The power of positive thinking is immeasurable and powerful

  • 2013

By: Lorena Lacaille

Undoubtedly one of the keys that open the doors to success is positive thinking . And although it sounds very trite, many have not yet managed to make it part of their lifestyle, and are still programmed in a negative way: some unconsciously and others due to the lack of self-determination to make the small change in frequency that gives us great results. Since positive thinking transforms our lives in all aspects in a radical and positive way.

Thoughts are more than ideas or feelings, they are pure energy. Thoughts are biochemical and electrical impulses, waves of energy that, as far as we know, penetrate time and space. Therefore every thought is an order that we give to the Universe for better or for worse. What are you thinking about right now? Are you on a positive or negative frequency? Do not forget that we are the result of our thoughts, of the emotions we have felt and of the actions we have performed. Therefore, it is essential that you are very vigilant of your thoughts so that they work in your favor, helping you to become the person you want to be, what you want to do and what you want to live. Thought is like a seed that produces a flower and then a fruit. So, to reap the rewards you have to feed them with thoughts, emotions and positive actions.

Positive thoughts

What are positive thoughts? They are the only ones that allow us to accumulate inner strength and enable us to be constructive. Positive thoughts are what always benefit in all situations without getting caught in the external experience of a situation. Thinking positively does not mean that we ignore the reality around us and pretend to live in the unreal or pretend to be another. For example, when we walk on the street and there is a lot of garbage everywhere, saying that I do not see it, that I do not smell anything, is unreal, or when we are sick and we repeat ourselves again and again, I am healthy, I am healthy, this It is not what we mean by positive thinking. Positive thinking means seeing the problems and recognizing their reality, but at the same time being able to find solutions to that problem . Anthony Strano

In addition, positive thoughts give us the feeling of inner contentment and thanks to this the expectations we have about the people in our environment diminish. What is extremely healthy for interpersonal relationships as they become more durable and harmonious. Another benefit of positive thoughts is that they are our best shield against disease, because if our body is balanced we will enjoy excellent health.

Positive thoughts = an optimistic attitude.

This binomial is inseparable, if we are tuned to positive thoughts by logic, our attitude will also be optimistic: and that is the greatest protection against negativity in us and around us. Because being with a positive mental attitude despite the problems that may arise in our daily lives, we will always remain peaceful, with great internal strength that will allow us to face the challenges and find their prompt solution . A MPA is the right mental attitude for each specific occasion. It has the ability to attract the good and the beautiful. The AMN (negative mental attitude) repels them. The AMN separates it from everything that makes life deserve to be lived. Napoleon Hill

So the formula is simple positive thoughts + a good attitude = they lead us to the achievement of our goals and a much fuller and happier life. And in this regard Dale Carnegie (American founder Guru of the self-help movement) tells us:

“The more I live, the more I realize the impact that attitudes have on life. For me, attitude is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than appearance, than talents and skills. They build or destroy a company ... a church ... a home. The remarkable thing is that every day we have the power to decide what attitude we will welcome throughout the day. We can not change the inevitable. All we can do is play the only string we have. I am convinced that life is 10 percent what happens to me and 90 percent how I react to it. And so it is for you too… we are in charge of our attitudes. ”

Finally, we have no choice but to continue working to eliminate these mental webs: feelings, emotions, passions, prejudices, beliefs and habits that are programmed negatively and that are part of our lives. And program them in a positive way. The task is not easy, but with determination, faith and perseverance can be achieved.

Hello, how are you, dear readers? This article is another excerpt from my next book that will be available at the end of August. It is a book where you will find various information related to metaphysics, Buddhism and well-being in general. And I hope that the information will be very useful and apply in their lives.

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The power of positive thinking is immeasurable and powerful and accompanied by a good attitude makes us invincible.

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