How ideas are transformed into information

  • 2018

INNOVATION COURSE Unit 1: science Learning object 7: Printing

Reading, writing and calculating are the basic skills for creativity, skills that may well cease to be necessary. In the future, perhaps the only thing that will need to be known to lead a useful adult life is how to use the machines that have the necessary knowledge.

It is information that is transformed into knowledge and this knowledge is transformed into wisdom thanks to understanding. Despite this, most of the time spent at school is dedicated to the transmission of information and ways of obtaining it; Less time is devoted to the transmission of knowledge and ways of obtaining it (analysis), and the time taken to teach understanding and to teach ways to achieve understanding (synthesis) is virtually nil. In addition, in the educational process, the distinction between data, information, and so on is rarely made until reaching knowledge, leaving students unaware of their ignorance.

Analogies are usually established between the fields of computer science and biology. The information processing capacity of DNA constitutes a kind of natural molecular computing, and computer viruses that go from one machine to another are examples of artificial and digital biology. The boundaries between nanotechnology, biotechnology, computer technology and areas of cognitive science are disappearing. A coded message is essentially a pattern of organization, but ideas are integrative patterns that do not derive from information but from experience. We are experiential beings with the aspiration to become existential.


  • Establish relationships between information, communication and control.
  • Establish differences between medium, message and channel.
  • Understand the impression from the cybernetic model.


That the group life emits the Word of invocation and thus evokes the response of the distant ashramas where the Chohanes of the human race act. That the group sing a double chord; that resonates in the classrooms where the Masters act; that there be pauses and prolongations within those brilliant classrooms where the Lights that fulfill the Will of God act.

INTRODUCTORY ACTIVITY: between public and private

John Nada is a construction worker who accidentally finds glasses that allow people to see in their authentic appearance. He notices that an advertising sign now simply shows the word "Obey"; Without them, it shows the announcement that “Control Data creates a transparent computing environment”. Another poster now shows the text "C sate y reprod cete". He also sees that paper money carries the words "This is your God." All forms around it contain subliminal advertising. They live in an American action-science fiction movie of 1988 written and directed by John Carpenter. The movie, which combines the elements of the thriller with doses of black humor, has a social background. This highlights the contemporary fears of an economic recession (a situation that Americans lived in the 1980s), within a society strongly based on the consumerism.

Angela Bennett is a computer analyst specializing in detecting computer viruses and system anomalies. She works for the Cathedral company from her home and her daily routine, away from any contact with other people, except her Alzheimer's mother, becomes a nightmare when she receives an Internet program from her colleague Dale for her year. lysis Praetorians are an electronic terrorist organization that seeks to control and improve the country. For this they cause sabotage throughout the country using cyberterrorism and then offer the country a protective program against their own cyberterrorism with a back door for them and thus be able to control the country in that way. own benefit and for the benefit of your world better. That program was used to erase Angela's identity. The Network is a thriller premiered on July 28, 1995 in the United States, starring Sandra Bullock.

  • After watching the movies They Live and The Network, answer the following questions: How has advertising influenced your life? What differences do you find in the words sublime and subliminal and sublimar? What do you consider most pervasive, the word or the image? At what point do you define the limit between public and private? How do you interpret the following notice that appears on your whatsapp ?: The messages and calls of this chat are protected with end-to-end encryption.

ACTIVITY ONE: advertising

Advertising is a form of communication that attempts to increase the consumption of a product or service, insert a new brand or product into the consumer market, improve the image of a brand or reposition a product or brand in the mind of a consumer. This is carried out through advertising campaigns that are disseminated in the media following a pre-established communication plan.

Through research, analysis and study of numerous disciplines, such as psychology, neuroanatomy, sociology, anthropology, statistics, and economics, which are found in market research, it will be possible, from the point In view of the seller, develop an appropriate message for a portion of the public of a medium.

The five media used by advertising are spectacular advertisements, magazines, newspapers, radio and television, among them, national television is superior to any local media. Advertising is pulsed, it uses an on and off pattern to achieve the same effectiveness achieved with continuous advertising. Advertising is like a movie film, which is a sequence of still images and projected in a second, the illusion of movement is created because the images are retained by the retina between the exhibits.

