Tackling cancer holistically, Dr. Alberto Martí Bosch

  • 2012
Table of contents hide 1 Tackling cancer holistically, Dr. Alberto Martí Bosch 2 A NEW APPROACH: EL ASEDIO 3 LA BAÑERA, AN AUTHENTIC HOME SPA 4 TOOLS OF ASSAULT

"To solve a problem you must first understand the problem."

Alberto Martí Bosch is a doctor who has investigated in depth the issue of cancer, until he can acquire the new vision he now has. In the hour that lasts the video some very logical, almost elementary things are understood. This simple-looking video can open doors to unknown areas, particularly to those who have relatives or friends who are sick with cancer:

WACR (“World Association for Cancer Research”) - Conference of Dr. Alberto Martí Bosch on how to deal with cancer holistically.

Tackling cancer holistically, Dr. Alberto Martí Bosch

Former pediatric oncologist Dr. Alberto Martí Bosch delivered at the III International Congress on Complementary and Alternative Treatments in Cancer that has just been held, a keynote speech in which he placed as fundamental elements -not unique- of the treatment of any disease -included cancer- a diet based on vegetables and fruits, a hyposodic diet, a deep detoxification of the organism using basically herbal infusions and hot baths with sea salt, a specific and adequate orthomolecular supplementation to each person and the follow-up of the homeopathic protocol proposed by the Banerji Treatment that can still be supplemented with other therapies depending on each particular situation. We talked about it with him.

Human beings have been facing the so-called "diseases" for a few decades as a true war that must be fought against their "responsible", external aggressors - bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, prions ... - to which we must fight. And that's why doctors today use eminently warlike language and talk about "fighting fighting", of "war on disease", of "enemies to fight", of "attacks" -systemic or localized-, of "victories" and "defeats. And for obvious reasons the same happens with the language with which the "medical" techniques are described - that is why they talk about cutting, burning, destroying, blocking, eliminating ... - as well as the "weapons" to do so, whose set is defined in fact as a therapeutic "arsenal".

Even in the field of cancer because tumors are also seen as pathogenic, as the cause of the uncontrolled group of anarchic cells that threaten to spread throughout the rest of the body until causing destruction - reminiscence of those who still defend that we must maintain social control at all costs and not allowing anarchy - "threat" that justifies therefore the use of all kinds of aggressive military actions although there are "collateral victims" ("healthy" cells).

And where has this vision of "lack of health" led us? Not knowing how to cure virtually any of the so-called "diseases." Perhaps because in reality there are neither "enemies to fight". On the other hand, even if that were the case, if these existed, the tactic of attacking our own organism with the absurd argument that we help it, is simply stupid.

Among those who think so today is Dr. Alberto Martí Bosch, who after sharing for some time the dominant philosophy among the medical class came one day to the conclusion that the best thing that can be done before any pathological process is to help the body to face the problem itself, strengthening its immune system and bringing it to a state of equilibrium and harmony suitable through deep detoxification and proper nutrition. Although he does not give up, when he understands that it is necessary, to fight the tumors that grow and endanger life - for preventing at a given moment the correct functioning of an organ - with more intelligent and less aggressive tactics.

How? Applying to the Medicine the Poliorcética or art of the siege.

-Tell us, doctor, how is it possible to move from the practice of pediatric Oncology to the practice of Natural Medicine taking into account the enormous differences that both maintain on the approach to cancer?

-Well, I would say that Natural Medicine does not get along with Oncology, but that certain sectors are facing each other. I have studied and worked in academic medicine. But this medicine that I am practicing today is as academic as the one taught to me in the faculty. It is true that it is a type of medicine that was not taught to me in the university because it has been preferred to ignore it, but it is there and that is why I have been able to learn it. Then what made me move from one medicine to another? When you are in a hospital plant, seeing children treated with chemotherapy vomiting daily and shouting for you not to put chemo on them, they reject it flatly because of how bad they are after Yes, and they implore you `` Please, Alberto, don't do this to me, '' there comes a time when you wonder what you are really doing with that child. If your intention is to go better, if you want to help him overcome a leukemia, a lymphoma or a sarcoma but you realize that you are undergoing enormous suffering you start looking for the best way to get that Child suffers less getting the maximum possible benefit from the treatment being applied. And that was what led me to investigate in the fields of Natural Medicine, knowing how it could help the cancer patient to improve without interfering with the proposed treatment in the field of the academic medicine, the one that they taught you in the faculty when you are 20 years old.

