Some interpretations of what it can be to dream of death

  • 2017

What will it mean to dream of death ? A common superstition or myth that exists is that if you die in your dream, you don't wake up to talk about it. This is not the case, at least in most circumstances.

The following are some of the possible interpretations of these types of dreams.

Interpretations of dreaming about death

Dreaming of death, in general, can represent positive or negative events that may be taking place in your life. Often, they indicate a desire, you may have to end or escape from a current situation that is causing stress disorder. This dream may involve a person other than you die.

Some believe that death dreams are good omens and will bring prosperity and longevity . Dreams of death can also mean a foreboding or a premonition of what is to come, which often only reflects the stress and unexpressed anxiety of an individual. However, it is possible that some dreams may predict the events to come.

A powerful symbol of dreaming of death belongs to your own innermost feelings. These dreams can mean or symbolize inner growth or your need to change and broaden your horizons. Many people tend to live with some anxiety and anxiety about death. These dreams may represent a method of dealing with that fear and its reality.

The dream of their own death often occurs when they face the end of something, perhaps a marriage or a career, or another important life-altering change. It may also reflect that something has died within oneself or symbolize a new beginning or new chapter in your life. It could also be a dream that tells you to leave all your worries behind and start something new. An important fact that sleep may be telling you is to take a look at your own habits and see how they are affecting your health, both physical and mental.

Many times you can dream about the death of a child. The child could be a representation of their own beliefs and child behaviors and the need to admit an approach to adult life . It is a necessity for the better and to advance many aspects of your life. However, in other cases, it may be worthwhile to maintain the value and importance of a connection to a child who had loved and lost.

Dreaming of the death of animals that you are afraid of can symbolize your approval and acceptance of negative emotions or thoughts you want to discard. This dream can produce a response, either positive or negative in its existence . If this dream results in a negative response, behavioral repressions may be unhealthy and self-destructive in their relationships. It can also be a reflection of how you allow others to take advantage of you or abuse you.

If you dream of a loved one who is currently living and dying, it could symbolize his fear that he may leave you either by death or by any other circumstance. Such a dream can also mean the loss of a condition or quality in another person ; For example, if someone close to you has taken away emotional, economic or physical support from you, this act has created a negative influence and has no effect on your life.

Dreaming of people or family members who have died is sometimes a way to stay connected with them or relive the impact they had made on their lives. Depending on the relationship you had with the person, it may be a loving dream or cause anxiety on behalf of pending issues.

All dreams of death represent various aspects and moments of your life that you want to change or have difficulty looking at. Dreaming of death about those individuals who have had a negative effect on their life, probably, represent the emotional scars they have left.

We must not insist on the negative connotations of death dreams . Use the knowledge you get from them to focus on your own inner growth .

AUTHOR: JoT333, editor of the family

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