A trademark is a form of registration on any symbol used to uniquely identify one or more commercial products or services. The symbol of a registered trademark may be a word or phrase, an image or a design, and the use thereof to identify a product or service is only allowed to the natural or legal person who has made the registration of said trademark or that is duly authorized by who has registered it. A registered trademark determines the graphic / physical / operational identity of a product or service. It includes its own graphic-visual elements that differentiate the article from its competitors, providing it with a certain identity in the commercial sector. In addition, it is a registered identity, protected by the corresponding laws that can be used exclusively.

  • Have you designed your own brand or identify yourself with the brand or shield of a specific organization?


Consumer behavior is the study of the behavior that consumers show when searching, buying, using, evaluating and disposing of products and services that they consider will meet their needs. It is a study that aims to know the tastes and preferences of each market segment, allows you to decide precisely, which is the most appropriate strategy to reach the target market and ensure a successful sale, which will ideally become a relationship of retention of loyal customers.

Never before has there been so much personal information and as accessible as it is today due to the effect of the Internet. The new generations are very comfortable revealing personal information and anyone, whoever and wherever they are, can access such information. Although public information on social networks is only accessible to other users of the network, just make a profile to see it.

Closed circuit television cameras, whose quantity is growing worldwide, often follow our movements, the mobile phone reveals our location and our transit pass and credit card leave traces. A digital image, unlike a conventional photograph, can be easily and quickly copied and distributed worldwide.

The democratization of surveillance has advantages and disadvantages. Camera phones have given rise to voyeurism and new laws to strengthen people's rights over their own image. Camera phones make us all potential journalist photographers. It is not surprising then that the traditional press media are beginning to adopt this trend. The surveillance society is becoming more and more prevalent, the omnipresence of cameras and other technological surveillance devices could end up making people more conformist, since they would hide their individuality to avoid attracting much attention.

Knowledge is power and understanding is control; They are two-edged weapons. Obtaining knowledge and understanding of human behavior is accessing the ability to control the behavior of others more effectively in their own interest or theirs. The understanding of the behavior of the drinker has led us to value the theology implicit in alcoholics anonymous, has allowed us to understand the mind of the consumer, the mind of the communicator.

  • How do you solve the privacy-security dilemma? How do paranoia differences from metanoia?


Both codes and encryption are methods to alter the representations of messages to make them unintelligible to intruders and thus maintain confidentiality. Essentially a code is a substitution of words or phrases for others. However, an encryption consists of a character-by-character or bit-by-bit transformation, depending on the case, regardless of the language structure or the meaning of the message. In cryptography, encryption is a procedure that uses an encryption algorithm with a certain key (encryption key) to transform a message, without attending to its linguistic structure or meaning, in such a way that it is incomprehensible or, at least, difficult to understand to any person who does not have the secret key (decryption key) of the algorithm.

The QR code is the evolution of the barcode. It is a module for storing information in a dot matrix or in a two-dimensional barcode. The matrix is ​​read on the mobile device by a specific reader (QR reader) and immediately takes us to an application on the internet and can be a location map, an email, a web page or a profile on a social network . It was created in 1994 by the Japanese company Denso Wave, a subsidiary of Toyota. Although initially used to register parts in the area of ​​vehicle manufacturing, today QR codes are used for inventory management in a wide variety of industries. The inclusion of software that reads QR codes in mobile phones has allowed new consumer-oriented uses, which are manifested in comforts such as stopping having to manually enter data into the phones.

A hacker is someone who discovers the weaknesses of a computer or a computer network, although the term can also be applied to someone with advanced knowledge of computers and computer networks. Hackers can be motivated by a multitude of reasons, including profit, protest or challenge. The subculture that has developed around hackers often refers to the underground computer culture, but now it is an open community.

To circumvent a system that obstructs or limits development is a challenge. Achieving it is fun. It brings victory over a huge, impersonal and inflexible mind that works like a machine. Mocking a system is a creative act, like solving a puzzle or designing something new. It implies overcoming the limitations that oneself impose. Trying to circumvent a system requires the exercise of all mental functions: thought, perception, feeling and intuition.

