The Sun of Mary.

  • 2010

Dear children and fellow travelers, I am Mary and I present myself before you from the highest frequencies of the creator father to welcome you to this new beginning of your nativities.

Your nativities are given in each of you from your consciences from your mind to be supported by us with the special dispensations of universal energy that these days begin to project on the beloved land.

Each of you is and represents a cosmic seed that has already awakened or is waking up.

Those who have already awakened to meet the light should only let their buds and sprouts mature in small flowers of light to exploit this divine projection on their brothers who have not yet been able to wake up.

For the seeds that these days woke up I only leave you my most loving hugs from a mother who gives warmth and feeds

My heavenly mantle that protects your days and nights to house in the heart of each one of you this new Christian self in perfect synchrony with the divine nature of your first creation.

For the quantum awakening it is only necessary that you have it favorable and positive. When a being decides to align with the creative whole, this already creates the correct energetic conformation for the first steps of its change.

Then we begin our task of light as teachers and guides filling that void that was not, but you did believe it.

And manifesting in his life the divine reality of his being.

In full communion with the father and in the creation of a new constellation of stars that will be established in 11 27 32 we are waiting for each of you my beloved son of the earth.

Mary greets you, for love on earth and all divine creation.

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