Transcend and flow while remaining stable

  • 2015

Sure they will think like me, how fast the year went. And the truth is we are still a few days before starting all the parties, inns, meetings, shopping and others. Of course, if you are one of those who ignore this whole process. Congratulations! You will not have to worry about anything, but rather find your balance. And as you know, you can't please everyone! Your peace of mind is more important, and if you're at peace, whoever is around you will feel it. That's why your best effort would be to work on yourself, and what better than making a space and spending these parties with the least possible ups and downs….

My question is, if I'm stressed, is it worth it? The truth for many Christmas parties is to be with family, union etc. And for others it is the worst of the year because people do what they do not want to do, they have to see those who do not want to see, spend on those who do not want etc ... Well, I am not going to list what to do or what not to do, but if you give yourself some exercise so that only you can go to work and really do what suits you and not lose yourself. It happened to you that you work something on yourself, and after several years; you think that it is healed, transcended “forgotten” for later, some external event reminds you that it is not completely healed, and we will fall back into the same error as always, but hey, I will not call it error but reminder. Transcending or flowing means that all that is more critical, hard, difficult; I remain stable, in my center.

That although it hurts, I don't allow myself to hurt myself, nor do I allow others to do it, knowing that I always have options. And the options come and go as your thoughts are; you choose and decide which direction to take, there will always be advice from family, friends; but you are the one with the last word. Well, if you are one of those who already have a spiritual practice, or safe yoga you can find that your attention fluctuates during certain periods of the year. And if you don't have a practice, you can help yourself with an exercise that is as simple as possible but has proven to be quite good. Searching for the spiritual in your life, does not mean that you stop doing functional things - how to work, have fun etc -, it means that you want to be at peace and flow with everything that is, that things that are not important do not even move you, that what is really worthwhile are a path in your life. And may you always enjoy your presence alone. Having the ability that with so little we can be happy, gradually reveals that our spirit is beginning to move in the right direction, and transcending that which is not. Doing something good, and repeating it every day becomes a mold for the compassion of our own acts. A MIRACLE occurs when we tune into compassion and forgiveness, when we ask a superior being to intervene between our past and our future, to cancel all our fears and free us to a new beginning!

And this is what you will do for yourself. You will seek moments of stillness to regain your strength and power; getting rid of everything that does not allow progress or release old energies or ways of doing. As you treat yourself, others will treat you, plant compassion and gain compassion. It is hard to believe that all we attract to us is because we allow and decide to do so before it happens, if we attract good things it is because you allowed it, if you attract bad things too. I have seen people who complain (I am included in the list) that everything seems an act of destiny, but as such does not exist. We have what we think we deserve. And well here I leave you this exercise to detect and aspirate all the energy that stagnates in our body; That at first seems long, but once grabbing practice it will be easier.


NOTE: Here I explain from the beginning how a scan is done and aspirated but if you decide to do it regularly you can skip several steps and go directly to the detected part or if you like to do it complete it is much better. Start by bringing comfortable clothes preferably light colors, avoid dark and black when working with energy. Take your time to prepare your place can be the room of your house, your room, the study, wherever you are in peace, quiet and with the security of not being interrupted. You can light a white candle, incense, use new age music in the background, a rug or rug because meditation will be sitting in the easy sitting position (it is not a lotus flower) only the legs are relaxed, back straight (you can recharge on some surface) close your eyes and start inhaling through the nose deeply and exhaling through the nose through the throat tube (trachea) as if you were making a noise like the waves of the sea, this breathing is known in yoga as victorious breathing or ujjay (and that translates as ocean breath, victorious or braking in the throat) This breathing will be maintained slightly throughout the meditation.

The exhalation is deep and maintained but without hyperventilating you. Ask the assistance of the archangel Michael to protect your meditation and cleanliness, this meditation allows angelic help for balance and balance. If you think that lying down you can be calmer you can do it; The important thing here is that you feel comfortable, but not to fall asleep.

SCANING ... Start inhaling and exhaling through your nose, slowly and deeply and bring your attention to your whole body starting at your feet looking for some imbalance, pain, some attachment you feel, you go from your feet to your ankles and do the same, You look at your ankles if there is something you just detect and pass to the chamorros, you observe and you feel this part of your body carefully, you go to the knees, you detect any pain, color, sensation ... You bring your attention to the left, right thighs what sensations you have, there is some information, sensation. Hips do not judge just observe and feel, detect what is there, learn to scan your body with closed eyes is an art that you will gradually develop.

