Archangel Metatron: You are the purpose of your life

  • 2014

Everything is clearing and becoming more visible, and perhaps the emerging brilliance is blinding your eyes; You are not allowing yourself to see the whole picture. Everything that has been opening layer by layer and what has remained in the depths so far is right in front of you, and perhaps as it is piling one on top of the other it has confused you somewhat. Just take a deep breath and settle.

You keep looking for the purpose of your life. You are the purpose of your life, being that person that you are. Simply being. Accepting, taking care of yourself, breathing knowing that you are that person at every moment ... As you get lightened and simplified, you are listening to the answers you are receiving anyway; trust the guidance they receive. Allow your inner Sage. Allow your being to open, becoming visible with a color, a note, a movement ... There is no place else that you have not seen, have not heard, or felt; just let it go and trust what comes.

Dance with joy as you create your best and most magnificent creation. Then, that sound will become audible, all its anxieties and fears will be erased one by one, leaving Light in its place, and when they allow themselves to oscillate harmoniously with the invisible, that is when this will begin. In fact, they will be surprised not to have seen it until today. Whatever is multiplying inside and spilling out, allow it. As you flow you will be cleansed and your Light will brighten, and as you shine from the inside to the outside, that sharing will increase; You will be a contact and an inspiration. Simply allow it.

Archangel Metatron

translated by Gloria Mühlebach

Archangel Metatron: You are the purpose of your life

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