What are Access Bars Consciousness?

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 What is Consciousness or in English Consciousness ? 2 So, the first step to free ourselves from limiting beliefs is: 3 Who is the creator of this wonderful technique called Access Consciousness? 4 What are the Access Bars points? 5 The Benefits of Access Bars 6 Where can you find an Access Bars Consciousness facilitator? 7 How long is an Access Bars Consciousness session? 8 How much does an Access Bars session cost?

Access Bars Consciousness or also known in Spanish as "Access bars to consciousness" are tools and processes that, as a whole, are designed to facilitate states of greater consciousness to anyone who lives on the face of the earth.

What is Consciousness or in English "Consciousness"?

Consciousness is that place of the psyche where nothing is good or bad, where judgment does not exist . The rule that prevails in that place is the present, to be attentive to the context is to say everything that surrounds one externally and everything that happens inside oneself.

The sessions of access bars aim to begin to dissolve everything that one as an individual being limits, mainly mentally. The philosophy on which this technology is based is that human beings act based on our thoughts, emotions and feelings. Depending on how our way of interpreting the world is, that is, how one interprets what happens around one (thought), an emotion and / or feeling will arise. And this will determine the consequent behavior. This can be infinitely varied, from stupefaction to running. Totally primitive behaviors that are deeply rooted in our human species.

As we evolved, our cognitive processes also did so. Generation after generation we created an “individual baggage” of our ancestral lineage and another as a society, a “collective baggage” . Both were and continue to be filled with behaviors, rational and irrational beliefs, values, myths, prophecies etc. This, plus all our experiences as a soul, with all the vicissitudes implied by this life and / or several, determine our behavior one hundred percent. Many of the beliefs we bring, part of that individual and social baggage, no matter how much conscious effort we make, we cannot modify them since they are very unconsciously rooted . It is for all this that the Access Bars to Consciousness or Access Bars Consciousness serve. The idea is that by means of specific stimulations at strategic points of our head, the so-called “bars”, constituted by each of the beliefs, ideas, thoughts, etc., are erased, which are distributed from one side to the other side of the head, they go as a "tube" or "bar" from one hemisphere to the other.

As the content of this luggage that we bring as individual beings and as part of the human race begins to be erased or dissolved, the limitations begin to disappear . That is, one begins to wake up to more possibilities and is enabled to the ability to make genuine choices . In other words, one wakes up to the magnificent magic of the present where there is no judgment, nothing is good or bad, nothing is cute or ugly. Nothing, in our mind, is limited to organizing through basic categories learned by our society as the initial platform for decision making.

One awakens to the wonderful gratification of being able to choose through non-judgment, thanks to the absence of internal conflict between good and evil, the pretty or ugly, etc.

So, the first step to free ourselves from limiting beliefs is:

Permission Permission is the ability to see our shadow and accept it . Permission is the capacity for mental flexibility and to accept everything as it is. Where everything becomes an interesting point of view, where what used to be good or bad is now simply an interesting point of view . With the simple step of beginning to consider things, characteristics of people or situations as interesting points of view, we take weight away from judgment, labeling, non-genuine expression.

The second step or tool is: to be in the Question . What does this mean? It means that one does not have to look for the answer to everything, but simply remain in the question. That is, it only consists of asking the universe, and not waiting for an immediate response. Since then the answer will be presented in the most diverse manifestations. In this way, I empower myself, just by asking a question I gain power because I allow myself to be open to infinite and possible answers that exist in the cosmos and not to the limited response that I expect or imagine.

Who is the creator of this wonderful technique called Access Consciousness?

Gary Douglas, American writer, who after reaching a turning point in his life where nothing made sense, began to ask the universe different questions such as: What Can I perceive, know, be and receive that makes life worth living? These questions enabled him to be willing to experience great possibilities, one of them was to begin to develop his sensitivity, gifts and abilities as a psychic. In this way he began to channel different messages to different people, while continuing to ask the universe questions to know about his mission in life. Time followed and through these channels, he began to receive the answer to his question, which was about transmitting this incredible technique to all the people who needed it. This is how during a channeling to a masseuse, Gary channeled 32 points which are located in the head, which I later call bars . This is how this technique was received by him whose purpose is to help as many people as possible, by allowing him to know a way of functioning totally different from the usual.

What are the Access Bars points?

The Access Bars points are those strategic places located in the head which, when stimulated, in a certain way, time and sequence, will allow the limitations that one can present in any energy plane, more than anything in the mental plane, disappear .

The Benefits of Access Bars

The access bars benefits are endless but we tell you some of them:

Mainly they will allow you to live with your mind in a lighter and more pleasant way. The continuous flow of your thoughts will slow down and you can have more control of them all. You can enjoy states of stillness and mental calm . This technique is very effective for those who suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), anxiety disorder, stress, insomnia, verbiage, among others and for anyone who wants to reach high levels of consciousness.

Where can you find an Access Bars Consciousness facilitator?

This technique is currently in more than 170 countries, so it is very likely that there are facilitators where you are to take a delicious session.

How long is an Access Bars Consciousness session?

Access Consciousness Bar sessions last approximately 60 to 90 minutes . Shorter sessions that last approximately 30 minutes are also offered. It all depends on what each person feels and needs at that time.

What is the price of an Access Bars session?

The costs of Access Consciousness Bar sessions vary from one country to another, depending on the currency of the same and each facilitator. There are no stipulated prices for the sessions, if for the courses destined to train as a facilitator.

EDITORIAL: Gisela, editor in the big family of hermandadblanca.org



https://www.saludterapia.com/articulos/a/1977-access-bars-barras-de-libertad.htmlhttps://www.saludterapia.com/articulos/a/1977-access-bars-barras-de- freedom.html

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