Bach flowers: Wild Oat

  • 2018

We will embark on a new journey through the most invigorating alternative therapies in the world. In this case, we focus on Bach flowers, specifically Wild Oat . Also called wild oats, it has a series of indications to improve mentally and psychologically. We see it all about this floral remedy below.

What is Wild Oat or wild oats

Wild Oat is the flower that helps us find our true path when we don't know what to do with our life. This is the Bach flower indicated for those who feel dissatisfied with their lives, do not know what they want and find it very difficult to choose an option.

They are individuals who cannot make important decisions to make changes in their work or lifestyle. They have a hard time following their vocation and finding a path that satisfies them.

The characteristic people in this state are teenagers who start several activities, studies or courses and do not finish any, leave them out of boredom and have a hard time deciding what to do.

Negative state of Wild Oat

The negative aspect of this Bach flower is discouragement, uncertainty and a constant doubt about the vocation or the path to take in life.

These people usually start several activities, but end up leaving them because they get bored of them . They lose their interest, again doubt and think again about what they should choose.

Possibly the influence that the opinions of others exert on their decisions makes them make mistakes again and again. It is also very likely that they end up taking a course that then causes them dissatisfaction .

Wild Oat's frustration is also that they feel that time is running out and they have not yet found what to do. It is very likely that they follow several studies and do training courses, but then do not know how to apply that knowledge.

In many cases the problem has its causes in childhood . People with authoritarian parents who imposed their ideas on them and did not let them decide what to do in their lives, making decision making difficult when they reached adulthood.

But the state of uncertainty that involves constantly searching the outside world for a key to take the “right” direction can be transformed into vocational discovery and the ability to recognize that the answers are within themselves.

Benefits of the Bach Wild Oat flower

Wild Oat is one of the Bach Flowers belonging to group 2 “Uncertainty” .

The benefits it provides is an increase in security in decision making . It helps us find a way. In addition, it helps us decide which path to choose, from the heart and not from reason, to succeed with our true vocation.

Wild Oat helps us recognize the potential within us, which gives us clarity to make the right decision. It allows us to see what we want to do with our lives, granting the main key for us to maintain a commitment.

In this way, you can continue and move forward in life . It is about making a change between a state of vagueness to another of constancy and personal development. This is the flower that helps us find our true path.

Finding a path of its own while maintaining a defined purpose provides us with an inner certainty about our vocation, clears doubts and insecurity. This is the clarity necessary to begin the course of life chosen successfully, because Wild Oat people are capable and talented, but they do not know how to take advantage of it.

Seen in The Journey of the Hero, by Pedro, editor of the White Brotherhood

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