- Was the suffering of children at least compensated with the results?

-The results we obtained were very discouraging. I'm talking about 30 years ago, when the race ended. The mortality rate and the suffering index of the patient undergoing chemotherapy treatments were very high. All team members have personal crises. You saw how the people who were with you - companions, nurses, assistants - ended up depressing soon, throwing in the towel and leaving. Others are thinking that when there is nothing to do, it is precisely when more needs to be done because it is obligatory to start looking. If I do not get good results with what I do - I said - I must find something new. That restlessness is what leads you to move forward.

- And that is what has done that over more than two decades he has been developing a holistic, integral treatment proposal, with which we know that - especially in the last year- is getting very good results.

- I have always said it and I repeat it: I do not cure anyone. What I do is give the patient a guide to help him get to fruition. Of course, it is true that over time what was initially a mere work project dedicated to helping the patient to better tolerate chemotherapy and to potentiate its effects, ended up deriving in a way to cause cell apoptosis and get the cancer cell to die by itself. And more and more frequently I see cases in which patients achieve surprising results, patients whose disease - as my conventional colleagues would say to justify my results - "remits spontaneously". So, ironically, I say yes, spontaneously ... but with a lot of work. A god begging and with the hammer giving. Because we talk about very disciplined, very motivated and mentalized patients who are going to get by so they work in their pathological process a lot and well. The case I presented as an example last November 1 during the III International Congress on Complementary and Alternative Treatments in Cancer that was held in Madrid under the auspices of the World Association for Cancer Research (WACR) and Discovery DSALUD, is the most recent case, more spectacular, but I had others. Although we can not even talk about healing because we are still in the early stages because until the patient has not gone ten years without having relapsed it cannot be considered “cured”. What I do know is that cancer must be treated holistically.

- Well, that case, especially significant, impacted the public. Can you summarize it for our readers?

-Well, it is the case of a 31-year-old woman who came to my office after giving birth. They had detected a brain tumor in the 34th week of pregnancy and after having had a C-section before giving birth, the tumor that was located in the right parietal area was then removed. However, after a general revision, pulmonary, hepatic, bone and muscle metastases were detected, affecting the entire ganglionic chain, both thoracic and abdominal. In short, it was "invaded." So, given his condition, the medical team that treated her - I think with good judgment - decided not to apply chemo or radio because the suffering they had caused did not justify the possible benefit that could be obtained. And in those conditions he came to my office. They had given him a life expectancy of about two months. Obviously my first thought was to try to provide the best quality of life for as long as possible. But that's not why I gave up trying something else. In fact, I not only suggested some palliative treatments, but in parallel I started therapeutic methods that I knew could help the tumor lesions to subside. In sum, I followed the protocols of biological medicine that I developed by putting it immediately on a diet while detoxifying and alkalizing your body and making sure that it lacked any nutrients through proper orthomolecular treatment. I also strengthened their defenses with Renoven - old Bio-Bac- and supported everything with the protocols of Dr. Banerji. And oh surprise! After two and a half months of treatment, the brain tumor residues after the surgery had disappeared as well as the lung and liver lesions, while the involvement in the nodes had subsided and the muscle and bone lesions had experienced a 50% remission. Obviously his quality of life improved a lot and therefore his life expectancy. And all this and in such a short time with a simple Natural Medicine treatment! It is true that this is a surprising case, one of the few that one can see, but it is also that it was someone who had not previously undergone any conventional therapy! He had not received chemo or radiotherapy. And that when it comes to getting ahead is essential, because when it comes to people who do not come with the poisoned or burned organism and low defenses it is all simpler. The problem is that today this type of patient is unusual. Every time we serve more people who have already done the complete tour - surgery, radio and chemo - and they come a bit with the attitude of "lost to the river". That is, most have already been told in the hospital that there is nothing to do, that it makes no sense to give them more chemo or radio. They arrive evicted. And of course, they come up doubting what Natural Medicine can do when nothing has achieved with them the conventional medicine in which they believe. In short, almost everyone arrives as lost. The singular thing is that in spite of that many times we manage to overcome, to overcome cancer, but as they have gone through radiotherapy and chemotherapy, some are left with the doubt of whether it will not have been a delayed effect of these, of whether their recovery It was due to our treatment, the conventional or the synergy of both. They continue to doubt even though their oncologists had evicted them! That is why they are as important cases as the one of the young woman that I have summarized before and narrated in the congress -completely documented- since it confirms that our treatment, by itself, works.


