Homeopathy for Anxiety: Advantages and tools of this discipline against stress and anxiety

  • 2019
Table of contents hide 1 What is Homeopathy 2 Advantages of homeopathy for anxiety 3 Homeopathy remedies for anxiety 4 Final considerations

“Anxiety with fear and fear with anxiety contribute to rob the human being of his most essential qualities. One of them is reflection. ”

- Konrad Lorenz

Currently, one of our main challenges is stress . The rhythm of daily life invades each of our environments: work, academic, family, etc. And it affects us to the point that it can be a great aggravating factor for our well-being. That is why this challenge is increasingly being targeted by the various disciplines dedicated to health. In this context, today we are going to share some combat tools that homeopathy provides for anxiety .

For those interested, here is an interesting article on 4 steps to deal with anxiety .

What is Homeopathy?

Before we start talking about homeopathy remedies for anxiety, we must initially understand where this medicine comes from.

The word Homeopathy comes from the Greek ὅμοιος ' hómios ', which means ' equal ', and πάθος ' páthos ', that is to say ' ailment '. This discipline, created by the German doctor Samuel Hahnemann, is based on the law of the like. What does this mean?

This is that that substance that affects a healthy person in a certain way, can be used in small amounts to cure symptoms similar to a person who is suffering from a disease.

This method is not only used to treat psychological conditions such as homeopathy for anxiety, but also acute diseases such as influenza and migraines, chronic diseases such as asthma, dermatitis, and infections such as ears, throat, urinary, etc.

The objective of this medicine overcomes the simple overcoming of the symptoms, to engage in the search for the restoration of the natural balance of the person. That is why it also focuses on factors such as physical status, psychological status and medical history of the patient's life.

Their medicines are made by diluting successively certain products of animal, vegetable or mineral origin in alcohol or water.

Although this discipline has been the subject of much controversy since its inception, it has won many advocates and practitioners who use it effectively to treat their patients.

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Advantages of homeopathy for anxiety

The stress that generates anxiety consists of a sequence of chemical and physical reactions that occur as a result of a person's exposure to certain situations that exceed their ability to solve problems.

Ideally, as always, the best way to combat stress is through prevention.

For this, the advantage that undoubtedly positions homeopathy for anxiety within the best options is that it has no side effects in its treatments that are CNS depressants ( Central Nervous System ). Therefore, the patient should not feel the lack of attention and energy that are more common in traditional Western medicine.

In addition, it does not lose sight of the association that exists between the body and the mind, and therefore, has a greater spectrum of vision to find the causes of discomfort and is more effective for achieve a better state of balance in the patient.

Their medications also have a great advantage, and they are completely natural. In addition, they are very easy to prepare and, as if that were not enough, they are economical.

Another benefit of homeopathy for anxiety is that since it is not an invasive medicine, it does not interfere with the body's natural process or its own ability to heal. In addition, this allows it to also be used as parallel assistance to other forms of treatment.

Homeopathy remedies for anxiety

Before talking about the remedies that homeopathy offers us to combat anxiety, I think it is pertinent to clarify. Under no circumstances is it advisable to start a homeopathic treatment without any kind of supervision by a professional.

Now yes, let's talk about some of the remedies that homeopathy for anxiety presents.

  • Arsenicum Album

This is one of the fifteen best-known homeopathy remedies, according to Lockie and Geddes, authors of The Complete Guide to Homeopathy . This arsenic oxide derivative is used to treat the state of anxiety in general. Symptoms such as irritability, frustration, depression, anemia, insomnia, some eating disorders and even obsessive compulsive disorders are the traditional goals of this medication.

  • Argentum Nítricum

This is one of the most used medications for homeopathy for anxiety. It is a derivation of silver nitrate, and is used for many manifestations of stress, such as scenic panic, vertigo, claustrophobia, as well as preventing dizziness and fatigue after long work days.

  • Carbonic limestone

This medicine is also another of the great remedies proposed by homeopathy for anxiety. It is extracted from the grinding of the middle layer of the oyster shell, and is usually used to treat disorders such as hypochondria, bulimia, excessive susceptibility and anxiety for the future.

In addition, it is constantly developing in the search for advances in the fight against cancer, in which it has proven to have much to contribute.

  • Siliceous

This is a medically derived from Anhydrous Colloidal Silica powder, and is a homeopathy remedy for anxiety that is widely used for social phobia . In addition, it has also proven effective as a treatment against shyness, insecurity, fatigue, trouble concentrating and insomnia. It is also used in case of colds, sinusitis and throat inflammation.

  • Rhus Toxicodendron

This is a clear example of the law of others .

This medicine is extracted from a shrub known as the Atlantic Poisonous Oble ( Toxicodendron pubescens). The agitated dilutions that occur from this shrub are used to treat the same dermal reactions that their contact causes, such as itching, inflammation and blisters, in addition to that it can also be helpful in treating tendonitis, rheumatic pain and fibrillary tears. In this way, this homeopathy remedy for anxiety fights some of the most recurrent symptoms of continuous and prolonged exposure to stress.

  • Aconitum Napellus

This plant is also known as Common Aconite or Blue Anapelo, and is a very good idea for people suffering from impatience states . Its healing power acts directly on fever, angina, measles, among others.

In addition, this homeopathy remedy for anxiety also acts on fear and anguish.

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Final considerations

It is clear that homeopathy for anxiety is one of the strongest tools we have to cope with the moments of life in which we find ourselves overcome by stress. However, it is never advisable to carry out self-medication without the supervision of a professional. Each of the remedies mentioned above are prepared in a certain way, and even at a specific time in the life of their organic compounds.

If you find yourself going through a difficult time in your life, seek help .

AUTHOR: Lucas, editor of the great family of HermandadBlanca.org


  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homeopathy
  • https://cuidateplus.marca.com/medicamentos/2016/03/03/homeopatia-que-sirve-109987.html
  • https://www.cuerpomente.com/salud-natural/terapias-naturales/homeopatia-contra-estres-laboral-ansiedad_1938
  • http://www.boiron.es/homeopatia-que-es#
  • https://www.salud180.com/salud-z/algunas-ventajas-del-uso-de-la-homeopatia
  • https://para-quesirve.com/argentum-nitricum-medicamento-homeopatico/
  • http://www.colegiodemedicinahomeopatica.edu.mx/materia-medica/176-arsenicum-album
  • https://www.enbuenasmanos.com/calcarea-carbonica
  • https://elcorreodelsol.com/articulo/7-remedios-homeopaticos-para-tratar-la-ansiedad
  • https://www.diariofemenino.com/articulos/psicologia/ansiedad/homeopatia-para-la-ansiedad-medicina-natural-para-los-nervios/
  • http://www.homeopatia.net/rhus-toxicodendron-medicamento-homeopatico-para-dolor-inflamacion/
  • http://colegiodemedicinahomeopatica.edu.mx/materia-medica/82-aconitum-napellus-acon

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