilities, whether physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually that you or your loved ones may have.

Today's channeled message is perhaps one of the most important messages that the Human Collective needs to know at this time, so if you know someone in your life who can really benefit from reading this Timely reminder, do not hesitate to share this message with them. The content of my message today is intimately and inextricably linked to the most recent message of God our Father through Adele, entitled The art of healing your life .

Every older message we have written has paved the way for a better spiritual / superior understanding of any particular issue discussed. It is really the moment, my dear friends, so that ALL enjoy a perfectly healthy body or that they really deserve, regardless of their age. Everything is possible. There is no limit to what you can create and manifest in your physical reality at this time, except for the limitations that YOU have established for.

The magic is believing in yourself. If you can do it, you can make everything happen

In other words, you and ONLY you have the power to change your own health . If you are currently experiencing significant health problems, the time has come for you to realize that a perfectly healthy body can be yours, ONLY IF you are ready to do the job to make that happen!

It also has the power to change the appearance of your body. You / your Higher Self are the MASTER of your physical bodies, NOT the other way around . You can choose to have an immortal body. No matter how old you are, you really have the freedom to look old or young. You can feel and look really younger again .

In other words, if your definition of an ideal physical appearance is that of a 30-year-old child, someone who is not too young or too old, then you have the power to stop and reverse your internal / external aging process . You can return at the age of 30.

Some of you may have seen photos of men and women who look much younger than their real age. I am sure that when he first saw them, he wondered if these images were Photoshop, in order to have the young, wrinkle-free face they currently enjoy. They can also lie about their real age.

Generally, 99% of the time, you would be correct in making these assumptions. However, there is currently a growing minority of men and women who live in nature and really challenge the convention. They really believe that their physical bodies are sacred vessels of their Spirit, and they have taken care of it with great tenderness and love. Intuitively they follow the internal guidelines that their body tells them to do, to keep fit. These people are constantly "listening" to the physical signals of their bodies and 100% are committed to following the advice that their body continuously gives them at all times.

It can be as simple as, for example, if someone feels slightly dehydrated. A wise person will take steps to immediately correct this small imbalance before it becomes a problem or before it affects them further. A more complex example will be, for example, if you have recently experienced trauma or difficulties of any kind in your personal or professional life.

You should do everything you can to return your life to perfect balance, without running away from the feelings / emotions associated with this trauma. You must face it immediately (instead of wallowing in fear, danger, sadness and self-pity ), so that this trauma has no power to save.

All diseases, conditions or chronic diseases are usually the result of prolonged negativity, internal stress or a mood that must be treated and released permanently before they become a problem and does not manifest itself in your physical reality. The only exceptions to the above are the health challenges and physical disabilities that your Higher Self has specifically chosen to experience in this life, for the purpose of your soul growth and that of your loved ones .

Sometimes, your health problems can also be caused by the trauma of past lives that may still be deeply rooted in the cellular memories of your physical body, waiting for the perfect time to return them to the surface and permanently remove them from your energy body. .

A clear example is that of Adele

His weight and health problems were related to a fundamental cause. She did not love herself . She didn't like her life. She did not like life. For her, at that time, physically incarnating in what was once the Earth in 3-D was extremely difficult for her spiritually awake self. As empathetic, you can feel or feel the world / people around you in a way that someone who is still in a deep and spiritual dream can never do.

She can easily feel people's thoughts, feelings and moods, if she hears their energy fields . A traumatic event that occurred on the other side of the world can feel its reverberant effects as easily as if this event had occurred in its own backyard. The suffering of many living inhabitants of planet Earth, especially those of the animal kingdom so dear to his heart, has often brought him into a state of lower vibrations. In the past, there was a time in his life when he stopped worrying about his life, his body, his health and his appearance, and instead focused on instant gratification.

Adele's journey demonstrates that the true, super-deep and lasting healing process that reaches a person's heart may take several years to complete, depending on the level of motivation / willingness to change each person and the amount of “luggage” That has to be evacuated. The healing process can really be compared to the process of peeling an onion. For permanent healing to take place, you must be prepared to face, heal and then release (all layers) that prevents you from reaching your goals.

Remember that your goal of having a perfectly healthy body (as well as any other important goal you may have) is in the depths of your being, in the heart of the onion. The many layers of onion that you need to peel, to get to your center, symbolize the many deeply rooted three-dimensional beliefs that you need to release.

TRANSLATION: Lurdes Sarmiento


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