What is meant by objective reality in the Yoga of sleep?

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 projections of our mind 2 initial way of existing . 3 conditions and circumstances 4 full attention at the present time .

The term objective reality is widely used in the East in regard to the way we perceive the world in which we exist.

For example, if in the field of Dream Yoga the teacher points out that we should not attribute objective reality, it refers to not understanding dream images as solid, permanent and endowed with intrinsic identity.

projections of our mind ...

This is that dreams do not exist by themselves, they are projections of our mind and in that context by appearing only in our very particular way of life we ​​cannot say that our reality is objective because it is not something that happens in everyone's mind, It is perceived only by the dreamer.

In the same way the dream shows us that nothing is permanent, everything that happens when we sleep, is born, dwells and vanishes. We are not frozen in a specific state ... we always move from one moment of consciousness to another ... and no moment is of the same nature as the one before it ... for that reason nothing in the phenomenal world or in our daily life is permanent.

Sometimes when we delude ourselves in the narratives of the dream we perceive everything that happens as solid ... and the subjective reality operates in the opposite way, that is, the dream images lack congruence and it is this state that allows us to understand that the right thing is See things and situations as compound and not unitary.

initial way of existing…

For example, if we have a cell phone, we understand that it exists as the “cellular” object, but if we divide it, we will find a battery, a chip, a case, a cover… .. each part has its identity and can be divided again and again losing its Initial way of existing .

So, when we say that our favorite car is the best in the world and there is nothing like it, we can call into question this claim by understanding that it lacks solidity, we divide it into parts ceasing to be what it was and especially in the notion that there is nothing like it since it is only in the mind of the perceiver.

If we validate the previous statement, we attribute objective reality to a situation that does not have it, since the projections of the mind are permeated with subjectivity.

conditions and circumstances

Actually when we attribute permanence to things or people we conceive them with objective reality when in fact they do not have it, every one who exists based on their individual conditions and circumstances, as reality operates in a Last sense is subjectively.

The inconvenience of understanding what happens to us with objective reality is that it becomes the ultimate cause of our suffering and pain .

For example, if the death of a loved one is suffered because we never realize that everything around us is subject to change and deterioration, we are living the event from the point of view of objective reality.

When we understand death as something that happens, we do not become attached and live in the present moment. We are living the event from an unconventional point of view, which is how in the ultimate sense things exist.

This topic is broad, very complicated and one of the tools to understand it in an inferential way is the Yoga of the dream, because it allows us to understand that what happens is happening only inside us and those around us have their own framework of existence for so to speak

mindfulness in the present moment…

The recommendation as always is to practice mindfulness in the present moment, to detect the moments of our daily life in which we are living through objective reality and not observing things as they are and exist. Just because it is.

AUTHOR: Pilar Vázquez, collaborator of the great family of the White Brotherhood

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