Healing Crystals: How to Maintain and Care for Our Crystals?

  • 2018

In our previous installments we have discussed various topics about healing crystals . If you have accompanied me, then you have learned how gems can be a favorable tool for our personal lives and how to choose them, either based on intuition or considering the needs of each of our chakras. Based on all of the above, once we have chosen the crystal that works best for us, and the one with which we connect in a spiritual way, we are asked a fundamental question in our healing path through the magic of healing stones : What care should we give our crystal to ensure its proper functioning? Then you will have the answer and with it, the necessary tools so that your stones and crystals reach their full potential.

Keep our healing crystals, a daily job

As we have already mentioned, crystals are extremely powerful elements, carry with them millenary information, and are directly connected with the energy and the origin of our universe. Its bearers must take care of this energy and make sure to keep it at its maximum potential, not only to affirm its operation in the missions that we have attributed to them, but because when we decide to enter the path of a crystal, it becomes part of our path as well. The connection we establish configures a “joint mission” that is related to our universal purpose. In this way, our crystals will function as the best guide but we must keep towards them a respectful and responsible treatment.

Caring for and maintaining a crystal is directly tied to the task we have assigned to it. It is important to know that for those we call higher Crystals, that is, those crystals with a much more spiritual mission, or those that we have acquired for the benefit of our less earthly chakras (heart, throat, third eye and crown), will require greater care and Attention. Upper crystals are usually associated with very transparent and subtle stones. These are more vulnerable to the energy around them and absorb it in large quantities, which is detrimental to their connection with us and their efficiency. These crystals, unlike those associated with the lower chakras, need constant communication with their wearer, so it is recommended that whenever we have one of them, we spend a few minutes of the day to talk or meditate with him, as well as we use it daily in direct contact with our body, to ensure the permanent opening of its channels and its relationship with us as its carriers.

Meanwhile, the crystals associated with earthly energy, with some exceptions, require a little less cleaning, recharging and constant connection to ensure their operation and efficiency; However, I have to recommend that the practice of constantly chatting with all the minerals we have should be generalized, since it is not only beneficial for them but for us. These conversations will help us to create a mutual understanding of our needs and to develop a relationship, in the best case, associative, where our crystals are to be our friends and not our tools . As such, we must show them respect and appreciation through the trust we place in them.

The above may sound like a great responsibility, and it definitely is; I will not deny it. Caring for a glass is one of the most beautiful and satisfying tasks we can find. Not only will it help us in our most earthly requirements, but it will open for us a new path of spiritual expansion and profit, becoming a very special responsibility that we will always be happy to have taken.

A new crystal is a new task

From the beginning, the objective of this series of articles has been to ensure that the path of healing crystals is at the service of all and, although the care of these is one of the most extensive and complex topics of crystal therapy, below I will describe the general guidelines that we must follow each time we acquire a new crystal, taking into account that we must always make sure to investigate whether there is specific care for each crystal that we are going to acquire.

Once we have with us that glass with which we have connected, we are in the delicate phase of cleaning it of all the energy that could have contaminated it while it was in exposure and at the mercy of the hands of the curious, until it is brought to its energetic state more natural. As you can imagine, this is not an easy task and will often require days and patience . This is a fundamental step that we should not skip or ignore because it is the most important to achieve effective communication with the mineral. We must bear in mind that those crystals that have been cut and worked to acquire a specific shape and that are not in their natural form, are the ones that will need more work from us. This is due to the fact that the cutting process generally includes aggressive handling, at high temperatures, which often closes the energy channels of the crystal and prevents immediate communication.

The first step that I always recommend to start working with a crystal is, as I mentioned before, talking to you, declaring ourselves as your new bearers and opening our energy to receive your messages, informing you that from now on we are a team that works for a specific mission For this there is no set of words or a defined or established mantra. I pray that each person who acquires a healing crystal, do so in the way that seems most convenient and sincere, making sure to show their commitment and willingness to accompany and be accompanied by that crystal. The best way to know that the energy channels of a crystal have opened to us is based on the way the crystal feels. Open crystals are perceived at a higher temperature and emit a slight vibration when they are in the center of the palm of our hand, directly over the chakra of the latter.

Cleaning and recharging

Already established communication with our crystal and open its energy channels to us, we must take the opportunity to clean and purify them. There are many methods to clean our crystals and this is a task that we must not only reserve for the moment we acquire them, but it must become a frequent habit that will be carried out whenever it is considered necessary. In the work of a crystal therapist, it is generally considered most appropriate to clean the crystals before and after each session of crystal imposition; however, in the case of Personal Crystals, I recommend that it be done every time the glass “asks for it”, making this another active communication exercise, where we can take this opportunity to ask the glass if it needs to be cleaned to try to understand Your response and your needs.

I believe that many times, unless the glass has some specific care, the cleaning process is an exercise of trial and error, where each person must determine which method best fits their possibilities and their crystals.

The most common form, however, and which works for almost all crystals, is the cleaning by means of sea salt, which is a simple technique that allows cleaning several crystals at the same time without altering their properties or their energies, by which is the favorite technique of crystal therapists. This technique consists of submerging our stones for 24 hours in a solution of sea salt diluted in water in a container, generally using the measure of three large tablespoons of sea salt per liter of water. It is important to keep in mind that this form can also be used on those minerals that cannot be exposed to water, as long as we make sure to submerge them until they are completely covered in a container with dried sea salt.

Once we have a clean glass, we go to the recharge step. My way of recharging of choice is always exposure to sunlight, not only because of its accessibility, but also because it is considered one of the best sources of energy for our crystals. In addition, it is able to do so very quickly, since only one hour is enough to have a recharged glass. I recommend not extending this time since overexposure can deteriorate the quality and color of our crystals.

Finally, I must say that the cleaning and recharging of crystals is an extensive topic, and there are an innumerable amount of techniques, which I will make sure to expose briefly in the next installment of this series, this being only my favorite method and therefore, the first in a long list that I hope that each new crystal bearer or future crystal therapist takes into account to ensure the best and most satisfactory relationship with their crystals.


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