Your beliefs bind you to illusion, "message of Archangel Saul

  • 2012

The excitement increases as your awakening gets closer and closer. They have been waiting a long time for this and will not be disappointed. Some of you have had `` top or peak experiences, as they are called, when whatever you were doing flowed perfectly and at a level of competence or ability that was quite there. What you would describe as normal. It was edifying for you, even stimulating, because it seemed that you could not do anything wrong, nothing that interrupted this energetic flow or prevented you from offering the most extraordinary result. All the wonder of moments like these is nothing compared to what awaits you in your awakening.

The process to reach this stage of your evolution has been really arduous - a long and exhausting effort - but the end is in sight, and even if you have doubts in the depths of your being you have a certainty, a knowledge that this It is true. When you relax, meditate or pray, seek this certainty within you; focus on it and on the intention to wake up, because doing so reminds you that this is your destiny and that it is God's Will for you. By doing this regularly, you allow yourself to confirm that deep inner knowledge and your doubts dissipate. They are on your way home and nothing will divert you from that path because you are calling them so irresistibly.

You are all divine beings playing imaginary games, but because you are divine beings the power of your collective imagination is intensely powerful, and because of how you chose to play your games it has convinced you that the games are real. When you believe in something and are successful in convincing yourself that it is the truth, it becomes very difficult for you to see through that belief and recognize it for what it is - an opinion with which you have identified - because your beliefs they become your identity, and they think that if they are eliminated you will cease to exist. A scary thought; therefore, they tend to cling to them fiercely and inflexiblely.

Your beliefs tie you to the illusion because they are codependent and inseparable from each other. However, your inner knowledge is constantly trying to bring this to your consciousness by presenting you with new information so that you can contemplate these views dispassionately, without being subject to your demands for your faithfulness and loyalty. Beliefs can be changed or discarded, according to your knowledge and your experience to prove their inadequacy, leaving room for an expansion of your consciousness and enabling them to accept new ideas and new information as they are presented. There is infinite knowledge at your disposal and you can deepen your consciousness and wisdom if you make space by questioning your beliefs in response to new information.

Illusion is a state of limitation and whatever you can do to dissolve those limitations is a step on the way to leaving it behind. Using your mind to discover the pearls of wisdom contained in all fields of human endeavor can be extremely inspiring. Every day, new knowledge and new wisdom are being discovered in areas that had previously been thought to have been fully explored, and there is no end in sight. Temporary high (interruptions) occur when inflexible beliefs prevent what has recently come to light properly examined.

Beliefs are like addictions; You get hooked on them. Everyone has had the experience of forming a belief about someone they have never known but who they have only heard about, and then, knowing him personally and getting to know him well, they have been perplexed to discover that the imaginary perception they had invented does not have virtually no resemblance to the person, and they have to change or adjust their beliefs accordingly.

You all have beliefs that have become deeply rooted in the course of your lives and never question - you had a thought that made sense to you at the time and became a belief, or your parents or teachers led you to believe that something It was a proven fact - and then, one of your children or one of your younger friends or associates brings your disability to your attention. That can be very disturbing to you! It may be that they refuse to see it from their perspective (admitting that they have been wrong all these years can be very painful for you) and get upset with it while trying to defend it.

However, when you can begin to question your beliefs without fear and release those that no longer serve you, you will discover within you a feeling of freedom, a feeling of peace, and you will feel lighter. Most of you know people who have inflexible beliefs and attitudes and with whom it is difficult, if not impossible, to have meaningful conversation. When someone like that comes to mind, remember that each one is a mirror in which you see your own reflection. At first, it is difficult to admit that, but you are all aware of having noticed that others do not see, or choose not to see, their faults or inadequacies that are very clearly reflected back. Are you really so different?

Having the courage to recognize and admit that you could be wrong is very empowering, and your fears and anxieties diminish when you discover that doing so is not so serious. Not only that, but also a new panorama of possibilities opens before you, inviting you to explore it, and your knowledge and wisdom expand when you allow yourself the freedom to observe without rushing to judge. Your need to instantly identify and enter information in what appears to be the appropriate space is weakened, and discover that you can wait happily with uncertainty until enough information arrives to allow you to properly file it.

In the illusion, huge amounts of information, which could be extremely useful for solving problems and bringing light to difficult situations, are misidentified in the heat of the moment, causing confusion and suffering for those involved. When they can afford some time to reflect on a problem or situation, instead of needing to hurry to find and adopt the answer (thus demonstrating your genius), many painful misunderstandings can be avoided, as well as the stress and anxiety they induce.

Loving attitudes lead to loving words and actions offered gently and delicately. Rushing distracts and confuses, and often leads to unnecessary and painful misperceptions that can result in inappropriate reactions leading to conflict. Take your time. They always have plenty, so don't rush - or allow yourself to be rushed. Behave lovingly in every situation, and enjoy the enormous reduction in stress and anxiety that this brings. It is a very big change in behavior and attitude for most of you, and demands your constant awareness, but your guides and angels are with you constantly to help and encourage you, and the rewards you will receive greatly exceed the effort invested.

With so much love,



Channeled by John Smallman, Sep. 30, 2012

Original title: Your beliefs bind you to the illusion

Translation and publication: ~ OjS ~

Image: “The traveler”, by Rassouli

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