3 most common conflicts in a relationship and how to deal with them

  • 2015
Table of contents hide 1 Different objectives 2 Jealousy 3 Differences (large and small) 4 3 most common conflicts in a relationship and how to deal with them

Relationships always have ups and downs, and conflicts are part of them. But many times these conflicts end up making the relationship succumb and almost always not knowing how to deal with them. Next we will see the 3 most common conflicts in a relationship and how to deal with them.

Different objectives

This is usually the most common conflict in relationships; for example one in the relationship is thrifty and the other is not; one is interested in having children and the other is not, and so the list could be very broad. However, the difference in objectives is natural in a relationship, whatever it is since it is formed by two people who cannot and should not be equal in everything, but know how to learn to live together with these normal differences.

In this case, the simplest way to deal with this conflict is sincere dialogue and set priorities in common; seek an emotional balance so that there are no losers, but two winners. We must bring out the affection that exists between the two, this is the cornerstone of the relationship and must be latent throughout the process. Agree on what is most important for both of us. Probably someone must yield more than the other and have to make some agreements for the common good, explore the pros and cons of both parties to arrive at a position where both agree or that the objectives of one do not affect The objectives of the other.


They say that jealousy in the relationship is what puts the "pepper". But most of the time jealousy escapes from the hands and takes magnitudes that lead to the relationship to endless and even irreconcilable conflicts.

The basis of each relationship is trust, and jealousy is probably the opposite. This is an issue that must be established and clarified from the first time it happens, because if it is not clear, it will become a snowball that grows over time and can become very harmful. Like most conflicts, it is solved with dialogue, but in this case you must establish rules and limits, maybe a little jealousy is fine, but you can easily get out of hand the situation. Remember that jealousy is not only always for someone else, there are also professionals, for economic issues and even with other family members.

The differences (big and small)

This is the main cause of conflicts in relationships, but fortunately it is the easiest to solve if there is a will on both sides. It is obvious that there are differences in a relationship, one could say that it is even normal. Everyday and everyday life causes more than one touch to end in conflict. Many times the sum of small differences unleashes an unsustainable war in the relationship.

In the relationship there is enough trust and experience to know what those differences are that trigger the conflicts, but perhaps it is not enough to avoid them. In these cases, seeking balance is essential to reduce the roughness and ignore these differences. Communication is also a fundamental weapon to combat this conflict, saying that it is what bothers you about the other and finding a middle ground to avoid fights may be the simplest solution.

Drafting: Lucid Life Team

Source: http://www.lavidalucida.com

3 most common conflicts in a relationship and how to deal with them

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