Oat Sterilis and its esoteric properties.

  • 2019

Plants in general are elements belonging to mother earth. They have various healing (or medicinal) and nutritional properties. They are also used for esoteric purposes. With this, it is seen that the plants keep a close link from psyche with nature. Corn flakes do not escape it, and especially oats sterilis .

Biological form of this plant

This type of oatmeal, is commonly called as horseback oats, or ballueca . It belongs to the peaceas or grass families, which serve for the nutrition of animals and humans in the form of grains and cereals. They usually reach heights of almost 1 meter.

On the other hand, Sterilis oatmeal, has a biological form or biotype called terófito . This means that oats sterilis develops and produces leafy during the summer, and then in winter; falls or germinates in the form of a seed; Until spring again. This is, therefore, its cycle or biological form that lasts a year, so it is an annual plant .

In addition, it is common to find this oats, in the Iberian Peninsula, in Australia, in the Middle East, in North Africa and in the cultivated fields that resist droughts and are directly under sunlight. Also the properties of this oatmeal, makes it resistant to pests that usually end other types of crops.

Oat sterilis and its relationship with mythology.

Corn flakes, like wheat are symbols that represent production and abundance, given by mother earth. It is related to the goddess Ceres (or goddess Demeter in Greek culture). This goddess is the being, whose energy governs the vegetation, especially wheat and the family of the poáceae.

She governs the growth of the vegetation of wheat, corn flakes, cereals and grains but these curiously diminish in the winter, illustrated by the mythical narration of when her daughter Persephone; descends to hades and is kidnapped by Pluto. Perhaps because of this, Sterilis oats have a growth cycle during the spring, when their stems bloom, and when, after winter, " Persephone returns to Olympus" together with its mother Demeter (or Ceres) to grow the crops.

Esoteric properties and healing uses.

On the other hand, Sterilis oatmeal, serves to treat various conditions such as: skin problems and stomach problems and as diuretics, naturally causing the kidneys to excrete more sodium through the urine. Therefore, this plant can be used as an adjunct in the treatment of heart and liver failure, as well as kidney stones.

With regard to the skin, A. sterilis, can help to harmonize and regulate the PH of the skin, it also serves to hydrate it; This relieves itching and can be treated for acne or edema. Also, the sterilis oats, one could say that it is an Apollonian plant (referring to Apollo god of the sun) and it is recommended that it should be collected on Sundays at the time where the sun is at its top. Because of its classic relationship with the goddess Demeter or Ceres, it can be used for abundance purposes, as well as for the protection of the evil eye by laying its branches or sowing its seeds in your home.

Author: Kevin Samir Parra Rueda, editor in the big family of hermandadblanca.org.

More information at:

  • Ecured (s / f). Sterilis oatmeal. [Online Document] Available: https://www.ecured.cu/Avena_sterilis [Accessed: April 15, 2019].
  • Grimal, P. (1965). Dictionary of Greek and Roman mythology . Barcelona, ​​Spain: Paidos
  • P rez, M. (2012). Sterilis oatmeal . [Online Document] Available: http://www.botanicayjardines.com/avena-sterilis/ [Accessed: April 15, 2019].
  • University of Navarra. (s / f). Gramineae family, Avena sterilis L .: Avena edge . [Online Document] Available: http://www.unavarra.es/herbario/htm/Aven_ster.htm [Accessed: April 15, 2019].

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