-What are the bases of your protocol?

-On the oncologists, when treating cancer, we have been taught a medicine that is based on destroying the tumor cells instead of trying to restore the metabolic pathways that are the ones that have been damaged and eventually lead to the development of the tumor. And what it is about is to understand that if we modify the “terrain” it is possible to reverse the evolution of the tumor cells or cause their suicide or apoptosis. We are told that when a tumor appears, the first thing to do, if possible, is to "cut off your head"; that is, use surgery. And in case of not being able to consider radiation therapy then; that is, to shrink the tumor, "send it to the stake"; well, rather take the bonfire to him. The other option would be chemotherapy, that is, "poison it." And it is added free that if all that fails, nothing else can be done. In sum, the modern oncologist is suggested to be able to "cut, burn or poison" actions more typical of the 12th century than of a sophisticated 21st century. Really pathetic. It is true that sometimes you have to face the problem of having to eliminate a tumor because its growth can put at risk the functioning of a vital organ, but in such case the smart thing is to follow a fourth route of an equally warlike character whose origin, placed at Playing with metaphorical comparisons, we could also find in the twelfth and previous centuries, but that is much less aggressive. Because, what was done in ancient times before a city that wanted to conquer and was difficult to beat? Siege her. Leave it without water or food by cutting its supply routes and modifying the environment so that no one could enter or leave. And then sit down to wait or reinforce the siege with assault machines and tools. The siege has worked all my life so I came up with the idea of ​​incorporating that system into the fight against cancer, for which it was essential to understand the survival conditions of the tumor cell against the healthy cell. Today we know that the healthy cell lives in an alkaline environment rich in oxygen, uses very little sodium to live and uses levogyre proteins - with a left turn - that are stable in it. On the contrary, the patient who develops an oncological process enters into metabolic acidosis - that is, the soil is acidified - and there is a shortage of oxygen - that is what we call hypoxia - which forces healthy cells to mutate if they do not want to die. . You see, healthy cells get their energy by oxidation; that is to say, thanks to oxygen they generate Adenosin Triphosphate or ATP - for its acronym in English - which is the base molecule of cellular energy. But when the soil is acidified and oxygen is scarce, it only has one alternative if it does not want to die: find another way to get energy. And that possibility exists and is explained by the so-called Krebs Cycle. Simply instead of oxygen, the body uses pyruvic acid through a phenomenon known as glycolysis that allows it to obtain ATP molecules, but which also generates lactic acid and alcohol as waste. It is therefore an anaerobic route - without air - to survive. That is, the healthy aerobic cell that lives in alkaline soil becomes anaerobic, but in an environment so acidic that in order to support it it has to alkalize its nucleus, its cytoplasm, for which it is loaded with sodium in an excessive way. And also used to feed dextrógiras proteins instead of levógiras since they live in acidic media. In short, every tumor lives in an oxygen-poor acid medium, loaded with sodium, and feeding on dextrogyric proteins. Then if we want to neutralize it without attacking it, what will have to be done? Well, use the siege tactic. And for this, you must first deacidify the land by alkalizing the patient. What is achieved by eradicating the acids that have accumulated in the body. This is why food is key - we must eliminate everything that acidifies from the diet and that includes alcohol, coffee, tobacco, sugar, dairy products, refined carbohydrates, red meat - and drinking Periodically hot baths with sea salt. Secondly, a hyposodic diet must be followed, that is, very low in sodium or salt. I have never understood that salt is prohibited to a hypertensive person or someone who has a bad kidney or heart, and the same is not suggested for a cancer patient. Third, it is necessary to contribute to the system proteolytic enzymes of selective action, enzymes with the capacity to eliminate dextrogyran proteins leaving intact levogyras. And here we must remember the extraordinary work of Mr. Fernando Chacón, creator of the Bio Bac, a product that achieves exactly that. In sum, if we eliminate the dextrorotatory proteins leaving the tumor cells without food, we make a hyposodic diet - without sodium the cancer cells cannot maintain the stability of the membrane and the cytoplasm - and reduce the level of acids, the medium becomes alkaline and rich in oxygen. And oxygen is toxic to the anaerobic tumor cell. In short, for cancer cells to die, it is enough to modify their environment because they do not survive in alkaline and oxygenated soils. It gives an excellent result. That is why there are more and more cases of remissions among cancer patients who follow this protocol.

