María Magdalena y Yeshua: The Winds of Change

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 And breathe this frequency of love, and breathe this frequency of peace, and breathe this frequency of transforming light. 2 Peace, love, light and joy. 3 Hold your light and hold your love and hold your power; and keep the frequency of peace with great force within the essence of your being. 4 But you say, what about all death and destruction, fear and chaos?

Channeled by Lea Chapin, September 27, 2017

Greetings, Dear Sons and Daughters of Light, yes, it is I, Christ . My dear Maria Magdalena is also here . We come to tell you, Dear Children, that this is a day of great joy and great effervescence. There is a lot of energy that we call transforming freedom and transforming light that is spilling onto your planet right now.

Because as many have experienced, powerful energies have been brought to their northern continent and the northern hemisphere . We ask you to put your feet on the ground and take a great deep breath, and simply begin to breathe the energy of Holy Grace, of Grace Elohim, begin to breathe this powerful frequency of Holy Grace, Grace Elohim, exhale this powerful energy of the Holy Grace, Grace Elohim .

And breathe this frequency of love, and breathe this frequency of peace, and breathe this frequency of transforming light.

Please take a deep breath and start breathing. Breathe into this transforming power of these new frequencies that are being produced on this planet. As you begin to take another deep breath, please allow these transforming energies to be brought into your system, and breathe in the essence of All that is.

Dear Sons and Daughters, it is a great joy to come to bring the frequency of balance within each of you. Divine, sacred balance for each and every one of you. Calling this energy of balance in each cell, each fiber, each pore of your being, calling this energy of Holy Grace and love, and breathing in this frequency of love .

So today, Dear children, while you are in the light and in love and in peace and in the transformation of all that is, there is a joy that is returning to your system .

Please release all fear and anxiety that may be forming at this time regarding the powerful changes that are occurring on this planet and that are happening within your individual and collective lives.

Please know, dearest ones, that this is the energy of balance, and it is bringing not only peace on this plane of the Earth, but peace within each of your souls . And peace in all sentient beings.

So hold your light, keep your frequency, and keep your peace as the beautiful freedom of love, light and joy. And so, Dear Ones, while you are in the presence of the living God, begin to feel this essence of the beautiful energy of tranquility and calm, peace and balance restored in your system.

It has been quite difficult, Dear Ones, to observe that your planet and all creation lives in a state of fear and fear. We know that these times are the most difficult, and yet it is of great importance that they support their ideals, their beliefs and their beautiful energies in what we call a sacred synergistic essence of peace .

Yes, Dear Ones, the frequency of peace is being codified and printed within all your beings, and it is of the utmost importance that you sustain this frequency and maintain the light and feel the presence of peace in your soul.

And so, Dear children, while you allow yourself to feel this freedom, feel the power of love now transmuting all fear, all discordant energy, and allowing yourself to be sustained in the highest vibration of peace, love, light and joy.

Peace, love, light and joy.

And begin to feel the essence and presence of this powerful transformation . Each of you is being displaced from what we call your low vibrational frequency, from your ego, from the separation you have felt from the essence of God, and now you are moving towards what we call your Higher Consciousness, your superior mind, moving towards the aspect of your super soul .

And now, dear children, you are living in this powerful frequency of your super soul, knowing and connecting to all that is. Today, each of you is being discharged and connected to your superalm, as if you were being plugged into your consciousness and your connection to the Living Light of God.

Hold your light and hold your love and hold your power; and keep the frequency of peace with great force within the essence of your being.

So I ask you to be deeply inspired, Dear Ones, and feel this connection with your super soul, as if you were being plugged in . There, Dear Ones, fear will begin to diminish, confusion will begin to diminish, and there they become the truth, the essence of your being .

This is a powerful time, Dear Ones, for the energies that have been brought to this planet in this time, from hurricanes, to earthquakes, through all the Earth's changes, the energies Healers are powerful .

They may not understand, do not believe or accept the fact that the winds of change have created loving and peaceful energies for all to take advantage of.

But you say, what about all death and destruction, fear and chaos?

We say, Dear children, that it is very, very unfortunate that many have received and have been in the midst of these changes, and yet, dear children, it is time for all souls to wake up and live from their Higher Self, from their super-soul., of his God I.

This is a moment, as we have said, of great gratitude; and to live in the frequency of Divine Grace and gratitude and trust in your own innate wisdom, trust in the Living Light of God, and trust in the essence of All that is .

And so, know that at this moment, your heart and all the hearts that are beating on this planet are now connected to universal freedom and the vibration of love .

The transformation is happening at a very fast pace on your planet and all the energy that has been cleared of your Northern Continent has cleared the way for peace and harmony and love to prevail. It is time to let him in and live it, and breathe it, and incarnate it, walking on this plane of the Earth with peace within your heart .

Transforming energies of great power are occurring within you as we speak, can you feel it? Can you feel it Can you feel the truth of the living God that lives within your being?

Know, Dear Sons and Daughters, how important it is to be sovereign over your own energy field . Just as we did at our last meeting, when we put each of you in this beautiful diamond pyramid, the beautiful diamond light lattice, your own Merkábico field, you are now receiving so much peace and transforming light, that what you are doing It is affecting many, by their presence, by their conscience, by their continuous energy to sustain the ways of thinking of peace, and love, and light, their birthright .

And so, today, Dear Ones, it is happening that the transforming energies are moving and advancing on this planet, and you know that good has happened, regardless of what you see and testify , there are blessings and goodnesses that are being brought to this planet

We here in the heavenly kingdoms are taking care of our brothers and sisters, and while you ask us to help you, please accept our gift .

Just as Mary and I needed to go through the process of transformation to find the balance within ourselves, in order to keep the footprint of the balance for humanity, now you are also being printed with your own etheric template, which is now being restored to the equilibrium.

Continue in Mary Magdalene and Yeshua ~ A new beginning

TRANSLATOR: Carolina, editor of the great family of the White Brotherhood

SOURCE: Read Chapin. (2017). Mary Magdalene & Yeshua ~ The Winds of Change. 09/28/2017, from Love has won Website:

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