Well, it's an instinct. From hips to buttocks, waist, stomach, back, chest, arms, hands, neck, head, face, mouth, eyes, inside your mouth, teeth and molars. The important thing is to scan your body, at first it can be slow but as you become familiar you will no longer have to go part by part but go straight to the problem or some imbalance detected.

ASPIRATE ... When you have already detected the parts of your body where there is pain, or instinctively keep something, such as emotions or feel charged. You will imagine that from your crown a violet light tube enters towards the detected part, but in this case we will work the whole body and on other occasions you will be able to go directly to the scanned part) it goes to your feet and begins to aspirate all discordant energy, you go through the whole body aspiring all energy or black or gray particle, pain, emotion, sensation (you see how a gray smoke is absorbed by this violet ray) and so you go throughout the body. Visualization plays an important role because this is how energy change works.

CALIBRATE It can be done by bringing colored light to each part of your body, you can work interchangeably imagine an orange ray fill your lower back And keep it as long as you like, or bring the yellow to your chest, or the red to your throat, or maybe you want to work with your chakras or their related organs etc. you decide, here you are working with certain energies, with the presence of the Archangel Michael and your superior being, Do not be afraid or doubt what you do. Or if you prefer to follow this chakras cleaning guide you can also do it but I repeat; Your being knows what you need, TRUST!

When you feel ready, visualize yourself surrounded by a bright white light, and bring your attention to your base chakra (muladhara) Located in the perineum and base of the spine, imagine that part of your body surrounded by a red light ; you can take your hands to the area of ​​the legs or where the chakra is concentrated, ask for the presence of the Arcangel Sandalfon to help you clean, restore and balance the base chakra and while you feel how that area works allow yourself to feel the feeling of security and rooting in your life. Once you feel that the cleaning is finished, bring your attention to the next chakra. Sacral chakra or second chakra located between the midpoint of the pubis and the navel (about 3 fingers below the navel) feel that part surrounded by an orange light, you can take your hands or place the indicated quartz and ask the Arcangel Chamael (angel of unconditional love) that cleanses, and revitalizes the area of ​​relationships, taking away every wound of self-destruction, every destructive past relationship that is unlocked so that new relationships come into your life, feel Ndote loved and surrounded by satisfying relationships.

And when you are ready, you turn your attention to the third chakra or solar plexus located above the navel. Imagine a yellow light filling this space by asking the Uriel arch (angel of peace) to clean, and restore eliminating wounds and fears, releasing control; replacing it with peace and harmony. At the end, turn your attention to the fourth chakra or heart chakra (anahata) and imagine that part of the heart surrounded by an emerald green light, once again whether you take your hands to that part or place a quartz And ask the Archangel Raphael (healing arch) to heal your heart from wounds of the past, to restore your self-esteem from any pain, allow all the emotions necessary for its cleansing by releasing them.

Turn your attention to the fifth chakra or throat chakra (Vishuda) imagine a bright blue light, place your hands or a small quartz and ask the Archangel Michael to clean and release all quiet emotions, which has not He was able to express himself, and he has been silent for a long time to free your communication channel for a better understanding. When you feel ready, turn your attention to the sixth chakra, frown chakra or third eye, (ajna) visualize this area of ​​the frown with a bright purple light and ask the Archangel Gabriel (Archangel of the soul and guide) feel how your intuition flourishes as that area is cleaned and purified allow yourself to feel how your thoughts, obsessive ideas, recurring thoughts that have no end and solution are unlocked, ask to clarify your thoughts and decisions through this archangel. Go to the last chakra, located on the crown, imagine the center of your head illuminated by a golden light, ask the Arcangel Zadkiel (Archangel of forgiveness) to clean and balance this area and allow a feeling of peace and tranquility flood your whole being.

When you are ready, inhale deeply for 3 times and slowly begin to move every part of your body head, hands, legs; stretch your arms if you are lying down take the weight of your body to the right posture of the fetus and rest a few minutes open your eyes and you join at your own pace. With this meditation or visualization you will feel your whole being with a different energy lighter and cleaner and the problems or issues you will see from another perspective, for a better insight keep a writing or diary of how you feel; what did you feel or visualize, everything is informative and is for you, repeat this meditation once a week or as often as you want and you can, at the beginning it will take you some time but once with practice you will do it much faster and more aware Trust that it is what your instinct tells you, be sure that it is the right thing to do.

And remember that the more you practice it will be noticed, look for a space and do not let the outside restrict your walk ...

NAMASTE SOFIA RANDALL Follow us on @randallita @glits_mx

Transcend and flow while remaining stable

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