Female Aspects of the Human Psyche - Part 2

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 Characteristics of Psyche 2 Nature of Psyche 3 What can I do if Psyche dominates my personality? 4 What can symbolize this?

Today, and surely for many years, the world is under opposite currents, antagonistic that fight each other to dominate it . Explicit and implicit forces, which brings much chaos and restlessness in its inhabitants, even if they themselves are part of one or another force. In the most immediate, the chaos that is born and lies in the deepest of each being is observed . With regard to women, in the psyche of women, something similar happens . The discord that arises within a woman is due to the confrontation between Aphrodite and Psyche.

Psyche Characteristics

As you can remember, in the previous article the aphrodite aptitudes were exposed , so we will now focus on Psyche, that is, we will focus on the new expression of the feminine . As we know, Aphrodite had a divine birth, she was born from the sea, while Psyche, in a human way , from a drop of dew that fell from the sky . This jump from the ocean to the earth is the evolution of the original oceanic female quality towards a more human, more earthly form.

Nature of Psyche

Alien to the world
Will never establish loving ties

In every woman, lies a Psyche, a woman who has experienced loneliness intensely . It is so perfect, so deeply hidden to the world that it can not be understood, so beautiful, so daughter of a king, that its great incomprehensible gifts to the world banish it from all ties and devote it to a lonely lonely life.

Every woman who approaches the world, from her loneliness and is not understood, and meets individuals who seem to be good but maintain a certain distance, discovers Psyche living in her, that is, finds the nature of this aspect in her person . It is an experience characterized by pain and suffering, so being tamed by this aspect of the feminine character is synonymous with isolation and being unattainable.

What can I do if Psyche dominates my personality?

When a woman realizes that Psyche is the aspect that is working in her mind, she has to carry out a painful task . The work he has to carry out is to become aware that this quality is working on it . And that's when a noble evolution in his consciousness will begin .

Taking Robert Johnson's words: If a woman is very beautiful, the problem is complicated. Marilyn Monroe was a moving example. She was worshiped from far and wide, and yet she had great difficulty in intimately interacting with one person. Finally, I find life intolerable. A woman who bears a goddess quality, an almost unapproachable perfection that finds no place in the current human sphere of bonds. If this dynamic is understood, the evolution required by Psyche can be set in motion.

Returning to the myth of Psiqu e, his parents were desperate. His other two daughters were already married, while Psyche was not yet . Psyche was beautiful and very admired, but no one asked for her hand. His worried father, the King, goes to an oracle to help his daughter. Unknowingly, this oracle was influenced by Aphrodite, who, filled with jealousy and anger at Psyche, succeeds in making the oracle perform an evil prophecy . The princess must be carried to the top of a mountain, chained to a rock and left there for death to violate, and with whom she will marry. Death is the most horrible, ugly and frightening creature that existed. His parents, faithful believers of it, because the oracles were considered by the Greeks as absolute truths, followed the instructions to the letter, and left Psyche on top of a hill tied to a stone.

What can symbolize this?

It means the dual aspect of marriage, that is, the honorable death of an ancient part of life, of a civil and social state, of being single. If one does not become aware of this, sooner or later these emotions will arise and have much more painful effects. This is represented in the marriage of Psyche, who is finally getting married, but with Death. While Psyche lay alone in the darkness, her soul, the "original, first" Psyche dies and a new one is born . That is to say, the oldest feminine elements with which he lived until then, die to give rise to new elements, new states.

“The groom arrives at the wedding with his godfather and his friends to kidnap the bride; the bridesmaids are protective of the virginity of the bride. Ritually, a battle takes place and the bride cries as she becomes worthy of the death of a portion of her existence. A new life opens for her and the festivities celebrate her new power as a bride and matriarch . ( Johnson R., 1996)

In ceremonies of different cultures, precisely at weddings, acts are carried out that recall pain and joy. Only when the sacrifice is incorporated into the joy of the ceremony, at that time will the marriage be finalized. Johnson cites several cases to exemplify this and, one of them is that of African weddings where the bride cannot arrive without wounds and scars and must also be abducted, so that the marriage is valid. And he recalled that Aphrodite does not like women at all to die at the hands of men, so she will never be subjected to submission by a man . This is why in the Aphrodite every woman will cry when her virginity status ends . Notwithstanding that, a contradiction resides in Aphrodite since on the one hand it demands and desires marriage but on the other hand it cries the loss of its virginity. This lives in the mind of each one of us from the beginning. This paradox is also observed when Aphrodite is to blame for the destiny of Psyche, being the one who condemned her to death and did everything possible to get married, being Aphrodite herself the main oppositionist to this act. By the way, Johnson R. says that "the evolution towards marriage is accompanied by a regressive pull of nostalgia for the autonomy and freedom of things as they were before . "

In conclusion the fundamental of all this, is to make us aware of the patterns, behaviors and beliefs deeply rooted in the depths of our unconscious . These can be activated in circumstances of great social importance or rather situations that have a very great value for our psyche, such as being of legal age, getting married, divorcing, etc. Many times we can feel guilty because, instead of being happy on our wedding day, or time before or after, we can experience a terrible and inexplicable anguish . But thanks to this myth, and to the reflections of this wonderful writer, we can strip ourselves of so much guilt and realize that it is something that lies deep within our collective mind, which is more common than we thought, since it is unconsciously latent in the psyche of each one of us . And in the case that it is expressing itself in our life, whether as behaviors, thoughts, feelings and attitudes, let us recognize it . Once we have recognized it, it is easier to understand and accept it and then do something . Doing something can mean seeking the help of a therapist, a sage, a counselor or a friend. And in this way try to destroy and de-create such behaviors and beliefs that act impulsively and biasedly, to act from the very essence of our soul.

PART 1: feminine-aspects-of-the-human-psyche-part-1 /

PART 2: feminine-aspects-of-the-human-psyche-part-2 /

REDACTORA: Gisela S., editor of the great family of the White Brotherhood.

SOURCE: Johnson, RA (1996). She: to understand female psychology . It was nascent.

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