- Is diet the first key element in any healing strategy?

- They had always advised us not to eat meat on Fridays and many traditions demand the practice of fasting - at least one day a week - but nobody has clearly explained to us why. However, Galen already understood the need to purify the body, either through fasting, or by following vegetarian diets. The cures based on lemon, onions or grapes come from the time of the Romans. And as 90-95% of fruits and vegetables is basically water, who feeds for a time only with them cleans the organs responsible for filtering the blood of metabolic and toxic waste, that is, the lungs, kidneys and liver . Filters that, if clogged, lead the body to become intoxicated and acidified. Everyone is told that when the car filter is dirty, it must be changed, but nobody is told that when the body filters are dirty, they must be cleaned. Well, fasting or eating a vegetarian diet every so often helps clean the filters and keep the body in an alkaline environment. Obviously if the intake of certain plants is added to the diet - there are specific ones for each organ - we improve the cleanliness even more. Because there are plants that clean the lungs (thyme, gordolobo, yantel), plants that clean the liver (artichoke, milk thistle, dandelion, boldo, desmodium) and plants that clean the kidney n (green tea, horsetail, arenaria). So we can take thyme, artichoke and green tea, for example, and get a remedy to clean all three organs at once. Simply put, we can eliminate acids through the liver, lungs and kidneys as well as through the skin with hot water baths with sea salt thanks to osmosis. And achieve the desired alkalization.

- Do you suggest all your patients to eliminate meat from your diet?

-We suggest today an ovo-lacto-vegetarian diet because we started using an exclusively vegetarian and we saw that in the end there were imbalances in the body. With a diet in which legumes, eggs and cheese are also eaten, the person is more balanced but the idea is still to reduce protein intake. WHO explained already in 1985 that the ideal diet should contain 85% of plant proteins and only 15% of animal origin. And we are eating animal proteins well above that percentage. Many people ignore that an excessively protein diet acidifies. So if we talk about 4 meals a day Breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner- what you need to do is reduce the presence of animal proteins by a maximum of 28 times possible a 4. Consuming lentils, chickpeas and beans as a source of vegetable protein Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and fish, chicken or veal on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays at noon (both white meat such as red and white or blue fish). I also have to say that it is a mistake to eat eggs at night, a very common practice. The egg has a large fat load and a high amount of albumin. We recommend eating only two or three a week and we make it coincide with the vegetarian day. They can then be taken for breakfast or lunch, but never for dinner. As Sancho Panza said - it was Don Quixote who taught Sancho about the affairs of the yantar? -, we must have breakfast like a king, eat like a prince and dine like a beggar. Well, great dinners are full graves. Of course we give the patient the option to have dinner one day in an extraordinary way because it also tells us the popular wisdom that once a week, it heals. In short, the diet should be especially mild at night: vegetables, fruit, rice or simply a salad. The key is in the liver, because in order for it to carry out the digestion it needs the presence of a hormone - cortisol - that is only found in blood when there is sunshine. And as our social habits make us have dinner when it has been hidden - and therefore, when its blood level is very poor - making a copious dinner forces a very heavy digestion. And if it is achieved, it is because the liver receives an alternative hormone from the adrenal gland, adrenaline - your stress hormone - which is available 24 hours a day. That is why after a heavy dinner it is so common that one takes time to fall asleep or goes to bed with a racing heart. In addition, circadian rhythms must be taken into account: during the day the liver is responsible for assimilating the proteins we eat but at night its function is basically to drain bile. And it is cortisol that determines the labor investment so that from being an assimilating organ it becomes a draining organ. So if we stress the liver every day by making it assimilate when it should be draining, it will not then properly dispose of metabolic waste, which ultimately suffers. I always tell patients: the problem with food is not normally as much in what we eat as in the waste we don't eliminate. When the body cannot drain the toxins, it retains them and we self-toxicize, acidify, fertilize the soil with acids for a possible tumor settlement.


