Message to All Disciples- Channeled message from Rakocxy or Saint Germain

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 Considering the new energies that this planetary system has received in the advent of a New Era, and considering that you are the new yearnings, the bearers of the Aquarian transformative Light, we have come to make you aware of your current guidelines as carriers of The true luminous action. 2 The time that all accepted and initiated disciples had to prepare was over. 3 It is time for every accepted disciple to free himself from his shackles, especially those raised in the present existence. 4 Mr. Buda-Maitreya (The Christ) is advancing in his mission and bringing many other beings to support work. 5 The Angelic and Devic Kingdoms adhered to Maitreya's work and are now working much more with the Earth Hierarchy, so that one day they will join the human kingdom.

Channeled Messages of the Masters of Light.

In Portuguese the Original.

Considering the new energies that this planetary system has received in the advent of a New Era, and considering that you are the new yearnings, the bearers of the Aquarian transformative Light, we have come to make you aware of your current guidelines as bearers of the true luminous action.

As you are aware, the great transformations on this planet, since the last Wesak Festival (1991), have been accelerated day after day, minute by minute. So much that you have received in your consciences or even in your souls and spirits, the alert to accelerate your individual works.

Before the Wesak Festival we had been alerting ourselves about your dispersions, failures and interference from your personalities .

Many were the recommendations and instructions. In this way, we were catching up on the actions of the Buddha-Maitreya and the obligatory separation of the “wheat straw” in this humanity.

Today we have seen that a selection of disciples is also being made, that is, we need more and more conscious and coherent disciples with the work for which they are destined. We can no longer wait for retardants and for those who believe they are weak and helpless.

We have had to give up all the disciples who were playing with the superior forces, just looking to benefit from them, without giving priority to a minimum personal effort for self-improvement and personal evolution.

We have to, once again, insist on making everyone aware that the work that the Hierarchy is developing is very serious and that evolutionary progress is at stake, not only for the inhabitants of the Earth, but for thousands of other beings from the most diverse evolutionary scales . In addition, we want everyone to know that life is a dynamic process and that its natural course is to move forward, to move forward .

The time that all accepted and initiated disciples had to prepare was over.

The moment is of expansive action. Each cell of the new planetary mystical body is in a transformative process, internally and externally. What has happened is that many of those who incarnated for missions, in this current planetary process, are moving through their closed minds and retrograde actions. They are not accompanying the changes, innovations and transformations that occur in the world. They are trapped in their egos, limited by personality and valuing the past, looking towards the past and acting accordingly.

However, the moment is of intense transformation . The past has served enough as an experience and now is the time for all who can, consciously, work with the Great Hierarchy, reformulate personality values, mainly emotional ones, and strive to move forward to bring to the physical plane all the spiritual baggage received in the soul and spirit throughout past lives.

It is time for all disciples accepted to free themselves from their shackles, especially those raised in the present existence.

It is time for everything started to merge with the Great Unit of Intelligent Light Consciousness

All the accepted and initiated disciples were given the option to choose, and by choice they were committed or with the evolution or involvement, through the oath made by their souls or by their omission. It is now up to each one to properly position themselves according to the new Aquarian guidelines.

Mr. Buda-Maitreya (The Christ) is advancing in his mission and bringing many other beings for support work.

Many angelic hosts move closer to human beings, causing the Christic energies to reach each other much more strongly.
Spheres of Light are transmuting Piscesian energies, creating new tonic and giving access to many world transformations that were previously blocked by crystallization energies.

The dynamics of the Great Hierarchy are now directed much more to action, and that is why many accepted disciples and many initiates are positioned in several key functions worldwide, with authorization to act in favor of real transformations that propitiate new modes of action Aquarians specifically, thus leading humanity to position itself for big changes.

The Angelic and Devic Kingdoms adhered to Maitreya's work and are now working much more with the Earth Hierarchy, so that one day they will unite with the human kingdom.

All the teachers of Light are encouraging their disciples to energize their actions, aiming at their own individual expansion into practical actions instead of passive and silent attitudes.

There is no more time for the continuous silent actions of the Age of Pisces. The moment is now action.

Everyone who represents the Hidden Hierarchy on the physical plane will have to act as such, without subterfuges, without great theorizations and without masks, practicing and animating, with the principles that govern the New Age.

Every true disciple must be attentive to his daily actions and question his true designs to act in accordance with them.

No Being of Light is engaging with disciples suffering from archaic paternalisms, for the moment is to give each one the right to be free and to leave each one the consequences of their own positioning.
Those who continue to walk in the Light will be increasingly lucid of their individual actions and missions, and will commit to the renewal of their own values in order to work better with Aquarian energies. These are the desires that many will follow by example, by the transparency of their actions and by the loyalty to the Light.

Only the real positioning of each one and the awareness of the individual mission will lead to the fulfillment of collective missions.

Every disciple, without exception, needs to be more aware of his task on the physical plane, as well as the objective of his present existence.

Many are called, few chosen for the creation of a new world, a new language, a new way of life for all the inhabitants of this planet.

May my Light motivate you to constant individual transmutations so that in the unit we are all one body, one Word.


Spiritual Channel: Lourdes Rosa

PORTUGUESE-SPANISH TRANSLATION: Patricia Gambetta, editor in the great family of

SOURCE: "Mensagens Dos Beres de Luz" book. Second edition. Authors Henrique Rosa and Lourdes Rosa.

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