History of Archangel Anael

  • 2018

The Archangel Anael is considered Divine Wisdom and is invoked so that humanity travels the path of good. Anael is also the angel of love, who guides people to achieve happiness, happiness and self-esteem.

His name means "Glory of God" or "Grace of God" and in Hebrew it is translated as `` Grant me Lord. ''

Who is the Anabel Arc?

The Angel Anael is also called Aniyel, Infidel, Hanael, Hannuel, Hamiel, Onofel and Aniel .

Anael is the angel of love and harmony . As regent of the Choir of Principalities, his main task is to inspire decisions to the responsible people who lead politically to entire towns.

This angel tries by all means that world leaders can see with the eyes of the soul and that love and harmony reign throughout the world. His highest intention is that humanity is plethoric of good and love.

Archangel Anael carries the light that becomes a guide . It is the signal that makes no person get lost in the path of shadows.

Those who invoke him find great creativity in the tasks they perform and manage to feel like the best workers in the world and achieve amazing and transcendent triumphs.

But in addition, his invocation helps to reach a state of unconditional bliss that is the grace of God, directs those who seek to feel close to God, which is the true origin of the joy and love of the soul.

He is identified with Venus, associated with the Goddess of Love, and embodies the ancient qualities of this goddess, such as the blessing of marriages and purity. Over time, the attributes of this goddess were changed, but in Anael they remain faithful to their primal essence.

Archangel Anael helps develop a better relationship with God, because it makes it possible to separate bliss from circumstances, whether they are good or bad.

Archangel Anael in the various religions

Anael is for some an archangel and for others an angel of love that helps to find not only romantic love but also self-love. This angel is not mentioned in the Bible, but it is part of the Kabbalah as a tradition in Judaism.

This archangel is mentioned in the Zohar as who is in charge of Netzach or the victory in the Tree of Life . In the Book of Enoch, Anael is mentioned as the angel who transported Enoch to heaven before he became Metratron, the archangel writes to sit on the throne of God.

The belief is that Anael is one of the angels who reign in the Principalities and Virtues . In astrological symbology, this is the angel that rules the planet Venus and the sign of Capricorn.

Representation of Archangel Anael

Archangel Anael is represented in violet robes, which are a symbol of transmutation. But it also relates to dark green and bluish white colors.

He is commonly depicted smiling or laughing, for he is the angel of bliss. It is also aesthetically beautiful and sensual, because it is also the angel of love, who often carries a rose in his hands, referring to the pure love and beauty of a soul that has found God.

Anael carries a flashlight on, which represents the power to give light in whatever circumstance, to give happiness.

When Anael shows up, she is pure glow, fire and has soothing green colors . He is identified with the Unicorn, a symbol of Capricorn, and represents everything supernatural. It is the opening of the third eye that will illuminate the Earth.

Seen in Celestial Archangels, by Peter, editor of the White Brotherhood


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