  • Which of the two paths would you choose: work hidden in the shadows like Batman or show your brand giving light to humanity as Superman.


The development of contact sensitivity and the registration of “that which is something more than the self and, nevertheless, is the self”, are part of the great Science of Impression. This development - in the early stages of human evolution - takes place through the five senses, also occurring in the animal kingdom.

The contact, which leads to the desired fusion of the disciple with his Master, is divided into certain clearly defined stages:

1. Occasionally in the disciple's hours of meditation, in a time of great tension or in a crisis (related to his service activities), a momentary fusion of the minds of the disciple and the Master may take place. This happens only when the mental focus is so constant and the intention so firmly directed, that emotional reactions or intrusion of personality issues are eliminated.

2. Then during training, the Master may try to impress his mind unexpectedly, and thus train him to recognize what we might consider a direct call from the Ashrama Center.

3. When the disciple proves his courage and demonstrates that he desires nothing for the separate self, the interrelation between the two minds - that of the Master of the ashrama and that of the disciple - finds no impediments; therefore, there is no risk of overestimation, self-satisfaction or the appearance of defects that could disturb the rhythm of the ashrama. A current of thought between the two can take place then (if the Master decides). At first the impression is made entirely by the Master, and the disciple is simply an agent who can be impressed by ideas and instructed in some particular line, which could be of service to the humanity; however, perhaps no stream of thought flows towards the Master. Later, when a disciple advances towards the light and is simultaneously a server, by his own reaction to the impression, he will be allowed to reach the Master.

4. Then comes the final stage in which you can trust that the disciple is the agent who initiates the impression and the contact, allowing him to evoke the attention of the Master and penetrate the center of the ashrama. The students would do well to relate these four stages to the Six Stages of Discipleship, discussed in the last part of Discipleship in the New Era, Volume I, corresponding to the last four considered in that book.

These contacts occur logically in the field of telepathy, which is an aspect of Print Science, and belong entirely to the realm of mental interaction. In the book Telepath and the Ethnic Vehicle, you will find the basics of this basic science.


Figuratively speaking, Shamballa has three doors:

1. The door of reason, of the pure perception of truth. Christ gave the key to this teaching when he said: "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life." We know a lot about The Way, because it is the first unit of this course that, if applied, leads man to the Hierarchy. Then he becomes an effective part of the members of the Hierarchy. From that Truth we know (as an aspirant) relatively little. The Truth - as we understand it when taking the first steps on the path of discipleship - concerns those great truths that only constitute, from the inner perception of the Enlightened Beings, the ABC of life, and they are:

The manifestation of divinity in the physical plane.

The nature of consciousness, by the development of psychology.

The doctrine of the trinity, revealed by religious history.

The doctrine of the Avatars, when expressed through aspects and attributes.

As you will see, these four expressions of truth impart all the knowledge that the apprentice must be endowed when ascending to the Mount of Transfiguration, in the third graduation, providing him with a perception Spiritual Plan. Of Life, we absolutely know nothing. The reflection on its meaning corresponds to those who can act at will within the "precincts of the Lord of Life" - in Shamballa itself. All we can know is its lower step. This allows us to study the impulse or instinct that makes all forms of life act, which in itself embodies the principles of the response to contacts and the environment, incorporating the breath of life, relating to the air and also with The fire, mysteriously.

2. Then we have the door of will. Only those who do not belong to our terrestrial humanity have a clear perception of His divine purpose; it is those Lives that came with Him to this planet and will remain with Him as "prisoners of loving intention", until the last "tired pilgrim has found his way back home."

3. The door of the essential duality of the spiritual sense. Body and life, soul and personality, spiritual Triad and its expression, the incarnate Christ - all these dualities have played their part. Man has passed from one expansion of consciousness to another. It now reaches the ultimate duality of spirit and matter, before resolving itself in that something for which the terms "isolated unity" and "universal synthesis" only provide faint and inadequate clues. In order to develop this identification system, the apprentice who possesses the degree of Master of Wisdom and also the one who possesses (in a higher turn of the spiral) the degree of Christ, focus all His efforts. Until the fourth graduation, the term "expansion system" would seem illuminating; after that great graduation, the term "identification system" would be more appropriate.


March 25, 2018

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