Do you create, attract or choose your reality?

  • 2016

"The Secret" was one of the best-selling books because it encouraged us to create our reality by revealing the power of attraction. And although it is an unfinished book, because it really lacks the essence of true power of attraction, at least it has served to arouse interest in millions of people and position themselves as active members of their own lives. "The Secret" has influenced a massive awakening through empowerment. Paradoxically, the Secret did not reveal to us the hidden secret that resides in our internal power and that we will reveal here throughout a series of articles that will take us on an inner journey of self-knowledge. A self-conscious journey

Since the first edition of Rhonda Byrne's book, back in 2006 and drinking from the sources of William Walker Atkinson and the New Thought dating from 1880/1900, it rained a lot and we continue to evolve. Consciousness continues to grow in our reality and it is time to assess whether we create our reality, if we attract it or if we simply choose from multiple possibilities . The good news is that each and every one of these options is correct and only depends on our level of consciousness. Consciousness manifests and feeds on our vibration. Let's not forget that after all we are energy and understanding each other in terms of energy will help us understand our reality more deeply. We are energy manifested in the water element. Our body is between 70-90% water, depending on age, sex, etc. Of course we are not dust and we will not return to dust, we are water and as such we manifest ourselves. Water is a free conductor of energy.

Do you create, attract or choose your reality?

Throughout several articles I will present the creation guidelines of our known universe, which for us translates into how to use it for what happens here and now. And since its implementation in our day to day, we may see the expected achievements, or not. With this we will learn from where we are really manifesting our reality. One or the other result will come out of our actions. From that point of experimentation each one will be able to observe if he creates, attracts or simply chooses his reality.

The entire known universe is designed and united through a network that is brewed from a single universal pattern that on its smallest scale we know as the egg of life, which gives rise to the fruit of life and ultimately and more Known to all of us becomes the flower of life . The flower of life is the perfect geometric pattern through which life is manifested throughout our known universe. This geometric, self-conscious pattern is the basis of life, of intelligence and is the first movement through which the entire universe is created.

Phoenician art, glass of the Vll century BC with detail of the flower of life inside.

Well, and you may wonder, what can we do with something so immense? From the simplicity that governs the entire universe, it is best to relativize the greatness of the flower of life . Be aware that this geometric structure is part of us, because our own cells develop through the same pattern. It would not be far-fetched to understand that we could develop a trust, treat it like family and learn to interact with it, which is nothing more or less than interacting with all our molecular life, with our health, with our thoughts ... This would be entering the kingdom of magic, understanding by magic everything that we fail to contemplate a priori with the 5 basic senses, and everything that escapes our mental understanding and that brings us closer to the subtle worlds with which we interact even when we are not aware of they.

Formation of the cells following the movement of the Flower of Life .

The egg of life is the primeval pattern of creation. It is linked to number 7. And to it the 7 movements of creation of the universe are associated. Actually there are 7 movements that give rise to a unit. They were formerly known as The 7 jewels of Hebrew light . The realization of a movement gives rise to the possibility of a second movement and so on. And here a very important factor is introduced in any life process: Order .

The universe is a perfect math

Order is part of the whole creation because the universe is a perfect math, a perfect sound and a perfect arrangement. Can you imagine some messy mathematical operations or a score without a rhythm, an order? And therefore, can you imagine what you approach your life if you are in disorder? Thus, before beginning any creation process, attraction or choice in our lives, let us observe the order in it, in our day, in ourselves, in our thoughts, in our home, in our dynamics or routines and even in the drawer of our bedside table. Although it seems very simple and perhaps absurd, everything is part of the same. So the first thing is to observe, establish and create an order .

If you think we are in the following article and we will prepare for it by becoming aware of the order or disorder in which we move in our day to day. And we look at it from a physical level: "How is my bedside drawer? My desk? My purse or diary bag?

From a mental level: “How are my ideas, my intentions, my speech when speaking…?

From an emotional level: “Do I remain still throughout the day or does any external intrusion become a trigger for emotions? "

In the next article we will delve into the Art of Seducing . Seduce ourselves to make us deserving, allow us to create, attract or choose the most suitable for us at all times. Understanding as ideal what our soul sees as our best choice for our evolutionary path. And from there we will start a tour of the 7 steps of the demonstration, which in you can be creation, attraction or choice ... and finally, the final secret not revealed in "The Secret" !!

Author: Ana María Angueira

Founder Akasha Teaching School.

Master of Akashic Records.



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