Kryon - Lightworkers: The midwives of the new era

  • 2015


I am Kryon of the Magnetic Service

We greet all those present and tell them that thousands of angels have descended into this space at this time to attend once again and be present in a new birth on this plane. Today is not about what you commonly understand by this word: birth.

Today a new feeling of what they are and will be born from you. Today we will tell you about your blessed work, which is "to rise and hold the light where there is darkness ." Today we will deepen on this essence.

We will talk about what they have now transformed:

In midwives who assist in energy so that others can give birth to life on this plane

Dear lightworkers, you assist others to give birth to your own divine energy. Imagine these midwives, as if they were seeing you outside, in a state of divinity and inner peace helping others to give birth to their own essence, the one that was always inside and the one that was created for thousands of lives to be reborn In this new era.

This message is addressed to the guides, light energy workers in their different areas, for those who facilitate the energy of advancement in humanity and for those who assist with love within a world that is in full transition.

Dear midwives of the new era, never stop turning on your bright light, never stop turning it on where there is darkness because there is your purpose and mission in this world. There is the Master Plan that they have come to transit. When you walk through darkness and in seemingly dark situations hold your light, you have not got there by chance. Without your divine presence and your lighthouse lit, imagine how lacking those places would become. Thanks to the fact that you have managed to activate that " living flame " others can see a little more ...

The darkness stops being so dark and a dim light begins to come on ...

Once, my colleague María José asked me why she always had to live in spaces where there was a lot of darkness, referring to the buildings where she had lived and her own original home. I sowed a packet of energy and thought in his consciousness and explained through this energy that there was no more appropriate place to be than there where darkness abounded because that meant that they lacked the light she could give them. I explained that someone had to take charge and help in those empty spaces to fill them with love and cover parts of the divine plan on the planet.

Where do you want to be dear lightworker? Where do you want to manifest your work blessed midwife of the light? Where can you do your job better? Where is there light or where is there darkness?

Where do you feel your harmony is most necessary? Where do you feel they need more from you?

Be aware that you are a bearer of the healthy intuitive balance that most beings who are still stuck in the old energy are unaware. Be aware that you turn on the light where there is darkness and that hundreds of people who are illuminated thanks to that experience. It is proven that a single person, with a single flame burning, can light a cave with hundreds of people inside. A single flame, a single drop of love can spread as fast as the same speed with which light travels.

Notice that your scientists on the planet have determined a single speed within the light-dark polarities. There has never been talk about the speed of darkness because it cannot spread, darkness is the absence of light. That is to say that only light can travel through time and ignite in the darkness the spark that it had forgotten during all the time that it lacked the luminosity.

Only light can travel and spread and it does so at an incredibly fast speed. It is as fast and as expansive as the same waves that radiate from your heart when you activate your most loving and compassionate side. All are loving and compassionate beings at the bottom of their BEING. Your heart keeps that feeling. He is a living being who was created to be a motor of circulation of this love. But maybe you wonder, why often can't you see and perceive this love within certain people? Where is love and compassion in them?

And I will tell you that they have forgotten that they had it

Inharmonic experiences have overshadowed that brightness and a veil has formed that has separated them from that true feeling. Is it completely gone? No, it never disappears. As long as you are children of the God-Creator, he will never turn away from you and as you will be eternally children of that Great Being and collective consciousness you will never lose your essence of light. What will happen to them when they go through this human experience will be that they will forget the place where they left that essence because life's situations will create a veil that will cover their being until they can weaken and heal inside As long as this happens, they will stay away from the divine truth of what they are and therefore cannot recognize the God who lives within. The focus on everyday life has produced a loss of meaning and attention to that Divine Identity that lives within you. Sometimes, your higher selves interweave realities in your earthly structure so that you can wake up and stop the machinery that has kept you connected to the Matrix. For many it is so difficult to generate this disconnection on their own that you yourselves from the angelic veil interweave realities that help you escape from that daily life and routine to reconnect with your inner self and what you He wants to tell you in those moments. The body and external situations tell them about what they have been silent and have not been able to digest or forgive for many years and past lives. His experience as humans and lightworkers is to turn it on and begin to release those consciences to finally ascend to the light and step on the new house of balance, peace, love and spiritual abundance .

Before, you could not live these stages because you were so focused on your daily life and on the human level that your consciousness only clung to those forms. Now, that you have expanded your consciousness into new revelations, you can see and be aware of much more. Life is a path of constant evolution where the traveler (you) has experienced himself in different states. You cannot see the road until you go through it and face each stage of the trip. You cannot learn to be a traveler without having experiences along the way, which is why they are so necessary to be able to experience the different dimensions of yourself during the trip.

The worker of the light of the new era is a "midwife" who is on par with another being who needs your help to realize his own expansion of love. Being a midwife means " being by the side and assisting someone until life is reborn from within ." Once the role and purpose of love of the midwife of the new era is born, there is nothing more to do because life has already germinated. One aspect that is often difficult to understand for your human conscience is the fact of "letting go" of that traveler who has just given birth. You, dear midwife of the light, have already done your job and now you just have to let go so that that new life you just made emerge grow and experience on its own. So that it matures and becomes strong during the trip. You will always be there, ready to germinate new seeds, new lives that are based on divinity and whose divine purpose is to expand into the light.

Dear midwives of the light in the new era, know that part of your journey of experiences is this: collaborate with your creative energy so that others can emerge from numbness to a new plane. You provide new energy for others to give birth to the beautiful fruits of love they had saved and numb because they did not know how to light that flame. Look at the image of a woman giving birth to a new life and a person collaborating in that rebirth ... that is you dear lightworkers.

We expect more and more midwives of the new energy, we see them coming, they are being born now and those are their Christ children. We love and adore you eternally.

We have given birth to you. When you return to this eternal veil you will remember it and finally we can say we have achieved it! The entire universe gives birth more life in abundance at every moment. Observe how we are a reflection and that this superior reality is equal to its inferior reality and that we are the same in different planes. We are both experiencing ourselves and we are being parts of the God-Creator, creating and co-creating all together in this eternal reality that always is and will be. Blessed be and blessed be your unpayable light. Blessed is the human being who feels part of this new energy and who creates more life in abundance every day. Because he does it on that plane and on this one, because there is no separation and we are all ONE for all eternity.

And so it is.


AUTHOR: María José Bayard

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