Madroño medicinal properties

  • 2018

The fruit of the madro o has many uses . It is edible, with a sweet taste, and therefore jams and sweets are made with them, as well as fermented products that produce various liquors (liquor, wine, brandy).

The strawberry provides various health benefits . Protects the renal system, reduces inflammation, is an antioxidant, helps the treatment of urinary tract infections, prostate, prevents kidney stones, reduces cardiovascular risk and supports the treatment of atherosclerosis, among other benefits .

Benefits of the madro o

The Madroño is a shrub of the genus Arbustus, of the family of Ericáceas (Ericaceae), but it has many popular names, such as madrollo, aborio, erbedo, borto, merodo, etc.

This is a reddish-stem tree with gray scales growing throughout the Mediterranean region, in some places in Asia and also in Central America and northern South America.

The fruit of the madroño is a small berry, red in its maturity, which has angular seeds that cover it. For medicinal use, the leaves, fruits, roots and bark are used.

It contains flavonoid compounds, which improve blood circulation providing multiple benefits. In addition, its fruits contain pectins, which regulate intestinal function.

In folk medicine, arbutus has been used as an antiseptic, astringent, intoxicant and to cure rheumatism . It is also a renal antiseptic that supports the treatment of cystitis, urethritis and other urinary system conditions.

Uses of the arbutus in natural medicine

Astringent and antiseptic

The leaves and young shoots of the arbutus are rich in tannins and help fight diarrhea and dysentery .

It is also beneficial for the treatment of chronic inflammations of the urethra and prostate, for renal hematuria, urethritis, acute blenorrhagic cystitis and chronic bladder colds.

To do this, a 28 gram dry leaf cooking with 1 liter of water is prepared, boiled for 15 minutes and allowed to macerate until it cools. It is taken on an empty stomach 1 cup a day and for strong diarrhea you can drink up to 3 cups a day.

Bladder inflammation or urinary incontinence

The arbutus is a good home remedy for urinary incontinence and bladder inflammation .

To do this, cook 15 grams of dried leaves and 1 liter of water, boil for 15 minutes, let it cool and drink 1 cup a day on an empty stomach.

Liver occlusions

For liver occlusions, the method of decoction of the leaves is used . To do this, 25 grams of strawberry leaves with ½ liter of water are placed in a bowl and boiled for 10 minutes. The liquid is filtered and a cup is drunk 3 times a day.

Kidney stones

The arbutus is a natural remedy that helps expel or dissolve kidney stones . For this, a decoction is prepared with 30 grams of dried leaves and bark, which are mixed and boiled in 1 liter of water for 10 minutes. This infusion is drunk every 8 hours for 3 consecutive days.

Prostate swelling

The arbutus is used to reduce inflammation of the prostate . For this, 15 grams of dried leaves or bark are boiled for 15 minutes, 1 cup on an empty stomach or 3 cups a day is brewed and infused.


The arbutus improves blood circulation and blood flow to the brain and is therefore good for patients suffering from atherosclerosis.

To do this, an infusion of 30 grams of madroño root with 1 liter of water is prepared and allowed to stand for 10 minutes before drinking. It is recommended to drink 2 small cups a day, on an empty stomach.

Fatty liver

Fatty liver is a condition that involves an accumulation of fat in the liver from non-alcoholic sources. A good remedy for this is an infusion of 50 grams of strawberry leaves in 1 liter of water, which should be drunk at a rate of 3 cups a day.

Seen in DSalud, by Pedro, editor of the White Brotherhood

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