The Sound of the Universe Part 1: Cosmic Cycles and Energy.

  • 2017

If we really saw the Universe,

maybe we would understand

- Jorge Luis Borges-

We know, from the discoveries of Science, that we live in a cyclic universe . The celestial bodies have several cyclic phases of existence corresponding to formation, development, climax, decay and dissolution . Such a sequence is verified daily from the astronomical observatories by means of the evidence of explosions that daily produce at one end and in another disintegrate planets, stars and even complete solar systems.

The so-called Nebular Hypothesis indicates, through a combination of astronomy, physics and geology, that collapses in the gravity force of " molecular clouds " due to an excessive increase in density, cause the explosions responsible for the resulting solar systems. In the long term, the Sun, the center of our solar system formed 4600 million years ago, is expected to burn all its hydrogen getting hotter every day. The gradual result will be an increase in solar radiation until the Earth ceases to be a hospitable planet for our species.

This catastrophe will simply be one of many cycles, equal to those that have preceded us, and to those that will happen after this. In each of these eternal cycles the planetary systems have a fixed scheme of appearance and disappearance ; they are cycles to which references have been found in the legacy of several independent civilizations from one another (such as the Sumerian, Egyptian and Mayan) and show surprisingly accurate calculations whose descriptions match.

The universal reality of these cycles also applies to us. As human beings we are born, we grow, we reach the fullness of life, we grow old and die . But we cannot just say that this cycle happens only once . When we can individually understand that the universe is eternal (without beginning or end) in the course of its cycles, that we are integral particles of that universe (equally eternal), that all its characteristics are applied in all planes of existence, then we cannot deny the reality of the existence of a method (also eternal) that keeps us, as existing beings, repeating our cycles of embodied life. Of course, we talk about reincarnation . But going further, these cycles of each incarnate life also correspond to the cycles of the general history of humanity as a species, which means that, as we appeared, we develop and enjoy the fullness of existence on this planet, we will also decay until disappear completely as a species, and we will start over again. One of the problems that human beings have to understand the concept of " Eternity " is that, in general terms, we are going through stages of varied intellectual and experimental limitations (according to the state of development of each one). The only way we understand the vast majority of information is linear . That means that we necessarily have to allocate time (sequence of consciousness) and space (separate localities of existence) to our perception, and therefore everything must have a beginning and an end .

When we understand Ethnicity, we will more easily understand the idea that, being subject to universal cycles, nothing begins or ends, but is in a continuous changing state of "being . "

Let's talk about Energy

It is a new world. This is due to the new perspective that the Science offers us regarding the environment that surrounds us. According to the pioneer scientists who entered the components of the physical world, everything was matter . Some matter was totally solid, another invisible, and between these two extremes there were various degrees of solidity . It was said that the most or or subtle matter was imperceptible in our sight.

On the other hand, from the spiritual world they told us that even the spirit is matter. It was made of the fifth essence, which became the finest among those already known as earth, water, fire and air (in ascending order of subtlety).

That information is still useful, but scientific progress has been able to penetrate matter and bring us a more precise description of its inner nature.

In its most basic form, this information tells us that everything, whether visible or invisible, is actually E nerg a . But what do we mean by Energ a ?

Etymologically, Arist teles ( 384-322 before the Common Era ) was the first to use the word Energ a ( E nergeia ) as part of his formulations in the work Metaph sica ( lines 8 and 9 ), giving it as meaning something that is always at work or functioning, that is, a state of activity

That work focuses on three questions:

1. What is existence and what types of things exist in the world?

2. How can things continue to exist despite the change we see in our environment in the natural world?

3. How can this world be understood?

Later the development of experimental science came to shed light on many philosophical concepts. The German mathematician Gottfried Leibniz ( 1646-1716 ) called the energeia of Aristotle " viz viva " ( "living force" or "vital force" ). This other term was the foundation of a theory that became obsolete as it was considered a basic precursor to the current "Energy Conservation Law" ( which tells us that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but transmuted ).

After several turns in the use of the word " E nergy ", focusing mainly on scientific materialism, its use has expanded again. With the new human awakening, Philosophy was eventually and naturally penetrated by E spirituality, which had long been kidnapped by religion. Outside of Science, "Energy" has regained the original meaning that Aristotle gave it as "an internal force that is always in motion ."

Although we have not seen that in general terms science has embraced the possibilities of advancement offered by the spiritual field, we can see a growing number of scientists who are not afraid to express their research in spiritual terms. Such is the case, to mention a few, of Stanislav Grof (precursor of transpersonal psychology), Allan Botkin (psychiatry) and physicists Amit Goswami, Fritjof Capra, Dan Falk, Michael Talbot and Ken Wilber .

Physics has continued its journey into the interior of matter and at some point realized that the atoms, which at one time were considered the fundamental blocks of matter ( the most basic and indivisible unit ) are themselves composed of other elements even smaller and hidden . Moreover, it was also noted that in all this network of the internal fiber of matter there is an indescribable force that keeps all the components in motion . The generic nomenclature of " Energy " has been reserved for this force.

If Science has already shown us that the entire universe is in continuous motion, that in that absence of rest, galaxies are also formed and destroyed in the macrocosm and electric currents sprout deep inside our microcosmic brain, we deduce that its cause must Be some kind of energy.

Moreover, remembering once again that " energy is neither created nor destroyed, only transformed ", we can affirm that every thing that exists is a manifestation of one of the various transformations of the same thing and that that thing is energy. Therefore, the whole universe is energy ... The All is energy .

