What is homotoxicology?

  • 2018

Homotoxicology, a new word that you may not know, but don't worry, because we are going to explain to you what it is, since more than a word, it is a very interesting alternative therapy. So there is no problem, then we solve each and every one of the doubts you have and that could arise.

Homotoxicology or Bioregulatory Therapy

Homotoxicology is a branch, or rather a discipline of medicine that studies the influence of toxins in the body, and which in turn seeks the natural stimulation of the healing capacity of each human being. .

This alternative therapy relies on the use of homeopathic bioregulatory medications, which act in the body to generate more physiological resolutions to various disorders or diseases.

Is homotoxicology the same as biological medicine?

Although homotoxicology is also known as biological or bioregulatory medicine, it is prudent to clarify that they are not exactly the same.

The detail is that biological medicine is the one that includes all the disciplines and therapies that seek the restoration of the normal physiology of the organism, either in a biological, chemical or physical way.

Meanwhile, it should be clarified that homotoxicology has been one of the many disciplines included in the range of biological medicine.

How does homotoxicology work?

From the alternative therapy that today attracts our attention, antihomotoxic therapy arises as a treatment that seeks to neutralize the toxins that keep the body sick, and this is possible through the consumption of antihomotoxic drugs.

Antihomotoxic drugs are very dilute compounds, and their effects lie and focus on the body's immune system. Here they seek the uptake of immune cells before the supplied molecules, and in this way they generate in the organism an autoresponder that promotes their improvement.

The effect of antihomotoxic drugs is specifically aimed at the physiological elimination of harmful substances, interpreted as toxins . In this way the organism achieves the regulation of the immune system, detoxification and the improvement of the functioning of all tissues and cells.

How is homotoxicology different from conventional treatments?

The opposite case to that described by homotoxicology occurs with conventional medicine, which seeks, above all, to treat the symptoms of diseases. This is why synthetic chemical medications are "anti" -jaquecas, "anti" -biotics, "anti" -inflammatory, etc.

At this point we understand that in the case of conventional medicine, the medications themselves are those that exert actions in the organism, seeking to relieve the symptoms of the disease (symptomatic therapies), but without focusing on the root of the problem, which is interpreted in homotoxicology as the presence of harmful toxins in the body.

What diseases can be treated by homotoxicology?

The reality is that all pathologies can be treated with bioregulatory treatments, such as homotoxicology. This is possible because the objective of antihomotoxic drugs is the detoxification of tissues and cells, thus promoting the strengthening of the immune system.

Now, understanding that all diseases have a negative impact on the immune system, we can opt for homotoxicology as a great complementary or unique tool to promote the improvement of the organism and treat the pathologies from its roots . This includes both acute and chronic diseases.

Undoubtedly, this is a very interesting technique that perfectly complements any other treatment without having to worry about the dreaded contraindications or side effects of conventional medication. Do you dare to try it?

Seen in Casafen, by Pedro, editor of the Great White Brotherhood

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