Ascension of your Inner Child by Mother Mary

  • 2019
Table of contents hide 1 Ascension of your Inner Child by Mother Mary 2 Who is your inner child? 3 Trauma and your Inner Child 4 Your soul and your Inner Child 5 Instigating the healing and growth of your inner child

Do you know who your inner child is ? Do you still not know how the ascension of your inner child is? If you don't know, I invite you to read this amazing message from our Mother Mary through Natalie Glasson .

Ascension of your Inner Child by Mother Mary

Your inner child is an aspect of your soul; You could compare it with an energetic body similar to your emotional or mental body within your auric field.

In a period of changes of ascension, transformation and new beginnings, when your soul is getting closer to your being, your mental and emotional bodies are healing, and new perspectives connected to your inner truth are waking up, there is an area of ​​your being That we are cannot be overlooked.

Your physical body, your auric field and your chakras are undergoing tremendous changes because aspects of your ego are disappearing to be replaced by the enlightened aspects of your soul.

The old limiting, destructive and negative perspectives are reaching the surface of your being to be recognized, healed and erased in order to make room for new love perspectives, which improve life and illuminate your soul.

There is one aspect of your being that is deeply affected by the transitions that take place within your being, and yet this aspect may go unnoticed.

Transforming without you noticing. I, Mother Mary, am talking about your inner child .

Who is your inner child?

From your birth, your inner child develops in harmony with you as a physical child.

Your inner child is an aspect of your soul; You could compare it with an energy body similar to your emotional or mental body within your physical field .

Your inner child is the original consciousness that you choose to hold when you anchor yourself in your physical body while forming in your mother's womb and when you were born.

As a spiritual being who wishes to incarnate on Earth, he chose his parents, his place of birth, his time of birth, his name, how he would appear and even what kind of personality he would have.

Did you know that these choices would support you in the life lessons you wanted to experience as a child and an adult, as well as the learning or growth in which you want to participate, to become a greater expression of the Creator .

In your birth you kept within yourself all the understanding you needed about your physical reality, as well as a strong connection and memory of the internal planes .

The knowledge you held at birth cannot be expressed by you, and even as a child, it may have been difficult to express with words, not because of your inability to communicate, simply because it is part of you and, therefore, is Synthesized With every aspect of your being.

It is important to remember that he chose the environment he experienced as a child, even if he perceived them as negative, he chose them for a reason that would encourage him to move forward as an adult.

From your birth, your inner child develops in harmony with you as a physical child.

Your inner child continues to have the awareness of knowing who you were born with, which acts as a form of navigation through your early years.

As a child, you are connected with your soul. However, his chakras are still forming and developing, so it is in later years that the most complete aspects of his soul physically embody.

Your inner child is an aspect of your soul that is present to serve you through your early years.

From his birth to seven years of age, he absorbs information about his environment and the people in his life, learning everything he can.

Your inner child supports the programming of your subconscious mind that later allows your conscious mind to develop.

Once you grow up, your inner child will remain as a child within you, often at the age of about seven years, so that he can continue to share internal knowledge about yourself and the reality that he has had since you are in The uterus.

Your awareness of knowledge from birth is very important as it acts as a basis for your soul's intentions for your life.

Trauma and your Inner Child

The purpose of your inner child is to reach maturity as an inner child, to exist as a child realized, loved and empowered within you.

If some type of trauma occurred during your childhood, you have the ability to stop the growth of your inner child and create confusion for your inner child as your inner knowledge, and external experiences are not harmonized.

If the trauma is large and profoundly influences the inner child during childhood, then it is likely that the inner child will continue to be the age of the trauma.

The pain or suffering experienced will be retained by the inner child and will begin to obscure the pure knowledge that one has at birth.

While the child's physical, emotional and mental body continues to grow and develop, the inner child cannot become a satisfied child who has reached the peak of his growth and can emanate aspects of pure knowledge from his soul.

The purpose of your inner child is to reach maturity as an inner child, to exist as a child realized, loved and empowered within you.

Other aspects of the soul can complete the incarnation and incarnation with the physical form. If the growth of the inner child is stunted at two years, the increasingly high aspects of the soul cannot be discharged until the inner child heals and completes its growth.

The child It would influence the adult at two years, the pain he endured and his perspective on Earth.

It is important to understand that if your inner baby suffered a stunted growth due to trauma, the healing and growth of your inner child can occur at an accelerated rate within your adult body, therefore, his purpose can be completed. With your support.

It is common for the inner baby to complete its growth, however, it has adopted spots that obscure its pure knowledge and the appearance of the soul.

You will be able to recognize the negative or destructive spots that your inner child has embodied due to pain, suffering or lack of power, since they will appear as continuous patterns in your life.

Examples of this are: the inner child never feels safe, so an adult may not be able to find a safe home, the inner baby may feel unloved and the adult self may experience relationship problems So, the inner child may have experienced a lack of money, so the adult self is unable to manifest success.

In truth, his medical and creative nature and his patterns share much about his soul and the loving qualities of the Creator he wishes to embody.

Your soul and your Inner Child

If your inner child has become a satisfied child and all stains or confusion have been erased, then your inner baby will emanate the pure knowledge of his soul for this life ...

The current ascension change is helping your soul to synthesize your whole being, especially your mental body.

To take full advantage of this and allow your soul to be more fully incorporated, there is a need to provide your inner child with any healing or growth that is necessary .

If your inner child has become a satisfied child and all stains or confusion have been erased, then your inner baby will emanate the pure knowledge of his soul for this life, which will be synthesized with the new aspects of his soul being discharged now creating harmony and a more complete presence of your soul.

Instigating the healing and growth of your inner child

'The Creator provides me with everything I need and voluntarily accept.'

The negative, limiting and destructive patterns that you now recognize in your reality that can manifest through your thoughts, feelings, physical experiences, actions and reactions are born from your inner child .

Look at these patterns, what messages do they bring you? Often, it is easier to discover the negative message and then turn it into a positive message using your conscious mind.

Then you can realize the growth that your inner child requires and the energy you need to anchor from your soul and guides to support healing.

An example: everything seems to go wrong in your day. Therefore, you say to yourself: 'Nothing works for me.' This is a stain or confusion that the inner child has adopted that is obscuring his inner knowledge.

This statement can be converted to, ' The Creator provides me with everything I need and voluntarily accept .'

You can affirm your statement by asking your guides and soul to provide healing and energy appropriate to your being, while also imagining the feeling of the statement.

Then imagine yourself as a child experiencing the affirmation completely and vigorously observe the growth that your inner child creates.

Working with your inner child in this way will allow you to experience a great sense of satisfaction, satisfaction and happiness that will make your soul easier to synthesize with you.

It is also possible that you begin to receive beautiful realizations of your life and your soul because the knowledge that your inner son brought to this world to support you in navigation will easily awaken within your being for you to receive.

It is valuable with the energies currently anchored on Earth to take the time to honor the healing and growth of your inner child, as well as the knowledge and wisdom he has to share with you.

Love from my inner child to yours,

Mother mary

Original URL : Ascension of Your Inner Child by Mother Mary

Author : William Hernán Estrada Pérez, Editor and Translator in the Great Family of

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