-The second basic pillar of its protocol for good detoxification and alkalinization are hot water baths with sea salt. Can you explain it in more detail?

-In the beginning I seriously considered how to get an effective and simple therapeutic system to help the patient, because he already has enough problems with his illness so that we can generate more. And this was helped by the work of Dr. Josefina San Martín Bacaicoa - located in Medical Hydrology at the Complutense University of Madrid - and Schneider, on the world of thermalism.

With them I began to understand that thermal baths are an excellent therapeutic solution. Why are spas useful? Because its waters are mineral and thermal. That is, it is hot water that contains sodium chloride and potassium chloride in a concentration greater than 20 grams per liter. And it is saline water in a concentration higher than that of the sea and that of our plasma since it has 9.4 grams of salt per liter and that of the spas is around 20 grams per liter. Well, when one submerges in a place where the water is hot, the pores of the skin are dilated immediately. But since it is also very salty and our bodies are 70% -80% water, it turns out that when we get into it the phenomenon we know as osmosis occurs, so that the water in our body comes out dragging all kinds of toxins and salts minerals through the pores outward. With that also the salt leaves the nucleus of the cells and they are alkalized. This made me understand the concept of "bath salts." I always wondered what was the point of salt in the bathroom. Then I understood. Well, the bathtubs that most of us have at home can become high-performance, low-cost home spas. In fact, who were the first to have a bathtub at home? The classy people. Think that in the 40s of the last century the poor people had no bathroom. Those who went to the spas belonged to the wealthy class because a spa was neither cheap nor cheap. A one-month stay can cost more than 3, 000 euros today. Something that not a rich man pays with pleasure since this is usually someone who is looking for how to get what they want without paying for it. So when the rich realized that the spas heal - even though they ignore why - they decided to study how to always have one at their disposal but without paying so much for it. Then they were told that the water in the spas cures because its waters are thermal. To which the rich responds: "Let me put a hot spring at home." It is that the spa waters are minerals, they are told later. And then they ask what minerals they carry, they talk to a chemist and he explains that in the spa waters there are 20 grams of salts per liter of water. So the rich, educated, order bathtubs knowing that they must be filled halfway - so that there are about 100 liters of water - and then add two kilos of sea salt. That way the salt ratio will also be 20 grams per liter. And they already have an osmotic gradient. In short, homemade bathtubs are actually very effective therapeutic gadgets that nobody has taught us to use. Because when hot water dilates the pores of the skin and they open the body transpires eliminating carbon dioxide (CO2) while expelling fats, ammonia and uric acid. And all those acidic fractions that we eliminate through the skin in the bathtub no longer need to be discarded by the lungs, kidneys and liver, which prevents them from having to filter them. Enough hot water is enough - it is not necessary to burn - and two kilos of sea salt in the bathtub to configure a simple mechanism of rapid alkalization - half an hour of daily bath is enough - available to anyone. And cheap. Such baths involve a percutaneous dialysis, a kind of artificial lungs, kidneys and liver of high performance and low cost that almost nobody uses because they have not been explained.

-Well, not everyone - and I think especially of the elderly - can enter and leave the bathtub every day.

-There are always alternatives. To older people who cannot or should enter the bathtub to avoid greater risks, I simply say not to get in. Just sit on a chair, take a small bowl where about ten liters fit, pour hot water and a quarter of a kilo of sea salt to maintain the proportion of which we talked and enjoy it. It is true that the exposed body surface area is smaller but three foot baths per day equals a full bath. It can therefore be ten minutes in the morning, ten at noon and ten in the evening. And regarding the temperature I always tell patients that they should feel comfortable. There are people who are doing well 25 degrees and others who are doing 30. With 30 degrees in the shade you already sweat ... and the question is to sweat. We rediscover Galen, or if you like, our grandmothers who always cured with four elements. The first thing our grandmothers did in how much you said alas! - and it did not matter what happened to you - it was to prepare a lavative. And then they gave us a chicken or chicken broth, or a vegetable broth, or an apple or pear compote, or a broth rice, and with that - the detergent and the broth - they already had their water cure. The third pillar they proposed was a good sweat. Everything was fixed with a good sweat. When the grandmothers did not have a bathtub - I checked it when I practiced rural medicine in the Segarra region of Barcelona - they boiled water, filled glass bottles with the liquid at 70-80º, wrapped them with towels - so that the glass did not burn the skin - and then placed three bottles on each side of the patient by adding four blankets on top. And don't you see how sweaty! Well, they also used medicinal herbs because unlike the current generation they knew their therapeutic properties well.