All Energy is resonant

As stated above, everything has its internal part on different levels until it reaches the "Universal Essence . " What we have so far called " E nergy " is not exempt from this description. The inner part of the " E nergy" is the " R esonance ", which is based on its quality of vibration, or movement . Such movement is due to the phenomenon called " wave ", which has been generically defined as "a propagation of a disturbance of some property of a medium, for example, density, pressure, electric field or magnetic field, which propagates through space transporting energy The disturbed medium can be of a diverse nature such as air, water, metal, space or vacuum ”.

The behavior of the waves is considered by the Science in several ways, which makes its descriptions difficult to explain concretely and singularly. For example, Physics has not been able to forge a global description that uniquely identifies the behavior of waves in reference to electromagnetism, optics (light), acoustics (sound), mechanics, etc. due to the variety of points of origin thereof, their means of propagation and other elements. However, all waves reveal a common characteristic: they are all in motion.

Let's look at a definition of " R esonance ":

R esonance is the tendency of a system to oscillate at maximum amplitude of certain frequencies, known as the 'resonant frequencies'. At these frequencies even small driving forces can produce large amplitude vibrations because the system stores vibratory energy. When there is little damping, the resonant frequency is approximately equivalent to the natural frequency of the system, which is the frequency of free vibrations. The resonant phenomenon occurs in all types of vibrations and waves (mechanical, electromagnetic, etc.) and quantum wave functions. The resonance was discovered in 1612 by Galileo Galilei through his research with pendulums. ”

From this definition we draw the following conclusions:

1) Resonance is an oscillation, that is, a pulsation.

2) The resonant frequencies are " driving forces ."

3) Resonance is a natural phenomenon typical of all things (visible and invisible).

The “ F count ” mentioned means the oscillation rate, which is measured using units that have different names, according to the level of “ existential depth ” we are dealing with. For example, the common measure in " Hertz " ( Hertz, or Hz ) defines the frequency in " cycles per second ", that is, how many times the pulsation is recorded in a second in our physical plane and some similar to this one. These complex definitions make simplification necessary.

" Disturbance " means any change in the current natural state of something ; " Medium " is the way it changes (for example, reduction in density [ mass ]); and change moves ( propagates ) carrying energy .

The question here should be: “ If obviously these changes are happening throughout the universe continuously, when did the first one occur? That is, when did the pulsation that produces the resonance produced by the vibration produced by the energy produced by matter, etc. begin? "

If we take the definition of “ R esonance ” one step further, we can see that resonance, as an oscillating force (pulsating), depends on universal polarity, that without polarity there is no resonance . That means that the resonance is characteristic of all the bands of vibration (of existence) known so far, remembering that the infinity of vibrational bands produce energies of various qualities that in turn shape all the components of the known universe .

The inclusion here of the word " known " is to emphasize that in El Todo there are stripes of existence that are unknown even to the most advanced human beings in spiritual evolution.

The various qualities of " R esonance " (and the vibration it produces) cause sub-atomic processes that manifest in each thing as density, stiffness, colors and distinctive sounds. The resonant frequencies are " seen and heard " in our environment. Moreover, everything we perceive through our five physical senses, through our ethereal (spiritual) senses and through scientific instruments is the product of vibratory wave sets that are in turn the normal product of resonance.

The Science says that the human being perceives through his physical senses (sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch), which receive vibratory waves and transmit them to the brain to be interpreted . However, all the vibration that comes to us is actually perceived by all the energy systems, both physical and ethereal, that make up our being . Our subtle fields, in addition to our physical components, are also mechanisms for tracking all types of vibration .

If not, why do sounds, images, etc. affect us physically, emotionally, mentally and psychically? For example, who has never heard a melody that evokes feelings alone (without some memory)? Who has not suffered physical discomfort because of a horrifying sound or a grotesque image or, conversely, experienced tranquility seeing a beautiful picture of a sunset ?, who has not felt uneasiness or peace to stop next to someone else?

It has even been widely proven that the human being accurately perceives sounds, images and emotions even when he is still in his mother's womb, without using his physical senses.

These natural waves of vibration have been classified and subclassified in different departments, such as the means in which they use to propagate, the form of propagation, the direction of the disturbance that produces them, their periodicity, their effects and properties, etc. Therefore, to say, that " everything is in The Everything " has its logical meaning.

Perhaps one way to say it more exactly would be “ everything is El Todo ” and can be explained with an analogy: “Imagine a pool and you standing in the center of the water. With your (conscious) attention functioning in normal mode, you feel differentiated from water, you see that everything around (water, chairs around the pool, vegetation, house, clouds, etc.) are individual things. Now focus your attention on your skin and then successively deepen into your tissues, your bones, the molecules that make up you and reach the atoms that make up your body. In that area, at this level of consciousness, you see a different world and begin to move through that world, simply by observing. You see how the qualities of the environment change as you move, sometimes of one color, sometimes of another, sometimes the movement feeling denser, sometimes easier. You are in the field of El Todo . The changes that you notice in your movement are due to the fact that your attention point, your conscious one, has passed from your body, to the water, to the concrete that contains the water, to the earth that contains the concrete, to the vegetation that covers the earth, to the air that permeates the vegetation, to the atmosphere of the planet and so on to the universe. Since your conscious is on this primary level, you perceive no more difference than certain qualities of the environment… everything is the same but with certain varying qualities . ”

Being aware in The All is our natural state as particles that form it and The All manifests itself through the cycles of involution-evolution . Everything we perceive is at a different point from that manifestation, some particles functioning as the air of space (ether), others as liquids, others as minerals, others as vegetation, others as human bodies, others as spirits, others as temporal conscious, etc., but all as useful resonant energy systems. The only changes we perceive being here are changes in resonance.

Universal Resonance can be evaluated using three different approaches:

  • Abstract focus.

  • Materialist approach

  • Approach related to the composition of the human being.

These topics will be discussed in depth in future articles .

SOURCE: “Universal Resonance” by Wallice de la Vega

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