Message from Melchizedek: Deconditioning with Love

  • 2014

Each person is born with a uniqueness of their own, even if they find some loved ones with similarities close to their own; They all have their own unique potential, their own gifts and natural talents. At the time the children are born, parents begin to train their children according to their own wishes and needs. They begin to condition the child to act in a certain way, and sometimes conditioning is destructive and can create unnecessary suffering. There are many parents with the concept that children while they are young and manipulable are there to serve their parents. Children are a blessing, a gift of love to be appreciated ... they are the opportunity for parents to show unconditional love and compassion, to grow together with the child, not just to raise him.

Every dear being wants to live a happy and peaceful life, and yet this desire often remains unfulfilled when you encounter challenge after challenge that makes it hard for you to see nothing but resentment and despair. Depending on the severity of their conditioning and how much it has damaged them, the search for happiness and love could easily bring a path that is harmful and potentially destructive . Many dear beings with severe conditioning on the part of their parents or guardians have difficulty sustaining any love they find since they were never taught to love themselves, to be kind to themselves and to treat others with the same love and kindness.

Those who only know how to conditionally give love and share a kind of love that is potentially destructive . Conditional love is a type of love similar to a favor. It works based on self-esteem and many times on pride. Remember, my dear ones, your basic source of your self-esteem begins with the way those who took care of you as children considered you, how they felt towards you and how they professed their love for you. If a father or mother had parents who did not value themselves, they were also raised with that concept. . . I eat children. . . That little person does not receive the same respect that an adult would receive. The way you think of yourself began when you were children, but that does not mean that if you think little of yourself, you cannot change because you can get rid of your conditioning, you can become the person you want to be and create a life for yourself. same that be happy and full of love.

In the era in which they live now there is so much pressure for them to love others that many times the person professing love has belittled the true power of love, a love that never ends and is unconditional. As parents, you are expected to love your children and as children you are expected to love your parents or guardians, but giving all that love is really a love that teaches meaning. When love is professed, is there a feeling behind the words, or are they simply words with which to fill a space? When working with feelings as strong as love, there needs to be an understanding of the meaning of that word and feeling, and not to say those sacred words - "I love you" - at any opportunity. And the truth is, my dear ones, that many times the people whom you are conditioned to love, forced to love, who were told you had to love, are precisely the people who dislike you. As children, if they did not express those words to the people who disliked them, they saw them as ungrateful. This type of conditioning is harmful for the formation of young minds and for the development of those young minds at adulthood. You live in a society that is so focused on loving that the truth of the heart is compromised.

To live from the heart, from love, love is not a forced way of living. It is a way that offers the freedom of not having the destructive conditioning of childhood. He allows the person to be attracted to others who have similar likes and dislikes, and helps nurture the love that is present that brought the experience. . . to unfold deeper potentials of self-discovery, to nurture, to love, to be kind, etc., but all with a meaning that offers them satisfaction, happiness and peace.

When love is conditioned, it creates a malicious way of life based on the demands of affection. It is not healthy and is not pure in heart. The love that comes with conditions also comes with the threat of abandonment, which means not being loved at all. Conditional love is a selfish means of controlling another dear being for his own selfish purposes. Conditional love undermines their self-esteem, their self-esteem becomes critical because everything they do for another person, if she approves it, then they feel worthy or deserving. There are many adults hungry for love in the world who have not figured that they are deserving and adorable and capable of loving from the heart. . . but changes are required to see this.

For there to be a major change, a serious situation or development has to occur before changes are implemented. Life-changing alterations can only occur when something has happened to them to see the damage of a certain lifestyle or way of being; where the light comes on showing them that they deserve to be treated better and then break the chains of their conditioning. Although most people were not taught about feelings, about empathy, about developing healthy relationships, about the meaning of true value for a family, you can still learn to be who you really want to be learning to control your mind. and finding out who you are. . . moving away from all the negative conditioning and looking practically naked. . . so what do you see The answer is you. Only you, ready to see the world with new eyes, with a new perspective, a person who is open to new challenges, new directions and who has learned to love herself as she is. . . knowing that there are still weaknesses to work on, but focusing on their strengths to empower and be inspired.

Dear ones, in order to heal yourself of negative or harmful conditioning it is important to understand what it means to nourish, love at heart and give unconditionally kindness and appreciation. Do not become prisoners of your own mind, free yourself with love . We know that learning to love oneself is not easy when they have been taught to serve others. When you love another, you share a part of yourself, proving without words that you care about your uniqueness, that you don't want to change them, but that you want to grow with them, learn together from each other. Love is beautiful and infinite. When it is from the heart, there are no conditions because it is unconditional.