-What is the primary purpose of a lavative?

-Detoxify, and therefore, protect the liver. A toxic colon that most affects is the liver. And I will explain it in a very expressive way: next to each toilet there is a brush in every house because the dirt sticks and when you activate the tank the faecal remains are often attached. Bueno, pues en nuestro intestino pasa lo mismo: por él transitan todos los días restos fecales y siempre quedan restos adheridos a la mucosa. Al punto de que con el tiempo puede llegar a formarse una auténtica carcasa de restos fecales pegados a la mucosa intestinal. Lo sabemos pero no lo valoramos. Y sin embargo tiene mucha importancia. Una de las funciones primarias del colon es recuperar el agua de la digestión y cursar el bolo fecal en estado sólido. Para hacer la digestión utilizamos de hecho casi cinco litros de agua que obtenemos con la que ingerimos al beber pero también con el agua presente en la comida -especialmente en frutas y verduras ya que en un 90-95% son agua- y en los jugos gástricos (hasta dos litros y medio). Todo ello sirve para hacer una gran sopa, emulsionar las grasas y micronizar los minerales y oligoelementos para que el intestino delgado lo absorba luego todo. Lo que llega pues al colon son sólo los restos no nutritivos, los restos fecales, si bien el organismo -que todo lo aprovecha- recupera el agua deshidratando para ello el bolo fecal. Y esa agua que se absorbe en el colon va a la sangre; es más, va primero directamente al hígado. Luego, si nosotros no hacemos una limpieza periódica del colon cada vez que éste recupera agua, ésta tiene que atravesar la carcasa de restos fecales antes de llegar a la mucosa, atravesarla y llegar al hígado y posteriormente a la sangre. Con lo que acabamos llevando a ésta una auténtica infusión de aguas fecales. En otras palabras, cuando el colon está muy sucio nos intoxicamos inevitablemente. Así que uno debe plantearse hacerse una limpieza de colon cada cierto tiempo. Si se puede, una buena hidroterapia de colon. Si económicamente no se puede, mediante la lavativa de toda la vida. Muchas veces lo que yo sugiero a mis pacientes es combinar la ingesta de aloe vera con la lavativa. La idea es que el enfermo ingiera durante una semana zumo de aloe vera para ayudar a desprender los restos adheridos y luego se aplique la lavativa. Basta entonces meterse un par de litros de agua templada/caliente para que el colon quede limpio.


-Luego en su teoría del asedio las distintas terapias que sabemos también utiliza -como la Hipertermia, la Ozonoterapia, la Biorresonancia, etc.- jugarían entonces el papel de las antiguas herramientas de asedio: escalas, arietes, catapultas…

-Se trata de herramientas terapéuticas útiles que al no producir además efectos secundarios negativos pueden agregarse al tratamiento. Ayudan a que la respuesta sea mucho más rápida. Dicho esto debo reconocer que para mí, en particular, hay un antes y un después en los resultados que obtenía hasta noviembre del 2008 y los que observo desde entonces cuando empecé a aplicar los protocolos de los doctores Banerji. Estos dos médicos hindúes, a los que he tenido la fortuna de poder acompañar durante nueve días enteros en su hospital de Calcuta viéndoles trabajar, tienen el mérito de haber simplificado la Homeopat a. Sencillamente, atienden en ese centro junto a sus ayudantes a tal cantidad de personas al d a unas 3.000!- que han podido constatar en poco tiempo que hay remedios realmente universales con campos de acci n muy concretos seg n la diluci n que se utilice. Y eso facilita mucho elegir el remedio homeop tico.

Por ejemplo, han observado que el Arsenico album a la 3 CH tiene un tropismo y una acci n concreta sobre la mucosa g strica, a la 6 CH la acci n la tiene sobre las mucosas de las v as respiratorias altas, ya la 200 CH act a sobre la piel. Y que la gente responde siempre; en mayor o menor grado pero responde. Por mi parte, antes de conocer a los Banerji utilizaba la Homeopat a simplemente para tratar de que el paciente respondiera lo m sr pido posible a los tratamientos. Y me pon a muy contento al ver que gracias a ello no sufr an anemia y los v mitos eran escasos o no los ten an. Muchos no necesitaron transfusiones de sangre, se levantaban bien por la ma ana, se somet an a sus sesiones de quimio, llegaban a casa, se tomaban un ba oy hac an vida normal por la tarde sin apenas deterioro f sico. Y encima remit an m sr pido de lo esperado. Pero ahora lo que estamos viendo con los protocolos de los Banerji no es que remitan r pido sino que remiten rapid simo. La acci n antitumoral es tan espectacular que algunos casos se han publicado hasta en Oncology y se han interesado ya por sus trabajos y protocolos desde el Anderson Cancer Center de Houston (Texas, EEUU) y la Universidad de Texas hasta el Hospital Presbiteriano de Nueva York. Hoy estos centros reconocen que sus protocolos funcionan y act an al nivel del ADN en la c lula tumoral. Es un avance important simo. En fin, toda herramienta que ayude a afrontar una enfermedad como el c ncer es buena, pero es que adem s ninguna de las que yo utilizo obliga al paciente a elegir, a tener que dejar algo. Son todas complementarias.

- Y cu l es el papel de las vitaminas, minerales y oligoelementos en su protocolo?

-B sico. Pero elegimos las que vamos a suministrar al paciente -para mejorar el rendimiento de su organismo- no tanto por el tipo de tumor sino por la respuesta que se obtiene, porque no todos los enfermos responden igual a los mismos productos. Para el ri n, por ejemplo, sabemos que es bueno el complejo de vitaminas B que es adem s diur tico. Cuando uno toma vitamina B la orina se vuelve inmediatamente muy amarilla ya que activa la funci n renal y se excreta por el ri n. Las vitaminas del complejo B son sobre todo hepatoprotectoras y mejoran la coleresis o secreci n de bilis hep tica adem s de ser antian micas, antineur ticas y mejorar la conducci na nivel de la placa motora del coraz n. Sabemos asimismo que el sistema inmune del paciente oncol gico est muy deprimido porque en un medio cido no trabaja bien. El pH de la sangre en condiciones normales es de 7 4, es decir, ligeramente alcalino, y, por tanto, si se recupera la alcalinidad el sistema inmune volver a trabajar adecuadamente. Y es que nada funciona de forma aislada. Por ejemplo, para que pueda haber uni n entre una inmunoglobulina y un virus se necesita el concurso sin rgico de las vitaminas A, C y E. As que lo suyo es a adir tales elementos para conseguir que los sistemas inmunitarios sean tambi n competentes. Y otro tanto pasa con otras sustancias ortomoleculares. Sabemos que hay minerales como el selenio o el germanio 132 que tienen una gran potencia antioxidante y por eso los a adimos. En definitiva, la idea fundamental de nuestro tratamiento es la de potenciar los sistemas de defensa del cuerpo. Se consiguen unas respuestas terap uticas extraordinarias dejando que sea el propio organismo el que resuelva la enfermedad. Nosotros nos limitamos a se alar al enfermo la ruta ya sugerirle luego -si procede- peque as modificaciones seg n sea su evoluci n. A fin de cuentas cada paciente es un mundo.

-¿Cree usted que ha cambiado algo la mentalidad de los oncólogos respecto de la medicina natural en los últimos años?

-Poco a poco… pero sí. Puedo decirle que hay ya bastantes oncólogos y radiólogos de distintos lugares de España que llevan tiempo enviándome pacientes para que les desintoxique porque reconocen abiertamente que haciéndolo sus tratamientos van mejor. Otra cosa es que lo pidan aún con la boca pequeña y que su petición siempre vaya acompañada de la coletilla “Mira, Alberto, esto que se quede entre nosotros”. Pero la apertura es cada vez mayor. Claro que hay una especie de run-run entre los pacientes en las salas de espera sobre la eficacia de lo que hacemos y al final todo se sabe. Bueno, no es menos cierto que quienes más pacientes nos mandan son los enfermeros/as porque también son quienes tienen más contacto directo con los pacientes. Como es cierto que cada vez más médicos entienden que la Medicina Biológica o Naturista no es una “medicina complementaria” ni una “medicina de confrontación”. Es simplemente Medicina.

Antonio F. Muro

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