When you are healing yourself, developing your inner self and growing to be the person you want to be, you are nourishing yourself with the only purpose of growing, of to become better than they were, and when they nurture another with love, it is for the same reasons, but the experience is no longer lonely; She becomes a shared experience. There is no jealousy or competition, there is only encouragement, compassion and mutual enthusiasm.
Try to visualize the dear being with whom you want to share your unconditional love as a very unusual and delicate flower. This unusual flower requires loving care and tenderness in order to develop and bloom properly in all its colors and heavenly fragrance. Flowers are considered blessings, they bring smiles and laughs and are appreciated by many. Now take this idea or concept when you are nourishing another person, and see it as if it were a delicate flower requiring encouragement, love and care. As they nurture another loved one as being a great care, they also nurture themselves, which is just as important.
If they reflect on this, a newborn child is a flower too. She needs care to grow and develop with a love and caring care at every step. You never ask the flowers that you have grown to be something more than the flower that it is. You appreciate her for what she is. Even if you grow up missing it, you continue to take care of it with love and focused attention. Every person, young or old, is a flower to be appreciated, loved and cared for.
In order to make the changes that are about to bring you will help you overcome any conditioning you have gone through and lived through, and for that you must first understand that you are not your mind, you are not your thoughts, and definitely not They are your feelings . Become the observer of your mind, explore what you find, discover truths and learn as you develop your consciousness, waking up your true self, that you, dear ones, are conscience, are love, and are much more capable of giving and receiving pure unconditional love and compassion, not only occasionally but always. When you become your own observer, it is important to observe with the slightest attention, see without judging, look for the potential and the opportunity to learn, to grow and to change what you do not like. Any changes you make are made by you, never by someone else, it is your responsibility to implement them. Yes, they will turn a little hard and may face face to face with difficulties or certain truths, but you will rise above them with greater strength and knowledge. Stop comparing yourself to others, stop bullying to be this or that, and start being yourself.

Make your consciousness a tool, be aware of your whole being and the world around you. Do not allow fear to prevent you from displaying real compassion for yourself and others. It takes time to heal and overcome the conditioning; Be gentle with yourself. As they heal, do not see only themselves; have the courage to extend a hand to others as support, love and guidance, and remember to extend a hand to us, to God or to the Deity you are closest to. End the need to see themselves with angry eyes; see yourself with love, open the prison lock of your mind and free yourself through your heart.
As you learn to support yourself, to be kind to yourself and to love yourself, do not forget to appreciate the most important relationship you could ever have, which is the relationship with yourself. Before you can love any other person, one of God's creatures, a flower or anything else that has meaning to you, you must be able to love yourself, and in order to love yourself you need to be able to accept themselves in their entirety, as they are. See yourself as worthy and deserving, having the inner knowledge that God supports you and is always there for you; He is only a heartbeat from you, my dear ones.

When you are relaxed in your mind, where you feel safe and secure after giving yourself enough time to heal from the altruistic care that you offered, then you can allow the wounded parts of your Self to come to your body and mind so that They can be healed and let go. Focusing on your interior and allowing the healing process to seep into other aspects of you, including the injured parts of your mental and emotional faculties, you allow yourself to feel. Going inside, my dear ones, you slow down any pain or despair you have ever felt, allowing any feeling to slow down and dissipate once and for all . You are then able to see how pure unconditional love can heal everything you could have blocked, refused to admit, everything that has been restricting you to love and to be your full potential.

My dear ones, you have the ability to always free yourself from any painful moment. We encourage you to let go of discordant feelings and emotions; give them to God - trust Him to take them and replace them with love. Do not be afraid, love yourself enough to grow and develop naturally at a pace that is perfect for you. When the pain of any conditioning or pain that any abuse has left feeling goes away, then they can stop creating additional pain in daily life, or resentment or shame, and choose love, compassion and appreciation. They fill your mind with thoughts of gratitude and love and your perception will no longer be distorted, but brimming with clarity.

It is vital to maintain the process of overcoming the conditioning and penalties of difficult situations as this helps them develop a deeper openness and will continue to have a relationship with their conscience. They will no longer be living in the past; They will be embracing the present knowing that it is a gift. They will not feel absent or left behind, but will feel connected and will be able to feel and know that they have an unlimited reservoir / deposit of love, which comes from within. He will illuminate your path back to your heart, which is forever united with Him. My dear ones, you will come to the conclusion as you go within for your nourishment, your growth, change and learning of who and what you wish to be, and you will discover that there is truly a flower there of great beauty and great value, one that is divinely unique and special, and that flower is you.
I AM Melquizedek via Julie Miller

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Message from Melchizedek: Deconditioning with Love

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